
  • 网络market regulation
  1. 公用企业改革与市场规制法

    The Reformation of Public Enterprise and the Market Regulation Law

  2. 试论市场规制法与行政法的关系

    On the Relationship between Market Regulation Law and Administrative Law

  3. 经济全球化背景下WTO规则与市场规制法的协调

    Coordination between the WTO rules and market regulations in the context of economic globalisation

  4. 在WTO规则未转化为市场规制法之前,可以按照WTO的基本原则和精神对其进行解释。

    Before WTO rules are turned into market regulations , they can be interpreted in accordance to the basic principles and spirit of WTO .

  5. 目的探讨血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、丙二醛(MDA)含量在恶性血液病中的变化规律及临床意义。论市场规制的法治尺度

    Objective To study the regulating rule and clinical significance of serum superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) in malignant hematologic diseases . On Regulating Market under Rule of Law

  6. 论市场规制法的非诉程序

    Talking About the Non-judicial Procedure of Regulation Law of the Market

  7. 略论生态成本控制的市场规制法完善

    On the Perfection of Market-Regulated Law in the Control of Ecological Cost

  8. 于是,产生了市场规制法国际合作的必要性。

    So international cooperation in market regulation law becomes necessary .

  9. 我国银行业市场规制相关法律问题研究

    Research on the Market Regulation of China 's Banking Industry

  10. 市场规制的法经济学分析

    Analyzing the Market Regulation Law from the Angle of Economics

  11. 经济法由市场规制法和公共经济法所组成。

    Economic law consists of market regulation law and public economic law .

  12. 国酒茅台销售市场规制的法律思考

    Thought of Selling Market Laws and Regulations of Maotai Liquor

  13. 试论宏观经济政策对市场规制法的影响

    The Impact of Macro-economic Policies on the Market Regulation Act

  14. 行业协会市场规制权的行使问题

    Issues concerning Professional Associations ' Exercise of Power to Regulate the Market

  15. 探寻市场规制法中比较广告行为的立法基础

    The Legislative Foundation of Comparative Advertisements in Market Regulation

  16. 新时期中国宏观调控与市场规制的法律关系研究

    China macro control and market regulation 's legal relation research in new time

  17. 论市场规制法的调整对象

    On the Regulation Target of the Market Regulation Law

  18. 内幕交易是证券市场规制中很重要的一环。

    Insider trading is a very important part of the securities market regulation .

  19. 新兴市场规制理论研究述评

    Review on Theory of the New Market Regulation

  20. 多重委托关系与审计市场规制&基于我国上市公司审计的思考

    Multi-clientage and Regulations of Audit Market-ideas based on listed companies ' audit in China

  21. 浅谈和谐社会中的市场规制法

    Systematic Market Management Law in the Harmonious Society

  22. 市场规制中的经济行政诉讼研究

    On Economic Administrative Litigation in Market - regulating

  23. 市场规制法从其实质、功能和规范手段等方面表现了社会性的属性。

    Market administration law manifests sociality from its essential , function and criterion means .

  24. 市场规制法的法理基础

    Legal Principle Foundation of Market Regulation Law

  25. 市场规制法基本理论探究

    On basic theory of market regulation law

  26. 美国虾产品进口的结构变化和市场规制特征研究

    Analysis on Structural Changes and Features of Market Regulations of Imported Shrimps Products in American

  27. 垄断、竞争与市场规制&美国的经验与中国的实践

    Monopolization , Competition and the Market Regulation

  28. 可见,市场规制中的经济行政诉讼研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to have a study on economic administrative litigation .

  29. 市场规制理论的演进轨迹

    The Evolution of Market Governing Theories

  30. 信息资源共享的市场规制

    Market Regimes of Information Resources Sharing