
  • 网络market growth rate
  1. 近年来,全球消费电子产品(简称消费电子)品种越来越丰富,功能与数量越来越多,市场增长率也越来越大,消费电子逐步成为拉动经济增长的重要力量之一。

    Recently , with an increasing type of global consumer electronic products , the function and quantities become powerful , and the market growth rate is growing as well , consequently , the CE industry becomes one of the most important drives of economic growth .

  2. 近年来,云南邮政速递业务被严重分流,平均市场增长率只有2%,而国际快递巨头DHL增长率高达30%。

    In recent years , the express delivery business of China post has been seriously diverted , the average growth rate is only 2 % , whereas the growth rate of DHL , the international express delivery giant , reaches 30 % .

  3. 中国已成为市场增长率最高的国家。

    China has become the fastest growing market in the world by far .

  4. 新兴市场增长率受挫,债务水平上升,而地缘政治的担忧也在蔓延。

    Growth rates are stumbling , debt levels rising and geopolitical fears spreading .

  5. 受中国经济高速增长的带动,亚太地区半导体市场增长率将同西方发达国家相近。

    Asia Pacific region , led by the China 's turbo-charged economy , will enjoy a high semiconductor growth rate similar to the developed western countries .

  6. 研究表明:技术引进变动主要由企业研发水平、企业规模、市场增长率、市场化程度等因素决定的。

    The research indicates that , the change of technology import was mainly affected by domestic RD , enterprise scale , rate of market increment , market degree and so on .

  7. 阿梅里奥表示:印度是一个非常好的第一选择,也就是说,根据不同季节的情况,我们在以2、3倍于市场增长率的速度增长。

    India was a great first choice , he said . We 've been growing , literally , depending upon the quarter , at two to three times the market rate of growth .

  8. 这几年的市场年增长率都保持在20%。

    The market has shown annual growth of 20 per cent for several years .

  9. 气相色谱销售率的增长与整个仪器市场的增长率大约相当。

    Gas Chromatography sales are growing at about the same rate as the instrument market .

  10. 爱立信认为电信设备市场的增长率在3%到5%之间。

    Ericsson sees the equipment market growing at 3 per cent to 5 per cent .

  11. 我们预测,在欧盟地区,爱沙尼亚和立陶宛等前沿市场的增长率可能最高,匈牙利增长率应会轻松胜过预期。

    We expect some of the best EU growth rates in the frontier markets like Estonia and Lithuania , while Hungary should easily beat expectations .

  12. 专业设置可从专业人才市场需求增长率和该专业毕业生相对竞争地位两方面来考虑;

    The setting of majors may take into consideration the growth rate of market demand for talents and the comparativeness of the graduates of these majors ;

  13. 据预测,2006年全球网络游戏市场年增长率在100%以上,增长潜力巨大。

    It is predicted that the increasing rate of the global market of online game will be more than 100 percent in 2006 , suggesting a great increasing potential .

  14. 不论如何,尽管新兴市场信贷增长率很高,但公共和私人部门债务总量远低于美国、西欧和日本。

    And anyway , while growth rates may be high , the stock of both public and private sector debt is much lower than in the US , Western Europe or Japan .

  15. 即中国钢铁产业集中度受到期初集中度、市场容量增长率、企业进入率、技术开发能力的影响。

    Be Chinese iron and steel estate all together degree accepts the beginning of the period all together degree , market capacity growth rate , enterprise turn into rate , technological development ability effect .

  16. 未来五年中国导航市场年均增长率将达到99.3%,年均消费导航终端上千万台。

    It will rise at the average speed of 99.3 % growth in the navigation market of China in the next five years . It means an average annual consumption of tens of millions .

  17. 汇丰银行估计,今年新兴市场平均GDP增长率将达到6.5%,是发达国家的四倍。

    HSBC forecasts average GDP growth of6.5 % this year , more than four times as fast as in developed countries .

  18. 研究公司SandlerResearch赞同这一观点,该公司预计,到2018年底,4K电视市场的年均增长率将达到106.84%。

    SandlerResearch agrees , estimating 4K sets will have an annual growth rate of 106.84 percent through 2018 .

  19. IDC预测,智能手机市场的年增长率到2017年将降至18.4%,过去三年的平均增长率为46.5%。

    IDC forecasts the smartphone market to grow at 18.4 % per year to 2017 , after averaging 46.5 % over the last three years .

  20. 智能手机的暴利时代结束了,赚钱变得越来越困难。IDC预测,智能手机市场的年增长率到2017年将降至18.4%,过去三年的平均增长率为46.5%。

    The easy money is gone , and profits will be harder to come by . IDC forecasts the smartphone market to grow at 18.4 % per year to 2017 , after averaging 46.5 % over the last three years .

  21. 未来20年,预计中国航空货运市场的年增长率将达10.8%。

    Growth is forecast at 10.8 per cent over the next 20 years .

  22. 与此相比,整个咨询市场的年增长率为7%。

    This compares with a growth rate of 7 per cent in the total annual consulting market .

  23. 流感疫苗一直是疫苗市场中复合增长率最高的品种。

    Influenza vaccine in the vaccine market has been the highest compound annual growth rate of varieties .

  24. 市场平均的增长率和我们产品的增长率一对比,结果一目了然啊。

    Here you can clearly see the difference between the average growth rates of the market and of our product .

  25. 在线广告市场的核心增长率依然保持为正在经济低迷期间,谷歌从未出现同比下降的局面。

    The underlying growth rate in online advertising is still positive Google never shrank on a year-on-year basis during the downturn .

  26. 巴菲特在其50多年的投资生涯中,以大大超越市场指数的增长率实现着投资高回报。

    In more than 50 years of Buffett 's investment life , he got the high return , exceeding the market index greatly .

  27. 通过百通在全球的扩张以及本次大投资,我们期望可以加快我们在工业市场的营收增长率。

    With Belden 's expanding global reach and this strong portfolio , we expect to accelerate our revenue growth in the industrial market .

  28. 全球丙烯腈市场需求年均增长率为2%~25%。

    It is forecasted that the world market demand for acrylonitrile will increase at an annual rate of 2 % ~ 2.5 % .

  29. 该银行的客户数量有墨西哥的人口那么多,国内市场的贷款增长率达18%。

    The bank has as many customers as Mexico has people and sits in a country where loan growth is tracking 18 per cent .

  30. 第三季度小米实现最快增速。在国内市场336%的增长率使得小米成为中国市场龙头。

    It experienced the highest growth of the quarter , with an increase of 336 percent driven by strong performance in China where it became market leader .