
  • 网络flypaper effect
  1. 粘蝇纸效应反映了转移支付对公共品支出的影响。本文将二者有机的结合,综合全面的考察转移支付对地方公共品提供的总体影响。

    The flypaper effect reflects the influence of fiscal transfer on the spending of local public goods .

  2. 在内容上则分别运用了微观经济学、公共经济学、制度经济学、以及财政转移支付研究领域有关的最新研究成果粘蝇纸效应等各个方面的理论,从各个不同角度分析和论证。

    In the terms of contents , the thesis respectively uses relevant theories of micro-economics , public economics and institutional economics as well as the most newly research result named " flypaper effect " in the field of financial grants .

  3. 财政支农资金粘蝇纸效应抑制问题,是公共财政领域研究的一个重要理论课题和实践课题。

    Restraint of viscous effect in financial funds which supports agriculture is a major subject of theoretical and practical issues in the field of finance .