
  • 网络Corporate Bond Trust
  1. 公司债信托制度在债券市场上发挥着重要的作用。

    The corporate bond trust plays an important role in the corporate debt market .

  2. 第三部分对我国当前债券受托管理人制度的主要内容进行了总结并指出其中的不足。第四部分阐明了我国在借鉴公司债信托制度中需要把握的原则以及相关的具体建议。

    The third part summarized the debenture trustee system of our country and indicated its deficiencies . The fourth part pointed out that we should use the experience of corporate bond trust of other countries for reference properly , and then presented concrete proposals for improvement .

  3. 首先,本文对附担保公司债信托进行了概念的解析,并说明其性质和特征。

    Firstly , this article generalizes the basic legal concept of the secured corporate bond trustee and explains its nature and character .

  4. 最后,旨在联系我国的企业债券市场与信托业的发展历史与现状,强调在我国导入附担保公司债信托制度的现实意义与广阔前景。

    Lastly , it is an analysis based on the history and the status quo of China'corporate bond market and its trust industry , which shows its practical meaning to introduce the secured corporate bond trustee to China .