
jī qì shè bèi
  • machinery equipment
  1. 浅谈煤矿井下机器设备的使用维修与创新

    Talking about repair and creation of underground machinery equipment in coal mine

  2. 机器设备资产评估研究与实证分析

    Research and Demonstration Analysis on Machinery Equipment Asset Evaluation

  3. 得天独厚的地理位置,完整、科学的质量管理体系,不断更新的先进机器设备和技术,铸就了“SDS”品牌。

    Great location , scientific quality management , constantly updated advanced equipments and new technology , created the brand " SDS " .

  4. CIM背后的想法是帮助IT经理理解网络中机器设备相互之间的物理关系。

    The idea behind CIM is to help IT managers understand the physical relationships machines in a network have with each other .

  5. 当然,利用这些机遇也使机器设备制造企业面临巨大的挑战。

    Such opportunities also provide challenges for machine equipment manufacturing enterprises .

  6. 基于重置成本法的分别比估计在机器设备评估中的应用

    Application of Separate Ratio Estimator to Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment

  7. 机器设备评估是资产评估中的重要分支。

    Mechanism equipment appraisal is an important branch of assets appraisal .

  8. 首批机器设备运到工地日期

    Date of first delivery of machinery and equipment to the work-site

  9. 在我的机器设备上只有一项动产抵押。

    Only there 's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment .

  10. 管理所有的文件和机器设备制图。

    Manage all documentation and drawings of machines and equipment .

  11. 多兰把她最喜欢的化妆品机器设备留到最后介绍。

    Dolan saved her favorite marriage of makeup and machinery for last .

  12. 不动产产权估价包括两个部分,机器设备估价和房地产估价。

    Estate appraisal is consisted of machinery appraisal and real estate appraisal .

  13. 层次模糊综合评价在机器设备成新率评定中的应用

    Application of multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in mechanism new proportion rate evaluation

  14. 在用资产是指有形资产,例如建筑物、机器设备、存货。

    Assets-in-place are tangible , such as buildings , machines , inventory .

  15. 广播用的机器设备安装好了没有?

    Has the machinery been put up ready for broadcast ?

  16. 拥有多台从德国、日本进口的高速经编、纬编机器设备。

    We have many high-speed spinning machines imported from Japan and Germany .

  17. 机器设备评估方法的运用探索

    The Exploration on Use of Machine Equipment Evaluation Method

  18. 动态规划及其在机器设备更新中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Planning to Renewal of Machine Equipment

  19. 温蒂:她监督机器设备的采购等等。

    Wendy : She 's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth .

  20. 被安装机器设备的情况被动水舱式减摇装置

    Condition of the machinery and equipment to be erected passive tank stabilization system

  21. 你们在生产过程中是否跟踪机器设备的运行情况?

    Do you follow-up machine availability in your manufacturing ?

  22. 趋势预测是实现机器设备预知维护的关键技术。

    A trend predicting is a key technology to achieve the predictive maintenance .

  23. 试析概率理论在机器设备评估中的应用

    The Theory of Probability in Valuing Machine and Equipment

  24. 轮机的主要机器设备均布置在舱底。

    Main machinery equipment are arranged at the bottom .

  25. 在常登鞋业,被清扫出门的并非仅仅机器设备。

    Equipment is not the only thing to have been scavenged at Changdeng .

  26. 具有机器设备参数的设备及自检功能。

    With functions of setting machine parameter and testing .

  27. 被安装机器设备的情况

    Condition of the machinery and equipment to be erected

  28. 制订销售计划、拜访客户以销售EPBM/TBM机器设备。

    Prepare sales proposals and meet with customers to sell EPBM / TBM equipment .

  29. 成本途径评估机器设备三种贬值率的组合方法

    The Combination of Three Depreciation Rates in Appraising M & E by Cost Approach

  30. 工商企业利用今年的税收优惠购买新的机器设备。

    Businesses are taking advantage of tax incentives to purchase new equipment this year .