
  • 网络public offering;Offer for sale
  1. BuddhaSteel正在进行中的3800万美元的包销公开发售也不得不被叫停。

    Buddha Steel was in the process of doing a $ 38 million underwritten public offering that was pulled .

  2. 在SEC还原的电话会议记录中,销售人员向潜在投资者承诺每年最高可达40%的回报,还可以在即将进行的公开发售中获得股份。

    The SEC recovered transcripts of conference calls in which salesmen promised prospective investors annual returns of up to40 % , plus a stake in an upcoming public offering .

  3. 上月,谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)曾限时一天公开发售,售价高达1500美元。然而,据一家调研公司称,这款产品的硬件和制造成本总额仅为152.47美元。

    Google Glass fetched $ 1,500 when it was sold during a one-day promotion last month , but according to one research firm , the device 's hardware and manufacturing costs totaled just $ 152.47 .

  4. aia决意要将一半以上的股份公开发售,以确保自己从母公司aig中独立出来。

    AIA is determined that more than half of its shares be sold in order to ensure that it gains independence from AIG .

  5. 报纸和电视节目经常遭到审查,二月,《五十度灰》(FiftyShadesofGrey)的小说和电影都被禁了,此前三年里这本书一直都在公开发售。

    Newspapers and television shows are routinely censored , and in February , both the film and the novel Fifty Shades of Grey were banned , even though the book had been sold openly for three years .

  6. 这本由Cedar出版社出版的杂志并不公开发售,这一期刊登了一组本尼迪克特开着敞篷跑车在芬兰的冰天雪地里驾驶的照片。

    He magazine , which is produced by publishing house Cedar and is not on general release , shows the Sherlock star ice driving in Finland in a convertible sports car .

  7. VVIP门票座位将是不公开发售、观赏角度最佳的主席台贵宾票。

    VVIP tickets have best appreciation effects , which are not on sale in public .

  8. Matches与阿迪达斯(Adidas)Y-3品牌合作推出了混搭系列,上面画有设计师山本耀司(YohjiYamamoto)创作的墨水画,该系列在今年六月的巴黎男装周期间公开发售。

    Matches " collaboration with Adidas 's Y-3 on a capsule range featuring ink drawings by designer Yohji Yamamoto went on sale in Paris in June during men 's fashion week .

  9. 有些游客身穿Speedo泳装,其他游客则穿着高跟鞋。伴随拔地而起的众多高尔夫球场、水疗中心、购物商场以及度假中心的是公开发售的私人别墅及公寓房。

    Some holidaymakers sport Speedos , others wear stilettos . Among the many golf courses , spas , shopping malls and resorts that have sprung up are private villas and apartments sold as second homes .

  10. 门票由2007年11月23日起于快达票售票网公开发售!

    Tickets available from 23 Nov 2007 at HK Ticketing outlets !

  11. 公开发售,扩大流通;

    Selling in the public , enlarge the circulation ;

  12. 均在技术书籍专卖店公开发售。

    They are all available for sale in all stores of technical books .

  13. 这台电视机是公开发售。

    This TV set is on sale .

  14. 公开发售的最终条款将可能与此处描述的基本信息有所不同。

    The final terms of the public offer may differ from the basic information described herein .

  15. 谷歌眼镜上个月曾限时一天公开发售,并很快销售一空。

    Google Glass went on sale for one day last month , and promptly sold out .

  16. 许多专家相信,股票公开发售结束后,随着时间的推移,财政部的行动将越来越慢。

    Many experts believe the Treasury will act slowly over time after the public offering is completed .

  17. 尽管此时谷歌眼镜尚未公开发售,也没有大范围地向开发人员开放。

    Never mind that glass is not yet available to the public or to large numbers of developers .

  18. 海道测量部将继续大规模重新测量港口各水域,并出版双语海图和航海刊物,供公开发售。

    Major re-surveys of the port areas continue and bilingual nautical charts and publications are published for sale to the public .

  19. 近来,中国农业银行首次公开发售,交易金额打破记录&总价为221亿美金。在这个交易背后,高盛这个投资银行也隐居幕后。

    The investment bank was an underwriter in the recent record-breaking $ 22.1 billion initial public offering by the Agricultural Bank of China , among other big deals .

  20. 其次,在许多情况下,热门的新股,当前或者最近首次公开发售的股票可以作为对中国增长概念的选择。

    Second , the hot new stock in many cases , a current or recent IPO serves as a way to bet on the very idea of China 's growth .

  21. 政府最近筹备精简公开发售债券程序的措施,将会进一步推动香港零售债券市场的发展。

    The latest initiatives and efforts of the government to streamline public offering procedures of debt securities will further support the growth of the retail bond market in Hong kong .

  22. 的确,谷歌是一家资历更老、更加成熟的公司,但是它公开发售股票时,拥有13%的净利润空间和20%的税前利润率。

    Granted , Google is an older , more mature company , but when it went public it had net profit margin of 13 % and a pretax margin of 20 % .

  23. 最后,政府可以把股份全部公开发售,让个人去决定这些股份是否具有吸引力,不管到时的价格是多少。

    Finally , the government can present a full public offering of the shares , allowing individuals to decide whether or not the shares are an attractive investment at whatever the price may be at that time .

  24. 增发新股作为有偿增资的一种,是指发行公司以向社会公开发售新股票而实现的增资方式,其目的是:分散股权、筹集资金、增强股票的流动性。

    Add-issuance as the rewardful way of capital increase means a listed company sells the newly issued shares to the market in order to decentralize the stock-right , finance the capital and enhance the liquidity of the stock .

  25. 对英国纳税人来说,最好是立刻抛出并持续抛出(通过快速、低成本的机构配售,而非漫长、高成本的公开发售),直至彻底出清所持股份。

    Better for the UK taxpayer to sell out now , and to continue doing so ( via quick , cheap institutional placements , rather than lengthy , expensive public offerings ) until the stake has gone altogether .

  26. 苹果的雪豹操作系统于2009年8月公开发售,在许多宣传和推广资料中,都使用了这一中文名称。姜维说。

    " Snow Leopard , an operating system from Apple , was put on sale in August 2009 , and it uses the Chinese name ` Xuebao ` in many of its publicity and promotional materials ," Jiang said .

  27. 本文认为:固定价格公开发售方法在信息收集和价格发现方面逊于拍卖法和累计投标询价法,但是在累计投标询价法与拍卖方法究竟孰优孰劣这一问题上仍然存在争议;

    This paper suggests that the fixed price method is inferior to the auction method and book-building mechanism in terms of information soliciting and price discovering , but there is still some discrepancy on whether auction is better than book-building or vice versa ;

  28. 证券投资基金指通过公开发售基金份额募集资金,由基金托管人托管,由基金管理人管理和运用资金,为基金持有人的利益,通过资产组合进行的证券投资方式。

    Securities Investment Funds refer to funds raised through public offering of fund shares . They are deposited in the fund trustee , managed and used by fund manager . For the interests of fund holders , Securities Investment Funds invest securities by stock portfolio .

  29. 出售给战略买家和向公开市场发售的比例则基本保持稳定。

    The proportion of sales to strategic buyers and into the public market has remained about the same .

  30. 上市公司通过公开发行发售证券,证券正在公开市场买卖的公司。

    Public company a company that has issued securities through an offering which are now traded on the open market .