
zé rèn báo xiǎn
  • liability insurance
  1. 从PICC医疗责任保险条款看我国医疗责任保险制度

    A Glance at our Medical Liability Insurance System Through PICC Conditions Related

  2. 在中国已加入WTO的背景下,如何推行监理职业责任保险已成为一个急需解决的问题。

    On the background of China entering WTO , how to implement professional liability insurance for supervision engineers has become an imminent problem which needs to be solved .

  3. 1986年,ISO提出了被叫做普通商业责任保险的新型保单。

    In1986 , the ISO introduced a new form known as the Commercial General Liability Policy .

  4. 董事责任保险(D&O),是董事和高级职员责任保险(Directors'andOfficers'LiabilityInsurance)的简称,是指以公司董事和高级职员向公司或第三者承担的民事赔偿责任为标的的一种保险。

    D & O is the abbreviation for directors ' and officers ' liability insurance . The insurance object is the civil compensate liability by the company 's directors and the senior officers for the company or a third party .

  5. 探索建立土地登记管理职业责任保险。

    Explore the establishment of land registration management occupation liability insurance .

  6. 中国人民保险公司承担产品责任保险?

    Chinese People 's Insurance Company to assume product liability insurance ?

  7. 工程监理职业责任保险的现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development Trend of Project Supervision Professional Liability Insurance

  8. 试论建立医务人员责任保险制度

    Discussion on Establishing the Liability Insurance System for the Medical Personnel

  9. 火灾公众责任保险的探讨

    Probe into the correlation of the public liability insurance of fires

  10. 酒后驾车责任保险的法律和经济分析

    A Legal and Economical Analysis of Liability Insurance for Drunk Driving

  11. 责任保险:市场失灵、立法强制与道德风险管理

    Liabilities Insurance : Market Malfunction , Legislation Obligation and Moral Hazard Management

  12. 第三章分析了公众责任保险的承保责任与赔偿。

    Chapter Three analyzes the coverage and payment of claims .

  13. 论我国责任保险市场的发展与规范

    A Research on the Development and Standardization of Chinese Liability Insurance Markets

  14. 第二章:责任保险人抗辩义务的内容与判断基准。

    Chapter Two : Contents and criteria of the duty to defend .

  15. 美国环境责任保险制度审视及启示

    On the America Environmental Liability Insurance System and Its Enlightenment to Us

  16. 试论我国公众责任保险的发展

    On the Development of Public Responsibitity Insurance in Our Nation

  17. 环境责任保险是一新型的保险品种。

    Environment liability insurance is a new type of insurance .

  18. 我国有必要建立环境责任保险制度。

    Environmental liability insurance system must be established in China .

  19. 为此,本文提出了强化医疗责任保险功能的对策建议。

    So this article proposed that liability insurance function should be enforced .

  20. 我国董事责任保险法律制度建构的必要性

    The Necessary to Construct the Insurance Legal Institution of Director

  21. 我国火灾公众责任保险现状研究及对策

    The Research and Countermeasures to the Fire Public Liability Insurance in China

  22. 对于责任保险制度也在文中进行了阐述。

    Liability Insurance System is also stated in this paper .

  23. 建设领域责任保险体系框架建构设想

    Speculation of Constructing Liability Insurance System Framework in Construction Filed

  24. 在我国,这是个全新的职业责任保险品种。

    It 's a type of new profession liability insurance in our country .

  25. 其次,介绍了环境污染责任保险的意义。

    Second , the introduction of the significance of environmental pollution liability insurance .

  26. 论普通法上的董事责任保险

    On D & O Liability InSurance in Common Law

  27. 您是否已有充份的公共责任保险保障?

    Are you fully protected for any public liability ?

  28. 责任保险基本条款研究

    A Study on the Basic Clause of Liability Insurance

  29. 我国环境责任保险制度面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures against Environmental Insurance in Our Country

  30. 第四部分是机动车辆第三者责任保险中的侵权民事责任。

    In the fourth part , the liability of civil tort is expounded .