
  • 网络Market pattern;market structure
  1. 这预示着我国工程咨询业的市场格局,服务体系、2监理咨询行业应对WTO挑战的对策法律法规环境等将会在短时间内发生巨大而深刻的变化。

    It indicates that the market structure , service system and legal environment will change a great deal in a short time in the consulting industry of engineering construction .

  2. 随着3G时代的来临,中国的移动通信产业面临着重组,各大移动通信运营商所面临的技术环境和市场格局都将发生巨大的变化。

    With the coming of 3G era , Chinese communication industry is faced of reform which leads to the remarkable changes of technical environment and market structure for every mobile network operator .

  3. 因此,如何在WTO规则下,重构中国粮食流通新体制,营造一个有序的开放型市场格局环境就成为一个非常现实的问题。

    Thus , it is very practical task to reconstruct new system of foodstuff circulation and create a openly and orderly structure of market .

  4. 3G技术带来的技术升级也将给手机市场格局带来深刻的变革。

    The technological upgrading of 3G technology has also brought profound changes to the pattern of the mobile phone market .

  5. 一方面,中国媒介产业的发展已经进入到规模化发展的阶段,另一方面,加入WTO后中国媒介产业将面临新的国际化竞争的市场格局。

    On one hand , the development of Chinese media industry is stepping in the large-scale stage ; on the other hand , Chinese media industry is facing international competitive market after China acceded to WTO .

  6. TD-SCDMA是第三代移动通信主流技术标准体制中的一个影响非常广泛的体制,将在未来的市场格局中起着举足轻重的作用。

    In the 3G main specifications , the TD-SCDMA is a very influential and widely used system , which will play an important role in future communication market .

  7. 随着电信业的发展,以3G为依托的一个巨大产业链已经开始形成,并将推动、促进新的电信市场格局的构建。

    With the development of telecommunication industry , a huge industry chain has been established on the base of the 3G technology , which will also promote the reconstruction of a new telecom market .

  8. 加入WTO后,随着银行市场格局的变化及现代金融企业先进的经营理念的引入,使得国有商业银行的经营面临着新的挑战,建立先进的经营理念有利于国有商业银行的发展。

    After China entered WTO , the management idea of state-owned commercial banks faces new challenges with the change in market patterns of banks and the entrance of advanced management ideas of modern financial enterprises . It is helpful for state-owned commercial banks to set up an advanced management idea .

  9. 随着我国通信运营商的重组,中国通信运营的市场格局逐渐形成,三网融合、4G的来临,各电信运营商纷纷加大投资力度,积极进行网络设备的升级换代。

    With the restructuring of the operator ' s3G market structure is gradually formed , triple play , 4G advent of telecommunications carriers have increased investment , and actively carry out the upgrading of the network equipment .

  10. 对于在市场格局中相对弱势的中国联通来说,如何提前一步高质量的建成3G精品网络,即WCDMA网络;如何抢前一步占领高端客户市场,成为重塑企业品牌形象的关键环节。

    In the market relatively weak China Unicom , how to advance one step high quality built 3G boutique network , WCDMA network ; how to grab the step before the high-end customer market , becoming the key to reshape the enterprise brand image .

  11. 日本商社丸红(Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading house , has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come , in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

  12. 加强监管下中国期货市场格局形成阶段;

    The formative stage of Chinese futures market under reinforced regulation ;

  13. 强大的消费需求深刻地改变了市场格局和价格走向。

    The great consumption deeply changes market structure and price trend .

  14. 竞争情报市场格局和营销策略研究

    Research on Market Situation and Marketing Strategy of Competitive Intelligence

  15. 中国的市场格局,日益从简单走向更加复杂多变。

    Chinese market is increasingly from simple to more complex .

  16. 近几年,国际汽车市场格局正在逐渐转变。

    In recent years , the international automobile market structure is gradually shift .

  17. 西安市大型零售商业空间结构与市场格局研究

    Spatial structure and marketing pat-tern of large retail business in xi ' an

  18. 中国入境旅游客源市场格局及发展预测

    Analysis and Anticipation on Overseas Inbound Guest-market of China

  19. 推进公平竞争的金融市场格局的形成;

    To promote the formation of the finance market pattern of fair competition ;

  20. 中国谷物进出口贸易市场格局及特征分析

    Analysis of Trade Structure and Characteristics of China 's Cereal Import and Export

  21. 饮料包装市场格局及发展态势

    Beverage Package Market : Pattern & Development

  22. 多赢市场格局需要长期稳定的游戏规则

    All-win Markets Need Long-term Stability Game Regulation

  23. 最后,黑石必须应对整个市场格局。

    Finally , there is the overall market that Blackstone will have to contend with .

  24. 国际矿业巨头不断进行着并购活动形成了寡头垄断的市场格局。

    Their constant merges and acquisition activities have shaped the state of oligopoly market structure .

  25. 市场格局由短缺经济时代的卖方市场逐步向过剩经济时代的买方市场转变,市场竞争日益激烈化。

    The market structure has changed from sellers'market of shortage economy to buyers'market of surplus economy .

  26. 市场格局发生了新的变化,改革创新取得了新的突破;

    Composition of the market has a change , innovation of the insurance has a development ;

  27. 饮水思源:我国饮料包装市场格局及新技术

    China 's Beverage Packaging Industry

  28. 在交换活动中,不同的市场格局以及不同的供给与需求条件往往导致不同的交换结果。

    Different market pattern and different supply - demand relation may lead to different result in exchange .

  29. 旧的市场格局将被打破,新的市场格局正在形成。

    The old market pattern will be broken and the new market pattern will be taking shape .

  30. 随着多层次旅游市场格局的形成,旅游广告将进一步朝立体化方向发展。

    With the establishment of tourism market at different levels , tourism advertisement will become more stereoscopic .