
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ wèi shēnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Public health management;management of public health;management of public hygiene
  1. 铁路突发公共卫生事件,一类是由地方性公共卫生事件的冲击而引起,另一类则是由铁路内部公共卫生管理不良所致。

    Railway public health emergencies are usually caused by two factors , one is the impact from the local public health emergencies , and the other is the poor management of public health within the railway system .

  2. 基于J2EE的农村基本公共卫生管理信息系统开发

    Development of management information system for rural basic public health based on J2EE

  3. 试评我国公共卫生管理的相关政策

    The Analyses of the Related Policy on the Management of Public Sanitation

  4. 关于我国流动人口公共卫生管理的思考

    The Consideration on Migrant 's Public Health Management in China

  5. 清代城市公共卫生管理研究

    Study of City Administration of Public Health during Qing Dynasty

  6. 军队公共卫生管理专升本学员成绩分析

    Analysis on Examination Results of Bachelors Majored in Military Public Health Administration

  7. 利用高校图书馆资源优势,提高医学生公共卫生管理知识

    Using the Universities Library Resources Superiority Enhances the Medical Students Public Health Management Knowledge

  8. 这意味着公共卫生管理部门必须帮助媒体对重要问题进行认识。

    This suggests that public health authorities must help the media understand important issues .

  9. 公共卫生管理、监控与疾病防治很大程度上依赖于信息传递,这已成为国内外专家的共识。随着生物社会心理医学模式的转变,医药卫生工作的任务更加明确。

    Public health management and the prevention and care of disease depend on transferring information .

  10. 农村公共卫生管理面临的主要困难有3个方面。

    There are three aspects of main difficulties lie in front of rural public health administration .

  11. 如果一名患者的新冠病毒检测呈阳性,他们可以通过一款应用程序通知公共卫生管理部门。

    If a person tests positive for COVID-19 , they could notify public health authorities through an app .

  12. 因此加强托幼机构公共卫生管理,确保托幼机构的卫生安全成为当务之急。

    Therefore , it is a top priority to strengthen Public health management and ensure the health safety of nurseries .

  13. 认为推进公众参与是我国加强和完善公共卫生管理面临的一项长期的战略任务。

    It shows that facilitating the public involvement is the long-term strategy to strengthen and perfect the public health management in China .

  14. 护士学硕士学位以及医疗和公共卫生管理的硕士学位都可以成为你的优势。

    The master 's in nursing and the master 's of health care administration and public health can also be an advantage .

  15. 医师,护士,公共卫生管理人员和研究人员就是从这个领域中的相关专业受益的职业人士。

    Physicians , nurses , public health administrators , and researchers are some of the professionals who benefit from a degree in this field .

  16. 现代医院经营理念与管理模式创新已成为公共卫生管理发展与时俱进的重要课题。

    The modern hospital management concept and management models of public health management of innovation has become an important topic to develop with the times .

  17. [方法]应用公共卫生管理学、现场流行病学、卫生学与卫生检验学进行系统比较分析。

    Methods : adopting the science of public health management , spot epidemiology , hygiene and the science of test to compare and analyze systematically .

  18. 城市公共卫生管理构成城市管理的内容之一,直接关系着居民的健康状况与城市面貌。

    City administration of public health is one part of city administration , it has direct connection with citizen 's health and the appearance of the city .

  19. 目的:回顾北京市流动人口公共卫生管理的政策背景和变迁历程,为改进和完善政策提供参考依据。

    Objectives : The study is to analyze the effect and faults of the policy through reviewing the literature about Beijing public health policy and the background references .

  20. 第二,租界地区的公共卫生管理对于中国城市公共卫生管理早期现代化起到了重要的示范作用,中国一些城市的早期现代化公共卫生管理在租界的影响下开始起步;

    Second , the city administration of public health in concession has very important demonstration , which make many cities begin their modernization in city administration of public health .

  21. 对英租时期公共卫生管理进行客观的深入研究,对推动城市公共卫生现代化进程有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Rent period of the British public health management objective in-depth study of the modernization process of public health to promote the city has an important significance as reference .

  22. 该新规定将于5月1日生效,并已经增加到国家卫生部公共卫生管理条例修订法上去。

    The new rule will take effect on May1 and has been added to the revised regulations on health management in public places from the country 's Ministry of Health .

  23. 通过对流动人口公共卫生管理中存在主要问题分析,提出了改善流动人口公共卫生管理构建和谐社会的5项建议。

    Through the analysis of main issues on migrants ' public health management , to put forward some suggestions in order to improve their public health care and construct harmonious society .

  24. 方法:采用文献综述法与对比分析法,分析北京市流动人口公共卫生管理的政策背景,比较分析既往与现行政策的影响,并分析政策走向。

    It is expected to provide suggestion to improve the policy . Methods : Use literature review method to analyze policy literature and carry out comparative analysis on policy in different phases .

  25. 政府在公共卫生管理中的伦理责任包括及时公开公共卫生信息、公平分配公共卫生资源、以及科学引导公共卫生活动。

    The ethical responsibility of the government consists of factors such as timely publication of public health information , appropriate distribution of public health resources and scientific guidance to public health activities .

  26. 改制后的医院仍要坚持医院的各项功能,继续承担医疗、预防、保健和公共卫生管理等各项社会任务。

    And hospitals with transformed ownership ought to maintain their original functions and continue to undertake such social tasks as medical treatment , prevention of diseases , healthcare and supervision of public hygiene .

  27. 健康教育、社会公共卫生管理、防治慢性病、干预不卫生的生活方式等成了大卫生的重头戏。

    And ③ health education , sanitation , chronic disease prevention and treatment and the intervention of unhealthy ways of living have been turned over to become the major tashs of the greater health .

  28. 政府的公共卫生管理是社会对于疾病风险的抵御,从而保障大众的生命健康,重大传染疾病就是公共卫生管理的重要组成部分。

    Government public health management society to withstand the risk of disease , inorder to protect the lives and health of the public , major the crosstalk disease is an important part of publichealth management .

  29. 然后医院外部伦理监控从公共卫生管理监控、社会媒体监控、病人就医心理调节监控三个体系构建提出了相应的伦理原则。

    And then external hospital ethical surveillance and control system proposed the corresponding ethical principles for public health management , social media surveillance and control , and surveillance and control for adjusting medical psychology of patient .

  30. 结果1.县级公共卫生管理相关部门至少有14个,存在一定程度的职能重叠和协调困难现象;乡级公共卫生管理职能主要由镇卫生院代行。

    There are at least 14 related departments of rural public health administration in county level . A phenomenon exists in performing function repeatedly and cooperating difficultly in a certain degree . Township Health Center performs the management functions of public health in township level . 2 .