
ɡōnɡ yì xìn tuō
  • charitable trust;public trust;community trust
  1. 克拉默是公益信托投资组合ActionAlertsPlus的共同管理人,组合中包含苹果股票。

    Mr. Cramer is the co-manager of a charitable trust portfolio , Action Alerts Plus , which holds shares of Apple .

  2. 罗琳还有一个名为Volant的公益信托基金,主要是为了帮助妇女儿童,与他们一起并肩作战,一起反抗社会对他们权益的剥夺。

    She also has a charitable trust called Volant which works to fight social deprivation with a focus on women and children .

  3. 公益信托制度又是信托制度中不可或缺的一个组成部分。

    Charitable trust system is an integral part of trust system .

  4. 论公益信托中最近似原则的适用

    On the Application of the Cy-Pres Doctrine of the Charitable Trusts

  5. 这样就会对公益信托的界定有一个总体上的把握。

    And readers will have an overall grasp of public trust .

  6. 现在城堡已经成为公益信托场所。

    The castle is now run as a charitable trust .

  7. 在我国,公益信托是一个全新的概念,也是一个全新的信托产品。

    In our country , the Charitable Trust is a brand-new concept .

  8. 其次,引申出了公益信托监管的基本理论。

    Secondly , this chapter put up a public trust supervision theory .

  9. 使得现在我国的公益信托制度建立难度较大。

    It makes our system of charitable trust established difficulty .

  10. 我国公益信托发展受阻的法律分析

    China public interest trust development suffocating 's legal analysis

  11. 第四部分是公益信托设立的程序条件。

    The fourth part is about the procedure conditions .

  12. 这是我国第一次以立法形式明确了公益信托的地位和概念。

    This is our first legislative form to the public trust and concepts .

  13. 我国公益信托税收政策研究

    A Study on Tax Police of Charitable Trust

  14. 究其原因,主要是目前我国公益信托的法律制度不健全。

    The main reason is due to the unsound charity trust legal system in China .

  15. 公益信托是指以公益目的为信托目的的信托。

    But the public trust refers to the public for the purpose of our trust .

  16. 公益信托若干法律问题的研究

    On the Legal System of Charitable Trust

  17. 第五章为我国公益信托制度法律的完善。

    The fifth chapter is about the law perfection of charitable trust in our country .

  18. 本文第一部分是公益信托监管法律制度的一般分析。

    The first part of this text is the general analysis of Charitable Trust legal system .

  19. 最后提出建议,对要建立完善的公益信托监管模式提出构想。

    Finally the author raises the conception of building ideal supervision mode of public welfare trust .

  20. 最后对三个国家的公益信托监管进行了比较分析。

    Finally , the three countries conducted under the supervision of the Charitable Trust comparative analysis .

  21. 第五部分是公益信托的受托人的特殊性,主要表现在:公益信托的受托人的确定和辞任需经批准;受托人对处理信托事务和财产状况的报告义务;

    The trustee is liable to report on the trust management and situation of trust property ;

  22. 由于公益信托源自于对英美法系的慈善信托制度的移植,因此,对于英美慈善信托法律制度的研究对于我国公益信托制度的完善具有极其重要的意义。

    Because of charitable trust is originated from the transplantation of public trust in common law system .

  23. 首先是从英美法系和大陆法系两个方面讲述了与公益信托监管有关的内容。

    The first tells about charitable trust supervision related content from Anglo-American law system and continental law system .

  24. 本文分四个部分对我国公益信托法律制度进行研究。

    The thesis is divided into four parts for conducting research on the charity trust system in China .

  25. 不过,他说,他的确认为报纸是“公益信托”,他想要保护报纸。

    But he said he did consider newspapers a " public trust " and wanted to preserve them .

  26. 公益信托制度的建立,有力的推动了各国公益事业的发展。

    Establishment of the charitable trust system is a powerful impetus to the development of the national public welfare .

  27. 第一章是公益信托法律制度概述,旨在为下文的论述做好铺垫。

    The first Chapter provides an overview on legal system of charity trust paving the way for discussion below .

  28. 但公益信托在我国信托行业中占有不容忽视的地位。

    However , public trust in the trust industry in our country occupies the position can not be ignored .

  29. 公益信托是英美法系司法制度的产物,公益信托对我国来说是一种舶来品。

    Public trust is the British and American legal system judicial system of public trust in our country was a product .

  30. 公益信托参与人的税收逃避行为,存在着严重的负面效应,并且与公益信托制度的价值取向背道而驰。

    Tax evasion behavior of participants has severe negative effects , and it is contradictory with the value-orientation of charitable trust .