
  • 网络public private partnership;ppp
  1. 公私伙伴关系是公共部门变革的重要策略。

    PPPs is an important strategy in the change of the public departments .

  2. 城市基础设施领域公私伙伴关系分析

    PPPs in the field of infrastructure

  3. 我们将发展公私伙伴关系,利用我们的进出口银行、石油输出国组织(OPEC)和非洲企业理事会(CorporateCouncilonAfrica)等组织的努力,后者所从事的一项工作是发现有创新想法的年轻企业家并对他们投资。

    We will pursue public-private partnerships , leveraging the efforts of our export-import bank and OPEC and organizations like the Corporate Council on Africa that identify and invest in young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas .

  4. 最后提出构建二手房中介PPP模式(公私伙伴关系),从而达到减少交易成本、稳定二手房交易市场的目的。

    The final proposal of building a second-hand housing intermediary PPP model ( public-private partnerships ), so as to reduce transaction costs , the purpose of stable second-hand housing market .

  5. 以南京过江隧道作为实例,针对特许权授予下的项目建设招投标、运营合约安排分别构建均衡解释模型,并进一步对公私伙伴关系(PPP)进行较为系统的考察。

    The text describes the build and operation of the channel that bestrides Yangtze River in Nanjing area as an example , and then constructs an equilibrium model in allusion to the system of public bidding for project and operation contract arrangement .

  6. 以公共基础设施公私伙伴关系协议当事人中政府部门风险承担的程度多少为标准,可以将公私伙伴关系区分为政府支付、BOT特许经营、国有企业投资主体多元化三大类型。

    A newly division that from the degree of risk to public and private partnership of the government departments , we can classified the PPP as government payoff ; BOT franchise , state-owned enterprises investment diversification of the three types , main include all types of public infrastructure public-private partnership .

  7. 南非:我们正在帮助助Gauteng、约翰内斯堡的省政府,策划购买一个新的铁路网络。通过采用公私伙伴关系的方式。

    South Africa . We are currently working with the government of the Gauteng / Johannesburg province in relation to the procurement of a new rail network using private-public partnership methods .

  8. 基础设施公私伙伴关系的激励机制研究

    Analysis of Incentive Mechanism for Public - Private Partnership in Infrastructure

  9. 建立公私伙伴关系也对该项计划至关重要。

    Public – private partnerships are also key to this programme .

  10. 公共项目公私伙伴关系合作机理与监管政策研究

    Study on Cooperation Mechanism and Government Regulatory Policy of Public-Private Partnerships

  11. 作为研究与创新政策工具的公私伙伴关系

    Public-Private Partnership as a Policy Tool for Research and Innovation

  12. 法国高速公路供给的公私伙伴关系分析

    The Public - Private Partnership in Highway Provision in France

  13. 民办高等教育领域公私伙伴关系的构建

    Construction of Public-Private Partnership in Non-governmental Higher Education Field

  14. 但公私伙伴关系,几乎能在任何领域上将会越来越重要。

    But public-private partnerships are going to be increasingly important in almost any field .

  15. 自然垄断产业的公私伙伴关系研究

    Public-Private Partnerships Study of Nature Monopoly Industries

  16. 印度政府已开始将重点放在与大型基建项目的公私伙伴关系为主。

    The government of India has begun to focus primarily on public private partnerships with major infrastructure projects .

  17. 近年来,强调公私伙伴关系的民营化模式在我国公用事业改革中颇为流行。

    The privatization model emphasizing the public-private partnership has recently become popular in the reform of public utilities in China .

  18. 它意味着要加强投资基础设施&包括通过公私伙伴关系来进行这类投资,为将来提高生产率打下基础。

    It means investing in infrastructure to build the basis for future productivity – including through innovative Public Private Partnerships .

  19. 与会的疫苗专家来自世界各国的政府、学术界、制药业、公私伙伴关系和非政府组织。

    The participating vaccine experts are from governments , academia , industry , public-private partnerships and non-governmental organizations throughout the world .

  20. 我国的基础设施领域正在加快市场化进程,公私伙伴关系是其市场化的具体模式之一。

    The market-oriented course is increasingly sped up in infrastructure field in China , with public-private partnership as one of the concrete patterns .

  21. 在新历史条件下,国家既要寻求一种发展公私伙伴关系和合作性自助的新途径,又要进行社会福利改革;

    In a changing situation , states must seek new ways of developing partnership between public and private sectors and self-reliance through cooperation while carrying out social welfares reforms .

  22. 西方国家水务民营化方式主要有全面民营化、公私伙伴关系和法律禁止民营化三种。

    The water privatization in western countries mainly has three different patterns , - complete privatization , corporate fellowship of the state and the private , privatization prohibited by law .

  23. 城市环境(管理)治理模式也从政府主导的科层制管理模式、市场化改革下的公私伙伴关系模式向多中心治理模式转变。

    The model of urban environment management ( governance ) is from the bureaucracy management model which is driven by the government , the public-private partnerships model which is in the background of the market-oriented reforms to the multi-center governance model .

  24. 公共基础设施公私伙伴关系的法律特性有以下几点:一是主体身份的公私混合性。二是客体的准公共性。三是内容涉及的广泛性。

    The public-private partnership in public infrastructure have the following legal characteristics : First , It is the subject identity mixed public and private nature ; Second , It is the object of quasi public nature ; Third is extensiveness of the content that involves .

  25. 公私合作伙伴关系(PublicPrivatePartnerships,PPP),是一种涉及到基础设施建设的制度安排形式,其本质是充分发挥公共部门和私人部门各自的职能优势,进行相互合作的制度安排。

    Public Private Partnerships ( PPP ) is institutional arrangement form relating to infrastructure construction . The essence of the PPP is exerting advantages of public department and private department to cooperation adequately .

  26. 自1992年在英国正式问世以来,公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)已成为许多国家政府实现经济目标及提升公共服务水平的核心理念和措施之一。

    Since their introduction by the UK Government in 1992 , Public Private Partnerships have already been one of the core concepts and measures for many national governments to realize their economic objectives and improve the public services .

  27. 作为致力于可持续发展的德国伙伴,GTZ目前在中国执行28个项目及13个“公私合作伙伴关系”项目。

    As the German partner for sustainable development in China , GTZ presently works on28 projects and in13 public-private-partnership initiatives ( PPPs ) .

  28. 该测试是由美国的一家诊断技术公司Cepheid与新泽西医学与牙科大学的一个公私合营伙伴关系研发的。

    The test was developed in a public – private partnership between US-based diagnostics firm Cepheid and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey , United States .

  29. 论公私合作伙伴关系在我国的实践及其法律框架构建

    PPP ' Practice in China and Composition of PPP ' Legal Framework

  30. 公私合作伙伴关系在卫生领域的应用

    The Application of the Public-Private Partnership in the Health Field