
gōng hǎi
  • high seas;open sea;international waters;mare liberum;blue water
公海 [gōng hǎi]
  • [open sea;high seas] 不受任何国家权力支配各国共同使用的海域

公海[gōng hǎi]
  1. 如果他们在公海攻击我们,那就会开战了。

    If they attack us in international waters , it 'll be a war .

  2. 美国海军去年抱怨其舰船在公海遭到中国船只骚扰。

    The US navy complained last year that its vessels had been harassed by Chinese ships in international waters .

  3. 本句的意思是“公海内捕获大量的鱼。”当quantities+可数或不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,只是在quantityof+不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

    Great quantities of fish are caught on high seas .

  4. 总部位于伦敦的国际海事局(InternationalMaritimeBureau)表示,2009年,公海海盗袭击事件比一年前增加了40%。

    Pirate Attacks Off Somalia Nearly Double The International Maritime Bureau in London reports piracy incidents on the high seas increased nearly 40 percent in 2009 from a year ago .

  5. 1920年颁布的《琼斯法案》(JonesAct)本意是保护美国货船和航运业免受国际竞争(或战争)的冲击,结果却导致美国货轮在公海上销声匿迹。

    The 1920 Jones Act , intended to protect US ships and shipping from international competition ( or war ) has effectively wiped them off the high seas .

  6. 主要实现客户基本信息维护、跟单记录、客户转移、系统公海、客户统计、客户类型、客户预约、最近联系等功能;(2)办公OA。

    The main basic customer information maintenance , documentary records , customer transfer system , customer statistics , high seas , type of customer , customer reservation , recently linked functions ;( 2 ) OA .

  7. 但是,全新的“波浪滑翔机SV3”处理数据以及与附近其他“波浪滑翔机”进行网络传输的速度都是按照TB级别进行的,基本上形成了一个横跨公海,而且信息丰富的云。

    But the brand new wave glider sv3 processes data by the terabyte and networks with other wave Gliders in its vicinity , basically creating an information-rich cloud stretching across the high seas .

  8. 库斯托通常拍摄大型的动物,通常在公海拍,然而Painlevé一般拍摄小一点动物,另外他喜欢在浅水拍摄。

    Cousteau usually filmed large animals , usually in the open sea , whereas Painlevgenerally filmed smaller animals , and he liked to film in shallow water .

  9. 法新社报道,Croizon在2010年就游泳横跨了英吉利海峡,现在他又要到公海里挑战自己了。

    Croizon , who made a splash with his English Channel swim in2010 , is going to dive into open seas again , Agence France Presse reported .

  10. 北太平洋公海秋刀鱼生物学特性初步研究

    Biological Characteristics of Cololabis saira in North Pacific Ocean High Sea

  11. 第五章对于船舶在公海造成污染的干预问题。

    Chapter 5 : Intervention of Vessel-Source Pollution in High Seas .

  12. 中白令海的公海地位及渔业问题

    High seas status of the Central Bering Sea and its fisheries issues

  13. 新形势下的公海污染防治问题及立法对策分析

    High Sea Pollution in a New Situation : Prevention and Legislative Measures

  14. 国际北太平洋公海渔业公约

    International Convention for the High Sea Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean

  15. 荷兰曾经同英国争夺公海的控制权。

    Holland once competed with England for the mastery of the high seas .

  16. 你帮助威廉到达了它家族等候的公海!

    You helped Willy get to the open sea where his family awaits !

  17. 防止在公海上和公海上空发生事故的协定;

    Agreement on the prevention of incidents on and over the high seas ;

  18. 我们驶抵公海,海岸似乎退到了远方。

    We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance .

  19. 他是一个很有个性的公海首领和海盗船长。

    He is a self-styled master and pirate captain of the high seas .

  20. 船在驶离海岸,开向大海。他们的船正驶向公海。

    Their ship is steering for the open seas .

  21. 我们正在读一篇公海海盗的历险故事。

    We 're reading an adventure story about piracy on the high seas .

  22. 第五章是公海渔业的特点和发展趋势。

    The fifth part is about the feature and trend of high seas fisheries .

  23. 论国家航空器在公海上拦截民用航空器的合法性

    Studies on the Legality of Intercepting Civil Aircraft by State Aircraft over High Seas

  24. 第四章是公海渔业的争端解决问题。

    The fourth part is on the dispute settlement system of high seas fisheries .

  25. 北太平洋公海秋刀鱼渔场初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on the fishing grounds of Cololabis saira in the North Pacific Ocean

  26. 公海鱼船悬挂和改挂旗帜协议草案;

    Draft agreement on flagging and reflagging of fishing vessels on the high seas ;

  27. 花生洞(鄂霍次克公海)

    Peanut Hole ( Okhotsk High Seas )

  28. 不一会儿,我们离开了河口湾,向公海前进。

    Soon we had left the River Estuary and were heading towards the open sea .

  29. 但是现阶段对公海生物多样性的保护只是框架性和指导性的。

    Right now , these rules are framework and guidance in the high seas biodiversity .

  30. 移至公海――离开海岸。

    Move to high seas-keep off coast .