
ɡōnɡ yì huó dònɡ
  • public benefit activities
  1. 成立主旨以研究国内外金融学术;发展社区文化教育;提倡民俗、伦理公益活动。

    Purpose research domestic and internation studies in finance ; develop community culture and education ; promote customs , ethics , and public benefit activities .

  2. 募捐书信是个人或集体提出建议并公开发起,希望共同完成某项任务或开展某项公益活动所运用的一种专用书信。

    Fund-raising letter is a letter proposed and initiated by an individual or the collective in the hope of completing a task or carrying out some public benefit activities .

  3. 运动员们正在进行一项公益活动,将打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。

    Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities .

  4. 去年三月份,来自美国波士顿的IBM经理约翰•弗戴迪参加了一个前往肯尼亚的团队,该团队与肯尼亚邮政公司(PostalCorporationofKenya)合作开展了一个为期一个月的公益活动咨询项目。

    In Kenya , John fredette , a Boston-based IBM manager , joined a team last March for a month-long pro-bono consulting project with the Postal Corporation of Kenya .

  5. 请看一下Facebook开发人员展示(请参考参考资料获得链接),您将看到数以百计的真实应用程序,它们处于各种不同的类别&新闻、体育、社会公益活动、公用事业、评论、本地,等等。

    Take a look at the Facebook Developer Showcase ( see Resources for a link ), and you 'll see hundreds of live applications in a variety of categories & news , sports , social good , utilities , reviews , local , and more .

  6. 吉隆坡,马来西亚——赛义德·阿兹米·阿拉巴什(SyedAzmiAlhabshi)组织喜欢狗的人和他们讨厌狗的邻居们进行聚会,他觉得自己是在组织一场公益活动。

    KUALA LUMPUR , Malaysia - When he organized a get-together for dog lovers and their canine-averse neighbors , Syed Azmi Alhabshi thought he was doing a public service .

  7. 公益活动与中国乡村社会资源

    Activities for Public Wellbeing and Sociocultural Resources in Rural China

  8. 他们继续深入开展社会公益活动。

    They continue to involve themselves deeply in community affairs .

  9. 菅直人自己当年就参与过公益活动。

    Mr Kan himself has a background in civic activism .

  10. 社会公益活动可以更有益和谐社会企业公益活动管理研究

    Research on Business Enterprise Public-Spirited Activity Management of Harmonious Society

  11. 论新闻媒体的公益活动策划

    On the Plan of the Public-spirited Activity in Medium

  12. 体育作为社会公益活动和经济活动,需要相应的资源投入。

    Sports , as the public and economic activity , require appropriate invested resources .

  13. 多残疾一些公益活动对身体心理都有好处。

    Activity of a few commonweal is opposite much deformity body psychology has profit .

  14. 国家提倡和鼓励为帮助妇女开展的社会公益活动。

    The state promotes and encourages the public welfare activities aiming at helping women .

  15. 他的公益活动体现了以人为本、经世致用的理念。

    His social welfare activities reflects the " people-oriented ", " statecraft " concept .

  16. 和我的丈夫配合办一些音乐会,或其他公益活动。

    My husband and I would do some concerts , and other commonweal activity .

  17. 调研内容集中在三个方面:劳工权益、环境保护和社会公益活动。

    The research content three areas : labor rights , public welfare and environmental protection .

  18. 积极开展社区公益活动。

    Active community activities for public welfare .

  19. 到她学拉丁并看她参加的每回公益活动。

    She learned Latin and her to participate in every time of public welfare activities .

  20. 在这次“捡垃圾”的公益活动中,还有一些小小的插曲。

    In this " garbage " of the public welfare activities , and some episode .

  21. 近代商人的慈善公益活动

    Charity activities of the modern merchants

  22. 这次活动被誉为中国互连网史上最大的一次公益活动。

    This campaign is praised as the biggest commonweal campaign in the Internet history in China .

  23. 宋代浙江佛教与地方公益活动关系考论

    A Study on the Relationship between Buddhism and Local Commonweal in Zhejiang of the Song Dynasty

  24. 作为一个出色的企业公民,沃尔玛自进入中国就积极开展社区服务和慈善公益活动。

    As an outstanding corporate citizen , Wal-Mart actively participates in community service and charity events .

  25. 其中,组织公民行为的公民美德维度得分最高,其次是积极学习和良好的人际关系,而参与公益活动维度的得分最低。

    Civic virtue got the highest score , followed by learning initiative and well interpersonal relationship .

  26. 对公共图书馆社会文化公益活动项目化运作的思考

    Consideration about the Project Operation of the Social and Cultural Public-welfare Activity in the Public Library

  27. 本文概述民国时期同乡组织在公益活动方面日益增强的作用,并探讨其社会效能,包括关系网络,具有多重公共认同与组织关系的公众人物,以及民国时期广泛存在的呼声。

    This article discussed the role of countrymen organizations in the commonweal activities in Republic of China .

  28. 和谐社会公益活动是企业承担道义责任主要途径之一。

    The public-spirited activity is one of important paths that business enterprise undertake righteous duty in Harmonious society .

  29. 作为一项广泛开展的社会公益活动,它是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物。

    As a public-spirited activity , it is the outcome that mankind 's civilization develops a certain stage .

  30. 他们发起一个公益活动,口号是:“步行专用头盔是个好头盔”。

    They started a public campaign that says , " A walking helmet is a good helmet . "