
  • 网络Prime Brokerage;prime broker
  1. 不幸的是,他卖掉了在过去几年中本可以给公司带来丰厚收益的两项业务,即机构经纪业务(primebrokerage,为对冲基金提供贷款)和美国权益经纪业务。

    Unfortunately he sold two operations prime brokerage ( lending to hedge funds ) and American equity brokerage which would have earned the bank extraordinary profits in the past few years .

  2. 高盛(goldmansachs)、以及经常将帆船基金视为自己前五位对冲基金客户的摩根士丹利(morganstanley)都是为该基金提供对冲基金服务(机构经纪业务)的主要供应商。

    Morgan Stanley , which regularly counted galleon as one of its top-five hedge fund clients , and Goldman Sachs were the leading provider of hedge-fund services or prime brokerage to Galleon .

  3. 然而,德意志银行机构经纪部门引资主管西恩卡普斯蒂克(SeanCapstick)表示,大型对冲基金可能会逃脱此难,因为它们能够负担得起投资者日益强烈要求的、昂贵的管理体系与控制机制。

    However , Sean Capstick , head of capital introductions at Deutsche 's prime brokerage , said the big managers were likely to survive as they could afford the expensive systems and controls investors increasingly demand .

  4. 客户交易量减少会损害机构经纪等盈利能力强的业务。

    Less client trading will cut into profitable businesses such as prime brokerage .

  5. 这时,机构经纪会收回他们提供给较小,较弱的对冲基金的贷款。

    At the moment , brokers are trying to rein back the funding they provide to the smaller and weaker hedge funds .

  6. 银行先以出售贷款的方式展现风险,而这仅仅为了以后通过机构经纪业挣回来吗?

    Could banks have shown risk out of the front door by selling loans , only to let it return through the back door of prime broking ?

  7. 近几个月来,有些对冲基金和其他客户一直忙于分散它们的机构经纪业务,以便平衡风险。

    In recent months , some hedge funds and other clients have been spreading around their prime-brokerage business so as not to concentrate all their counterparty risk in one place .

  8. 不过,它正计划积极扩充规模,并招聘50名员工以开展企业金融、港股机构经纪业务、本金投资和并购咨询业务。

    However , it is planning to expand aggressively and recruit 50 staff to cover corporate finance , institutional brokerage of Hong Kong stocks , principal investment and mergers and acquisitions advice .

  9. 几家投资银行的机构经纪部门已提高了对某些对冲基金客户的保证金要求,希望借此保障自己不会受到近期市场动荡造成对冲基金破产的影响。

    Prime brokerage departments at several investment banks have raised their margin requirements for certain hedge fund clients as they seek to insure themselves against the possibility of new hedge fund collapses as a result of the recent market turmoil .

  10. 保险代理机构和经纪行为保险公司销售保险单。

    Insurance agencies and brokerages sell insurance policies for the carriers .

  11. 涉事的具体是哪些机构和经纪公司当时并未确认。

    The institutions and brokers involved were not identified .

  12. 它主要由保险公司(或承保人)、保险代理机构和经纪行组成。

    It consists mainly of insurance carriers ( or insurers ) and insurance agencies and brokerages .

  13. 时装表演团队之间合作交流机会较少,尚未出现模特儿代理机构或经纪公司。

    The opportunities for cooperation and exchange among the fashion show teams were fewer , and modeling agencies or Brokerage Company have not emerged yet .

  14. 使用SigmaX的有对冲基金、机构投资者、经纪自营商以及高盛的自营部门,每天的交易量逾3亿股。

    Sigma X , which is used by hedge funds , institutional investors and broker dealers as well as Goldman Sachs ' trading desks , trades more than 300m shares daily .

  15. 渣打表示,将关闭其机构现货股票经纪和股票研究业务,并停止提供资本市场服务,例如首次公开发行(IPO)的承销业务。这将导致裁员约200人。

    The UK lender said it would close its institutional cash equities and equity research businesses , and cease offering capital markets services such as initial public offerings , shedding around 200 jobs .

  16. 该系统应首先从一些遴选出的机构投资者和经纪公司开始。

    The system should begin with a handful of selected institutional investors and brokers .

  17. 在该机构中从事经纪业务的人员,须按照国家有关规定取得资格证书。

    Brokers of these institutions must have qualification certificates as required by relevant State regulations .

  18. 柯瓦希维奇说,他们讨论了其他银行、投资机构和贷款经纪的做法,但还是决定这样做在经济上不牢靠而且没什么意义;

    ' We talked about what other [ banks , investment firms and mortgage brokers ] were doing , 'but decided'it 's economically unsound'and'doesn 't make sense , 'he says .

  19. 这两个新的业务:房地产经纪机构和房地产经纪。

    This presented two new lines of business : Real Estate Broking and Real Estate Agency .

  20. 所有的雇员、其配偶、被抚养人必须在雇员所在的机构或指定的机构开立经纪账户(brokerageaccount)。

    The standard practice for all employees , spouses and dependents is to open brokerage accounts in-house or with designated brokerage firms .

  21. 美国证交会(SEC)早在1975年就给予评级机构官方地位,作为监管机构评估经纪自营商资本费用的手段。

    The ratings agencies were first given official status by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1975 as a means for regulators to assess capital charges for broker-dealers .

  22. 本办法所称保险中介机构,是指保险代理机构、保险经纪机构和保险公估机构。

    The " insurance intermediary institutions " as mentioned in these Measures refers to the insurance agencies , insurance brokerage institutions and insurance assessment institutions .