
  • 网络institutional financing;institutional finance
  1. 本文对金融市场对于FDI技术溢出效应的作用渠道进行了理论分析,并结合案例分析了金融市场上的新型融资方式&风险投资机构融资。

    In this article , the author analyzed the ways in which financial market affects the FDI technology spillover effects and a new financing channel in China & Venture Capital using an enterprise case .

  2. WeWork已向中国投资机构融资4.3亿美元,这将帮助该公司向亚洲扩张。目前,这家办公空间租赁创业企业的估值达到160亿美元,高于埃隆•马斯克(ElonMusk)旗下的SpaceX,以及Pinterest。

    WeWork has raised $ 430m from Chinese investors in a fundraising that values the office space start-up at $ 16bn and will help it expand into Asia .

  3. 这和Uber的机构融资方案互不相干——今天披露的消息显示,后者对Uber的融资前估值为400亿美元,融资额则超过18亿美元(高盛已经收到了其中的12亿)。

    This was separate from Uber 's institutional fundraise , which today was revealed to be for upwards of $ 1.8 billion at a $ 40 billion pre-money valuation ( with $ 1.2 billion already in the bank ) .

  4. 对我国公立医疗机构融资机制改革的思考

    Thoughts on financial mechanism reform of state-owned medical institutes health service management

  5. 投资北京搭建高技术企业社会融资平台&高技术产业项目与金融投资机构融资对接座谈会

    " Invest Beijing " to Build the High-Tech Enterprise Society Financing Platform

  6. 浅议民办教育机构融资方式与对策

    The financing ways and countermeasures of education institution run by the local people

  7. 华澳信托公司将帮助企业和当地政府机构融资。

    The trust company will help companies and local government bodies raise financing .

  8. 本文的研究显示,企业社会责任越强的企业从正规金融机构融资的能力越强。

    This study shows that enterprises with CSR awareness tend to have easier access to financing .

  9. 农民专业合作社向正规金融机构融资是解决资金缺乏的重要渠道。

    It is a very important channel for the farmers ' professional cooperatives to finance from the formal financial institutes .

  10. 日本、韩国和我国的台湾地区,就有专门经营证券经营机构融资融券的融资公司,是一种比较重视通过融资机构而进行融资的模式。

    And the financing company of Japan , Korea and Taiwan pay attention to the model of financing by the institutions .

  11. 迄今为止,奥地利等在东欧涉足最深的国家,没有阻拦本国银行利用公共支持,为其外国分支机构融资。

    So far , the countries most involved in Eastern Europe , such as Austria , have not prevented banks drawing on public support for financing foreign affiliates .

  12. 从发展援助机构融资可能比较稳定,不过援助预算正在削减,其他的融资渠道也受到威胁。

    Funding from development institutions like the IFC is likely to be stable , but aid budgets are being cut and other sources of funding are threatened , too .

  13. 在国外,企业早已广泛地利用应收账款向金融机构融资贷款,而在我国却是刚刚兴起的一种融资手段。

    In a foreign country , enterprises have already widely used accounts receivable financing loans from financial institutions , while in our country , which is just a new means of financing .

  14. 民间融资弥补了正规金融机构融资的不足之处,满足着正式金融机构不可能包揽的企业和群众在生产和生活中的融资需求。

    Private financing to make up for the inadequacies of the formal financial institutions to meet the financing needs of enterprises and the masses of the formal financial institutions can not be swept in the production and living .

  15. 在我国融资问题一直是制约合同能源管理项目发展的关键因素,原有的融资模式以自有资金和第三方金融机构融资为主。

    In china financial problem is the main factor which constraints the development of EPC industry for a long time . Owned fund and credit from the finance institutions are two main capital sources in the existing financial model of EPC .

  16. 大量事实表明,只有很少一部分企业能够从银行等金融机构融资,且从目前实际情况上来看,中小企业的融资渠道仍然集中在以银行贷款为主的间接融资。

    It proved by a great deal of fact that only a few number of enterprises can finance from some financial organizations like banks . Judging from the current situation , the financing channel of the small and medium-sized enterprises still mainly concentrate in the indirect financing like bank loans .

  17. 中国的那些潜在买家在获得国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)等国有金融机构的融资支持方面一向不存在问题。

    Potential buyers have had no problem lining up financing from China Development Bank and other state-owned lenders .

  18. 在A轮融资中,她们从贝塔斯曼数字媒体投资公司(BertelsmannDigitalMediaInvestments)等风投机构那里融资200万美元。

    The pair raised $ 2 million in a Series A funding round from Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments and others to become a digital foodie force .

  19. 分析得出,长期内高校资本结构多元化存在多种权益资本与债务资本模式,而短期内我国高校资本结构多元化应主要选择BOT融资模式与金融机构贷款融资模式。

    It is concluded that there are manifold equity capital methods and debt capital methods in the diversification of the academies ' capital structure in a long term ;

  20. 本文针对管理层以企业的资产或产权为抵押向金融机构债务融资方式的缺陷,提出了企业家价值保险合同抵押贷款债务融资方式,为有效解决MBO融资问题提供了新的思路。

    The paper studies the financing way of MBO in State-owned enterprises of China and firstly puts forward the " mortgage loan of the value of entrepreneur insurance contract " financing way , which provide an new way to solve the financing problem of MBO in Chinese state-owned enterprises .

  21. 凡存放金融机构、融资贷与他人等所产生之利息收入皆属之。

    Interest revenues resulting from deposits with financial institution or loan to others .

  22. 中小企业融资的主要来源是金融机构信贷融资,它们融资困难的重要原因之一是由于存在来自商业银行的信贷歧视。

    Credit discrimination is one of important factors for small-and-medium sized enterprises ( SMEs ) financing .

  23. 专注于中国的私人股本基金和风投机构的融资活动在此次全球金融市场动荡中毫发无损。

    Fundraising for China-focused private equity and venture capital has been unscathed by the global financial market turmoil .

  24. 其次,论文对统一土地储备机构的融资方法和运行模式进行了系统研究。

    Secondly , the article systemic analysis the financing methods and running modes in the unified land reserve institution .

  25. 非银行放贷机构的融资成本与它们向贷款者收取的费用之间,通常存在广阔的盈利空间。

    Non-banking lenders usually command a large and profitable gap between their own cost of funds and what they charge borrowers .

  26. 然而,在新兴市场,得益于中国金融机构提供融资的基础设施项目,中国公司取得了更大的进展。

    In emerging markets , though , the Chinese firms have made greater inroads , buoyed by infrastructure projects financed through Chinese financial institutions .

  27. 过去一年里,经合组织秘书处一直在主持闭门会议,努力最终确定有关限制出口机构煤炭融资的通用规则。

    The OECD secretariat has been hosting closed-door meetings for the past year in an effort to finalise common rules on restricting export agency coal financing .

  28. 同时要妥善解决林业管理机构、融资渠道等问题,把森林生态补偿与扶持欠发达地区发展有机地结合起来。

    Meanwhile problems relating to forest administration organizations and financing channels should be solved so as to organically combine forest eco-efficiency compensation with support to less-developed area .

  29. 在海外,美国经过一百多年的探索和完善,已经走出了一条以市场化的证券经营机构的融资模式,是一种比较注重利用市场融资工具和手段而进行的融资模式;

    Overseas , America has shaped a financing model of the managing organizations marketing for 100 years , which attaches importance to financing tools and measures of market .

  30. 分析师表示,投资者越来越担心金融机构的融资问题可能使目前步履蹒跚的美国经济于明年陷入衰退,从而遏制全球经济增长。

    Analysts say investors are becoming increasingly worried that funding problems among financial institutions could drive the faltering US economy into a recession next year , curtailing global economic growth .