
  1. 还有一些人集思广益,与老板公开谈判。

    A third group pools its resources to open talks with the boss .

  2. 5月24日:一个明确关于投资类型公开谈判:信用卡,借贷,奖学金,退休金,保险费问题,风险基金,和各种关于法院的问题。

    May24 : Open talks about certain types of funds : credit , loans , scholarships , pensions , insurance settlements , venture capital , and all types of court settlements .

  3. 这一点十分重要,因为各方都认为这样更有希望达成妥协,如果我们能避免旷日持久的公开谈判的话,伦敦一位重要投资者这样表示。

    That is important , since all parties think they stand a better chance of reaching a compromise , if we can avoid long protracted public negotiations , as one big London-based investor says .

  4. 与会者介绍了在不公开的和平谈判和磋商中取得的进展情况。

    They have given an account of progress in behind-the-scenes peace talks and discussions .

  5. 双方最快可能在周二公布达成交易的消息,但上述人士并未获得公开谈论秘密谈判的授权,他们提醒说,谈判还在继续,并且仍有可能破裂。

    A deal could be announced as soon as Tuesday , though these people , who were not authorized to speak publicly about private negotiations , cautioned that talks were continuing and might still fall apart .

  6. 高校图书采购的公开招标与竞争谈判

    The Public Competitive Bidding and Negotiation of University Book Purchase

  7. 高校仪器设备的采购工作采用公开招投标和谈判、询价、小额等采购方式。

    Invite public bidding and public bidding , and negotiating , asking quotation and little purchasing modes etc are applied about purchasing work for instrument equipment of colleges and universities .

  8. 今年9月,国资委警告称,其中一些合约是非法的,可能作无效处理。此举促使一些西方银行同意在不公开情况下重新谈判合约。

    In September , Sasac warned that some of the contracts were illegal and may be invalidated , a move that prompted some western banks to agree to renegotiate contracts behind closed doors .

  9. 经常公开批评联合国谈判进程缓慢、与公众希望采取更多气候应对措施的诉求脱节的气候活动家,此次却对会议持乐观态度。

    Climate campaigners , who often loudly criticise UN negotiations for being too slow and out of touch with the public 's desire for greater climate action , were unusually positive about the meeting .