
jī xiè zá zhì
  • Mechanical impurities;mechanical admixture
  1. 管道起伏大,易形成机械杂质、石蜡的沉积。

    Large pipeline fluctuation forms mechanical admixture and deposition of wax .

  2. 介绍了电石渣中的大量机械杂质和化学杂质对环氧丙烷生产的影响及由其所引起的生产控制方面的不稳定因素。

    The influence on propylene epoxide by lots of mechanical admixture and chemical admixture in carbide slag , and the instability factors in production control were introduced .

  3. 应用散射光浊度法分析水中机械杂质

    Analysis of Mechanical Impurity in Water by Scattered Light Turbidity Method

  4. 固体石蜡含量<3%;不含机械杂质。

    Solid wax content < 3 % and no mechanical impurities .

  5. 塑化良好,色泽,无明显机械杂质均匀。

    Plasticity is good , colour is even , no impurity .

  6. GB/T513-1977润滑脂机械杂质测定法(酸分解法)

    Determination of mechanical impurities in lubricating greases ( acid decomposition method )

  7. 石蜡加氢装置成品机械杂质成因及对策

    Countermeasures and Reasons of Mechanical Impurity in Wax Hydrofining Product

  8. 水质不合格,所含机械杂质堵塞地层。

    Water quality is not qualified , formation is blocked by mechanical impurities .

  9. 油田注入水中机械杂质悬浮装置的研制

    Development of units mixing foreign substances in flood water

  10. 机械杂质颗粒度对变压器油绝缘性能的影响

    The Effect of Content of Particle on the Dielectric Property of Transformer Oil

  11. 混入植物油脂中的杂质有机械杂质;

    There are lots of impurity material in vegetable oils such as : mechanical impurities ;

  12. 场地及设备冲洗废水,仅含少量机械杂质,较为清洁。

    Site and equipment flushing water , only containing a few mechanical impurities , so it is relatively clean .

  13. 分析表明,原油含盐量大、机械杂质过多、低输量运行导致原油流速过低等是换热器结垢的主要原因。

    The main causes include high salt and impurity contents in crude oil , low flow rate under small throughput .

  14. 经预处理脱除机械杂质、水分和沥青后,获得了原料油。

    Feedstock oil for making gasoline and diesel fuel is obtained from coal gasified tar after removing impurity , water and pitch .

  15. 原油乳化液具有较高的粘附力,携带的机械杂质给油层造成堵塞。

    The crude emulsion has high adhesion force , so it can carry more mechnical impurity , and block the oil bed .

  16. 此模型包括了液压油常用的粘度、酸值、机械杂质含量和含水量4项指标。

    In the model , four indexes , viscosity , acid value , mechanical impurity and moisture content , usually adopted in evaluation were included .

  17. 在不同条件下,净化脂液的绝对含水量一般为0.5~1.0%,蒸馏得的松香其机械杂质含量为0.002&0.008%。

    Generally , the absolute water content of the clarified oleoresin was 0.5-1.0 % and the mechanical impurities contained in rosin product was 0.002-0.008 % .

  18. 经29座计量站的119台92口井测试统计,应用该装置,注入水平均机械杂质去除率60.2%,含油去除率65.32%;

    Field applications in 92 wells resulted in an average mechanical impurity removing rate of 60.2 % and an average oil removing rate of 65.32 % .

  19. 中间过渡层的组成主要是由腐蚀产生的金属硫化物、原油组分中的天然乳化剂环烷酸,与增产措施加入的乳化剂、并且有少量机械杂质和重质油性物。

    The middle transition layer consists metal sulfured , natural emulsifier naphthenic acid from crude oil , emulsifiers added , little amount of mechanical admixture and heavy oil .

  20. 水力压裂过程中存在的损害主要包括粘土膨胀与颗粒运移损害、机械杂质引起堵塞损害、支撑裂缝导流能力的损害等。

    The damage during hydraulic fracturing mainly included clay swelling and grain migration , built up created by mechanical impurities , the damage of fracture conductivity and so on .

  21. 磁吸附处理后冷轧废乳化中间层的机械杂质含量由14.4%降到6.50%。冷轧废乳化液中间层的稳定性显著降低。

    Mechanical impurities content in cold-rolled waste emulsified middle layer reduces from 14.4 % to 6.50 % after magnetic adsorption treatment and stability of cold-rolled waste emulsified middle layer reduces obvious .

  22. 在实验室研究这一问题时,遇到的一大难题就是如何使注入水中机械杂质在长时间的实验过程中保持均匀分布。

    Based on how to make the additional substances in flood water keep uniform distribution during long-time experimental process , we developed the units of mixing additional substances in flood water .

  23. 对老化油中的含蜡量、胶质沥青质含量、机械杂质及物理化学性质进行了分析,研究了老化油对电流、电压的影响程度。

    The wax content , gum asphaltic content , mechanic impurities and physic-chemical properties in aging oil are analyzed . The degree of aging oil influence on the current , voltage is studied .

  24. 为了保证发电机对地绝缘和防止空芯铜导线内因机械杂质、结垢、腐蚀产物沉积等原因造成堵塞,国内外均制定了相应的水质控制指标和措施,对冷却用水要求很严格。

    In order to ensure the generator insulate from ground and avoid the hollow copper wires plugged by mechanical impurities 、 scaling and corrosion deposition , there is high special requirement on cooling water of the generator .

  25. 一般经过分离从废水中提出工业级羊毛脂供作他用,但由于颜色呈深褐色,且带有特殊气味,并含有大量机械杂质,使其用途与经济价值受到了限制。

    Through separation , an industrial grade of wool grease can be extracted and used for other purpose , but deep brown color with special odor and containing a lot of impurity are limited to its economic value and usage .

  26. 解堵剂配方对井底返排的聚合物絮凝物的氧化降解率可达99.50%以上,并可将机械杂质等其它堵塞物基本溶解,复合解堵后岩心渗透率恢复率平均可达132.80%;保护剂实验(?)

    Degradation rate for polymer flocculating colloid from bottom of well applied the plug remover can reach 99.5 % , meanwhile , it can dissolve nearly all mechanical impurity . After plug removal , core permeability restoring rate can be 132.8 % averagely .

  27. 从磁处理对垢溶解度、粘土膨胀、油水界面张力、机械杂质含量和细菌繁殖抑制等方面的影响研究了磁增注机理。

    This paper studies the mechanism of magnetic stimulation in injection well and analyzes the effect of magnetic treatment on the solubility of scales , clays welling , the interfacial tension of oil and water , the content of mechanical impurities and the inhibition of bacterial growth .

  28. 阐述了准确检测机械杂质的重要性和现行检测方法的局限性,并通过试验和现场考察,证明实行新方法的可行性并对如何实行新方法提出了建议。

    Justifies the great importance of accurately measuring the mechanical imputities , points out the limitations of current ways of measurement , proves through tests and on-site investigation that it is feasible to implement the new way of measurement and suggests how to implement the new way of measurement .