
  • 网络Opportunity cost method;opportunity cost approach
  1. 机会成本法在自然环境与资源管理决策中的应用

    Application of Opportunity Cost Method in Natural Resource and Environmental Management

  2. 确定水电厂上网电价的机会成本法

    Opportunity Cost Method for Pricing Hydro-electric Power in Power Market

  3. 用机会成本法计算生态环境供水经济效益

    Calculation of economic benefit of ecological environment water supply with opportunity cost method

  4. 用机会成本法测算乡镇砖厂的环境经济损益

    Forecast of Environmental Economic Benefit and Loss of Township Brickyards by Chance - Method

  5. 机会成本法在确定生态补偿标准中的应用&以海南中部山区为例

    Application of opportunity-cost method in determining ecological compensation standard : a case study in the central mountainous area of Hainan Island

  6. 人力资源成本可通过历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等计量方法进行计量。

    Cost of human resources can be measured by methods of historical cost , replacement cost , opportunity cost , and so on .

  7. 二是假定垄断者测试及其执行方法,包括临界损失分析、临界弹性分析、转移率分析、剩余需求分析和机会成本法;

    HMT and its implementing methods , including critical loss analysis , critical elasticity analysis , diversion rate analysis , residual demand analysis and opportunity cost method ;

  8. 运用市场价值法、替代工程法、影子价格法和机会成本法等方法对内蒙古阴山北麓风蚀沙化区农业生态系统服务功能的价值进行了经济评估。

    In this paper , the agroecosystem services and their economic value were estimated in wind-erosion region near the northern foot of Yinshan mountain in Inner Mongolia .

  9. 军事装备人力资本绝对价值的计量,主要采用历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等投入计量方法和未来收益或工资报酬折现法、随机报酬法等产出计量方法。

    The former includes historical cost method , replacement cost method and opportunity cost method . The latter includes future earnings or wages discount method and random reward method .

  10. 利用生态经济评价中经典的市场价值法和机会成本法对该流域的坡改梯和筑坝淤地等工程治理措施的经济效益进行了定量分析。

    Using classic Market-Value Method and Opportunity-Cost Method , it quantitatively analyses the economic benefits of engineering projects , which increase the production of food and conserve water and fertilizer .

  11. 利用费用分析法和机会成本法计算出库区水源地及上游区域所受到的损失,作为确定利益补偿标准的参考。

    We use the methods of cost-analysis and opportunity-cost to calculate the loss of the reservoir area and upper reaches of the region and to determine the standard of compensation .

  12. 同时,基于森林资源调查资料,运用市场价值法、机会成本法、影子价格法和替代工程法估算了林区主要森林生态系统的服务功能价值。

    At the same time , the methods of Market Price , Opportunities Cost , Shadow Price and Replacement Engineering were taken to evaluate the ecological value of ecosystem services of the main forest ecosystems .

  13. 使用市场价格替代法、机会成本法和影子工程价格法等评估方法,对武夷山自然保护区森林涵养水源、保持土壤、净化空气、固碳制氧等服务功能进行初步估算。

    The ecosystem function of water conservation , soil conservation , air purification , CO_2 fixation and O_2 ( release ), tourism of Wuyi Mountain were first evaluated by the methods of opportunity-cost , market price , shadow project price .

  14. 本研究比较了国内外多种污染损失的计算方法,包括人力资本法、机会成本法、工程费用法、替代市场价值法、恢复费用法、调查判断法等等;

    This research compared various domestic and foreign calculating methods of pollution loss , including human capital method , opportunity cost method , engineering expense method , replacement of market value method , recovering expense method , investigation judging method , etc. ;

  15. 综合地运用成本收益比较法、边际分析法、沉没成本分析法和机会成本法,结合矿产品价格和生产成本的长期平均趋势,建立了矿山低品位矿利用的临界品位的经济分析模型。

    Using methods of cost-benefit comparision , marginal analysis , sinking cost analysis and opportunity cost , and combining the long-term average trend of mineral product price and production cost , a cut-off grade economical analysis model for the mine low-grade ore utilization is established .

  16. 本文运用机会成本法、支付意愿法和费用法核算跨流域调水水源地生态补偿的标准,其中以机会成本法确定补偿上限,支付意愿确定补偿下限,并用费用法进行复核。

    This paper uses the opportunity cost method , the willingness-to-pay law and accounting costs of inter-basin water transfer water ecological compensation standards , the opportunity cost method to determine compensation ceiling willingness to pay the minimum level of compensation determined , and with the cost of a review .

  17. 同时,本文采用边际机会成本定价法从实证角度对A市的自来水定价做个案分析,做进一步的数理论证。

    By case study , this paper empirically analyzes the pricing of tap water in city A by marginal opportunity cost model .

  18. 重点研究了再生水平均成本定价法的特点,再生水边际机会成本定价法的具体步骤及计算公式,以及再生水影子价格的简化计算方法。

    The analyses focus on the trait of average cost pricing , the concret approach and calculation formula of marginal opportunity cost pricing , and the simplified calculation methods of shadow price as well .