
  • 网络market order;Market System
  1. 企业IPO募资投向变更的行为不仅关系到上市公司募集资金的使用效率,对整个证券市场秩序也会产生广泛的影响。

    The change behavior of investing direction in IPO Companies not only affects the use efficiency of the raised funds , but also has an important impact on the entire market order .

  2. 电子商务市场秩序监管研究

    The Study of Supervision for the E - commercial Market Order

  3. 试析保险市场秩序的公平公正因素

    On Fair and Impartial Factors for the Order of Insurance Market

  4. 关于进一步规范法律服务市场秩序的思考

    Reflections on Further Standardizing the Orders of the Legal Service Market

  5. 第二,建立公平竞争的市场秩序;

    To set up a market order of fair competition ;

  6. 第三部分论述市场秩序的正义价值。

    The third part describes the justice value of the market order .

  7. 论市场秩序与市场主体的合理选择

    On Rational Choice of Market Order and Market Main Body

  8. 政府对管理层收购行为的规制,对维护市场秩序,起到了积极的作用。

    Government regulation regarding MBO plays positive roles for maintaining market order .

  9. 规范和治理旅游市场秩序尤为迫切。

    So regulating and rectificating the tourist market order is so important .

  10. 经济转型、市场秩序与非正式制度安排

    Transformation of Economy , Order of Market and Arrangement of Informal Institutions

  11. 市场秩序的诚信维系及其路径依赖偏好

    Reputation 's Maintenance of Market Order & Its Preference for Path Dependence

  12. 资本市场秩序的核心是维护市场透明度。

    The kernel of capital market order is to maintain market transparence .

  13. 平等竞争是市场秩序的核心。

    Equal competition is the core of market order .

  14. 浅论如何整顿建筑市场秩序

    Investigation concerning the procedure for straightening architecture market order

  15. 然而,我们需要担负保持市场秩序的责任。

    But we need to be responsible to keep that market in order .

  16. 地方政府竞争与市场秩序的重构

    Local Governments ' Competition and Reconstruction of Market Order

  17. 非正式制度、市场秩序优化与经济稳定增长

    Informal institution , Market order and stable economy growth

  18. 市场秩序主要是一种内生和演化的秩序,大力发展市场经济是市场秩序形成的前提条件。

    Market orders are mainly endogenous and evolutive , and require developing market economy .

  19. 中国城市土地市场秩序失范的产权解释

    Interpretation on Disorder of Urban Land Market in China Based on the Property Right

  20. 由于它的高风险性和高盈亏性,任何不规范的交易行为都可能带来巨额的赢利,这种极大的刺激性,诱使一些不法分子不惜铤而走险,违规操作,牟取暴利,严重扰乱了市场秩序。

    Any nonstandard dealing maybe attains enormous profits because of high risk and proceeds .

  21. 该条在调整市场秩序的实践中发生了一定作用。

    The rule worked in the practice of the regulation of the market order .

  22. 强化行业管理规范市场秩序

    Strengthen Industrial Management , Standardize Market Order

  23. 总体来看,掠夺性定价行为以低效率行为驱逐有效率的正常竞争企业,影响了市场秩序。

    Overall , predatory pricing behavior excludes normal efficient competitors , affecting the market order .

  24. 第二章,作者对国外市场秩序理论进行理论溯源与整理,总结前人的研究成果。

    Chapter 2 studies the theoretical evolution of market order studies in the foreign literature .

  25. 市场秩序预警系统研究

    Study on Warning System of Market Order

  26. 市场秩序监管研究

    The Study on Administering of Market Order

  27. 市场秩序和市场规则

    The Market Order and Market Rules

  28. 排污权交易市场秩序的特征、功能与制度安排

    On the Nature , Functions and System Arrangement of the Market Order of Emission Permits Trading

  29. 市场秩序的博弈论分析&兼论规范市场秩序的制度安排

    Analyzing market order by game theory

  30. 哈耶克自由市场秩序论中的经济伦理思想研究

    A Study of the Economic Ethic Ideas of F.A. Hayek on the Rule of Free Market