
gōu jié
  • collusion;collude with;in league with;be hand and glove with;complicity;court;play footsie;woo
勾结 [gōu jié]
  • [collude with;woo;court] 暗中作不正当的联系、结合

  • 内外勾结

勾结[gōu jié]
  1. 他怎么会勾结匈奴呢?

    Why would he collude with the huns ?

  2. 他们俩臭味相投,相互勾结。

    They two are people of the same ilk , who collude with one another .

  3. 警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。

    The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers .

  4. 他被控与秘密警察勾结。

    He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police .

  5. 我不会让你和他勾结起来害我的。

    I am not having you and him in cahoots against me .

  6. 有几个高级外交官被发现与敌方人员勾结。

    Several high-ranking diplomats were found to be hand and glove with enemy agents .

  7. 与敌人勾结者一律枪决。

    Any one who collaborates should be shot .

  8. 目前,针对AppleMusic的反垄断调查还没有找到关于暗中勾结的证据。

    So far , the antitrust investigations into Apple Music have not produced evidence of collusion .

  9. inleaguewith和…联合着他暗中和一些盗匪勾结。

    He is privately in league with some bandits .

  10. 联邦交易委员会开始对微软公司和IBM公司可能在计算机软件市场上有勾结行为一事作调查。

    FTC ( Federal Trade Commission ) launches a probe into possible collusion between Microsoft and IBM in the PC software market .

  11. 华特和查里斯?G?格登领导下的西方势力“长胜军”相互勾结才逐步把太平军逐回南方,并在1864年在太平军首府南京惨杀太平军将士,天京陷落。

    Gordon with their " Ever-Victorious Army " were able to gradually throw back the Taiping armies and to massacre the Heavenly Capital Nanjing in 1864 .

  12. 对具有潜信道的JanTseng签名方案进行了安全分析,并指出JanTseng签名的第二种方案具有广义伪造性且不能抵制勾结攻击。

    Gives a security analysis of the second scheme proposed by Jan and Tseng and shows that the second scheme has the universal forgery and cannot resist the conspiracy .

  13. 钢铁市场分析师昨日表示,中国钢铁业官员涉嫌勾结英澳矿业企业力拓(riotinto)被拘留员工一事,可能导致年度铁矿石价格谈判推迟结束。

    Allegations that Chinese steel industry officials colluded with detained employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , could delay the conclusion of annual iron ore pricing negotiations , steel market analysts said yesterday .

  14. RichardBoscovich:“这些服务器运营商并未必在和犯罪分子勾结,我们进去的时候,房间里有1万多台电脑,所以他们的业务只是服务客户。”

    RICHARD BOSCOVICH : " The hosting providers in and of themselves are not necessarily in cahoots with the criminals , so to speak . In the room that we walked into there were over ten thousand computers . So their business is simply to host customers . "

  15. 加拿大报纸《环球邮报》周六的报道是加拿大竞争局称这次在加拿大出现的“价格勾结”最初的协调方是ITWAL公司。

    Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail reported Saturday that the Competition Bureau alleges that the collusion in Canada was initially coordinated by ITWAL .

  16. 他们与格鲁吉亚总统米哈伊尔萨卡什维利(mikheilsaakashvili)紧密勾结;而这位总统上任后的第一项举措就是打破了另一个自治区阿扎尔的自治,同时毫不掩饰其压制奥塞梯和阿布哈兹人民的企图。

    They clasped to their bosom a Georgian president , Mikheil Saakashvili , whose first move was to crush the autonomy of another region , adjaria , and made no secret of his intention to squash the Ossetians and Abkhazians .

  17. 勾结性垄断:参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

    Collusive oligopoly : Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel .

  18. 怀疑他(与敌人)勾结。

    He was suspected of collaborating ( with the enemy ) .

  19. 他仍然否认他勾结纳粹分子。

    He still denies that he collaborated with the nazis .

  20. 联合国决议执行情况及与南非勾结问题小组委员会

    Subcommittee on Implementation of United Nations Resolutions and Collaboration with South Africa

  21. “你跟别人勾结在一起,艾伦!”她回答。

    You are leagued with the rest , Ellen ! 'she replied .

  22. 那两个罪犯彼此勾结在一起。

    The two criminals were in cahoots with each other .

  23. 她与敌人勾结诋毁他的名誉。

    She connived with his enemies to have him discredited .

  24. 这一定是寇特被勾结的事了。

    That must be what Coulter was hooked up to .

  25. 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起。

    He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy .

  26. 他们喑中和北洋军阀勾结起来。

    They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords .

  27. 电力市场中发电公司间心照不宣的勾结浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Tacit Collusion Among Generation Companies in Electricity Markets

  28. 干这个的人可能是和政府勾结的。

    The men who did this are part of a government conspiracy .

  29. 反对与南非的军事和核勾结世界运动

    World Campaign against Military and Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa

  30. 她可能同盗窃犯勾结。

    She may have been in league with the thieves .