
  1. 据知情人士称,中信银行h股境外机构配售部分获得逾90倍超额认购,面向香港散户投资者发行的部分获得230倍左右的超额认购。

    The overseas institutional part of the H-share was more than 90 times oversubscribed , while the Hong Kong Retail portion was around 230 times covered , according to people familiar with situation .

  2. 对英国纳税人来说,最好是立刻抛出并持续抛出(通过快速、低成本的机构配售,而非漫长、高成本的公开发售),直至彻底出清所持股份。

    Better for the UK taxpayer to sell out now , and to continue doing so ( via quick , cheap institutional placements , rather than lengthy , expensive public offerings ) until the stake has gone altogether .

  3. 说明在新股配售份额一定的情况下,且承销商没有权力分配新股,对机构投资者的配售并没有起到降低IPO抑价的作用。

    Indicate the placing of new shares share certain cases , and the underwriter has no power distribution of new shares to institutional investors , placement , and IPO under-pricing does not play a reduced role .

  4. 机构投资者参与配售比例与IPO抑价正相关,对机构投资者的新股配售份额的提高对IPO抑价无明显的降低作用。

    The proportion of institutional investors to participate in the Placing and the IPO under-pricing is related to the placing of new shares to institutional investors , to increase the share of IPO under-pricing no significant reduction in the role .