
  • 网络public regulation
  1. 始终从建筑业自身的行业特点出发,从经济分析和法律分析的角度研究相关的信用和公共规制问题是本文的一大亮点。

    This dissertation consist starting investigations from characteristics of the construction industry , and studying problems about credit and public regulation through economic and juristical analysis .

  2. 主要内容包括:事业性收费的内涵与性质、收费理论;事业收费管理的内容,公共规制政策的制度原理与方法。

    The content includes the implication and nature of utility charge , theories of charge , the content of utility charge management , as well the system theory of public regulation policy .

  3. 探讨了代建项目的公共规制内容、手段。

    The contents and methods of construction-agent projects also were discussed .

  4. 论西方广电传媒业的公共规制

    On public regulations of western radio and television media industry

  5. 谈公共规制与市场经济、公共经济及国有经济

    Discussion on the public institutions involved in market economy , public economy and state-owned economy

  6. 课程主要内容:本课程学习目的是掌握事业收费及其管理的内容与公共规制的内容。

    Learning Public Economics Regulation aims to master the content of utility charge and utility charge management , as well public regulation .

  7. 我国食品公共安全规制手段比较研究

    Comparative Study on Regulatory Instruments of Food Public Safety in China

  8. 进一步讲,在理论上要有公共利益规制理论、放松规制理论和激励性规制理论三个理论要求。

    Further speak , in theory must have the public interest regulation theory , deregulating theory and incentive regulation theory three theory demands .

  9. 第2章文献探讨以知识论、质量保证理论和公共政策规制理论为基础,辨析知识、知识体、资历和资历框架的概念,梳理论文相关理论与概念元素,以备后续章节的应用。

    Chapter 2 " literature review " bases on the theories of knowledge , quality assurance and public policy regulation , identifying the elements of conceptions for the following chapters .

  10. 产业组织与公共政策:规制抑或放松规制?

    Industrial Organization and Public Policy : Regulation or Deregulation ;

  11. 广电媒介政府规制的正当性是公共利益,规制目的是为了调和产业利益与公共利益之矛盾。

    The goal of regulation is to mediate the conflict between the interest of broadcasting industry and interest of the public .

  12. 特许经营合同体现了政府通过合同管制自然文化遗产或保护地等特殊公共资源的规制行为。

    The concession contract reflects the action of regulatory that Government carries out to control the special public resources , such as the natural & cultural heritage or protected area .

  13. 论公共企业的法律规制&以利益相关者治理为选择

    The Legal Regulation of Public Enterprise - The Mode of Stakeholder Governance as Choice

  14. 刑法对突发性公共卫生事件的规制可以从宏观和微观两个角度来考察。

    Criminal regulations of public health emergencies could be examined from macroscopic and microcosmic aspects .

  15. 其中传统规制理论包括公共利益理论、规制俘获理论和规制经济理论等;

    The traditional regulation theory includes pubic interest theory , capture theory of regulation and economic theory of regulation .

  16. 以效率为核心的民营化为实现公正透明规制创造了条件,并要求基于效率的政府规制转向基于公共责任的政府规制。

    Privatization whose core is efficiency creates preconditions for fair and transparent regulation , and requests the regulation based on the efficiency to change into the regulation based on the public responsibilities .

  17. 为实现公共政策目标,规制机构可以采取不同的规制方式,其中最主要的方式包括准入规制、价格规制和质量规制。

    In order to achieve objectives of the public policy , the regulatory agencies can take different regulation modes , which include the admittance regulation , the price regulation and the quality regulation .

  18. 在规制理论中分析了规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论和规制经济论;还分析了马克思的微观规制理论和可竞争市场理论。

    As to the regulation theories , the analysis is about the public interest regulation theory , the regulation capture theory and the theory on regulatory economy , as well as the micro regulation theory and contestable market theory of Karl Marx .

  19. 西方规制理论的演进经历了五个阶段,它们分别是规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、可竞争市场理论以及激励规制理论。

    The evolution of western regulation theory contains five stages , which are the public interest theory of regulation , the capture theory of regulation , the economic theory of regulation , the theory of contestable markets and the incentive theory of regulation .

  20. 本文详细介绍了规制经济理论发展、演化的脉络。对传统的规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论及其主要代表人物的观点予以评述;

    This paper introduces in great detail the development and evolution of the theory of economic regulation , and makes a commentary on traditional theories of public interest regulation , of regulatory capture , of economic regulation and their representative figures ' viewpoints .

  21. 从微观角度来看,刑法对突发性公共卫生事件的规制又可以分为两个方面,一方面是对刑法相关规定的理解与适用,另一方面是对存在的问题进行修改与完善。

    In the light of microcosmic aspect , criminal regulations of public health emergencies can be divided into two aspects . One aspect is the understanding and application of interrelated regulations , another aspect is the modification and perfection of the existing problems .

  22. 公共利益理论、公共选择理论、规制俘虏理论、激励性规制理论等都只能对出租车市场的局部现象做出合理解释。

    Public interest theory , public choice theory , regulatory capture theory , incentive regulation theory can only explain partial phenomena of taxi market .

  23. 公共卫生内容的拓展使政府公共卫生安全规制的改革面临着更大的挑战。

    The extension of its content brings more and bigger challenges to the government of its reform in public health safety regulation .

  24. 本论文从政府公共服务事业外包的国内外背景入手,参照公共选择理论、新公共管理理论和规制理论等主流分析范式,尝试构建公共服务事业外包的理论分析框架。

    This thesis first introduces the background of the outsourcing of public service obligations of government both home and abroad and refers to the main stream theories such as the theory of public selection , the latest theories of public administration , and the theory of regulation .