
  • 网络market life cycle;market life circle
  1. 同时针对专用校车产品在市场生命周期中处于成长期的实际情况,建议公司抓住成长期这一重要阶段为产品成熟期做好准备,实现销售量和利润的双丰收。

    Considering the actual situation that the special school bus products was in the growth stage of market life cycle , it is suggested that the King Long Company should make preparations for the coming of products mature stage , achieve harvests both of sales volume and profit .

  2. 需求率符合市场生命周期变化的易腐库存控制研究

    A Kind of Perishable Inventory Model with Demand Followed by Lifecycle Changes

  3. 品牌市场生命周期管理理论论纲

    The Outline of Brand Life Cycle Management

  4. 本文基于对品牌生命周期规律的认识,以灰色系统中灰色关联熵理论与和谐矩阵理论为分析工具,提出一种品牌市场生命周期管理理论研究框架。

    Based on the concept of brand life cycle , the author puts forward a theory frame of brand life cycle management by combining the grey incidence theory with the entropy theory , Harmony Analysis Matrix .

  5. 本文从产品市场生命周期和产品价值链生命周期两个方面,提出了产品成本效益分析系统功能,并研究了用于成本效益分析的信息支持系统的集成方法。

    This paper suggests the function of cost-benefit analysis in product life cycle of market and product life cycle of value chain . The paper also studies the integrated method of information system for cost-benefit analysis .

  6. 研究二板市场生命周期各阶段的风险,有助于动态地设计控制风险的制度和调整监管思路,进而保障二板市场在发展性和安全性之间谋求最佳的平衡点,并保持市场管理的持续有效。

    Researching on these risks will lead to dynamically designing risk controlling system , adjusting the thought of supervision and management , ensuring the most equilibrium point between development and security , and keeping the market management continuously efficient .

  7. 并从组织的经济学特性、产品技术分割度和产品市场生命周期的角度给出了联盟跨度的确定方法。

    Then , the methods of the span calculation of DMA are given that is to determine the number of cells to be added , its principles include economic characteristics of organization , dimensions of technical separation and product life cycle in market .

  8. 本文以农产品批发市场生命周期理论、交易成本理论、信息不对称理论作为研究的理论基础,主要采用规范与实证相结合的方法,研究了新疆农产品批发市场发展战略问题。

    This paper makes the Agricultural Wholesale Market lifecycle theory , transaction cost theory , and asymmetry information theory as the basic theory , combines standard with practice as the main method , and studies on the developing strategy of Xinjiang Agricultural Wholesale Market .

  9. 利用模糊数学的有关理论与模型,对企业产品的市场生命周期和竞争力进行了模糊综合评判,确定出选择企业支柱产品和主导产品的原则,制定出企业产品结构的调整策略。

    By using relevant theories and models of fuzzy mathematics , the thesis makes a fuzzy synthetic appraising for enterprise product life cycle and competition ability . The thesis establishes principles for choosing key products and leading products in enterprises , and makes out adjustment tactics of enterprise product structure .

  10. 二板市场在生命周期的各个阶段会具有不同的风险特征。

    During each step of this life cycle , the market should have different risk characteristics .

  11. 指那些随着产品经历概念化->发布->成熟->退出市场整个生命周期中的产品管理活动。

    This refers to the activities of managing a product as it goes through its life cycle from ideation to launch to growth to maturity , and eventually to decline .

  12. 一款手机在市场上的生命周期越来越短,消费者更加关注手机的外观、功能和使用性,这就加快了手机的更换频率。

    A cell phone in the market short life cycle , Consumers pay more attention to the appearance of mobile phones , functionality and usability , That has accelerated the replacement of mobile phone frequency .

  13. 新兴技术和管理科学理论的发展,促使企业生产和经营活动的节奏加快,产品从策划、设计开发到投放市场的有效生命周期不断地缩短。

    With the rapid development of emerging technologies and scientific management theories , to production and business activities to accelerate the pace of product from the planning , design and development of the market to effectively continue to shorten the life cycle .

  14. 经济全球化加剧竞争,快变的技术与市场导致产品生命周期越来越短,成功、快速的产品研发成为企业致胜与获取竞争优势的必然选择。

    Globalization of economy intensifies competition , while the changing technology and market shorten lifecycles of products . Therefore , successful and rapid research and development ( RD ) is becoming an inevitable choice for enterprises to win the competition and obtain competitive edge .

  15. 市场失灵、技术生命周期与技术创新政策

    Market Failure , Technology Life-cycles and Technology & Innovation Policy

  16. 作为一家综合性的医药公司,瑞密斯医药将全方位的市场服务与产品生命周期管理完美结合,确保产品和项目的成功运作。

    Rxmidas is a fully integrated pharmaceutical company offering in house the full range of Market Serivces and Lifecycle Management Services necessary to be successful in China .

  17. 当前白酒市场竞争激烈,生命周期变短,竞品增多,竞争已经成为近来白酒市场营销面临的主要问题。

    Currently , with fierce competition and shortened life cycles as well as the increased competitive products , competition has become a major problem in the recent wine marketing .

  18. 对于考虑重复购买因素的创新扩散研究,如经常性购买模型主要针对日常用品或低值易耗品市场,重复购买生命周期模型主要应用在一些的耐用品的扩散中。

    There are some researches about innovation diffusion considering repeat buying factors . For example , some studies used frequent-purchased model in everyday items or low-value consumable product . Some other researchers use the life cycle model of repurchased product in some diffusion of durable goods .

  19. 苏州作为旅游目的地,可以从各细分市场主要产品的发展特点看出不同细分市场的生命周期特点。

    As a tourist destination , Suzhou can foresee the characteristics of the lifecycle of different subdivided markets by a look at the development features of the main products of each subdivided market .