
  • 网络Market space
  1. 当然市场空间内的指导和领导也需要来自Rational。

    Certainly the guidance and leadership in this market space needs to come from Rational .

  2. PVC地板目前已在国内商用领域普及,越来越多的客户接受并使用这一新型地材,市场空间巨大。

    PVC flooring has been used in domestic commercial area more and more frequently and has a huge market space .

  3. 基于Agent的市场空间结构演化

    Evolution of Market Geographic Structure Based on Agent Technology

  4. 随着中国加如WTO,中国进出口贸易额将逐步扩大,为航空货运提供了更加广阔的机会和市场空间。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the amount of import and export will increase , which offers more opportunities .

  5. 但我们曾占有,且仍旧占有关于语言环境的强大市场空间,如COBOL和PL/1,并且现在由Java来配合。

    But we had , and still have , a strong market presence regarding language environments , like COBOL and PL / 1 , and that 's now matched by Java .

  6. 挤压纽交所市场空间的不仅有bats之类的新兴交易所,还有“暗池”供机构间进行大宗交易的私募交易所以及进行内部交易的银行。

    The NYSE has been squeezed out not only by upstart exchanges such as bats , but by " dark pools " private exchanges on which institutions trade with each other in large blocks and by banks making transactions internally .

  7. 中国正以巨大的市场空间和丰富的人力资源优势,成为承接发达国家制造业资本流动和产业转移的重要载体。

    The manufacturing is transferring from developed country to developing country .

  8. 中国肉产品市场空间均衡研究

    Application of Spatial Equilibrium Model to China 's Meat Products Market

  9. 玻璃纤维高效空气滤纸具有广阔的市场空间和良好的发展前景。

    This grade paper is of wide market and good development prospects .

  10. 加强与东盟国家的对外交流,拓展市场空间;

    Strengthening the communication with ASEAN countries to expand the market space ;

  11. 天然橡胶市场空间均衡模型研究

    The Study of Spatial Equilibrium Model of Natural Rubber Market

  12. 酒泉市海外客源市场空间结构分析

    The Analysis of Spatial Structure of foreign Tourism Market in Jiuquan City

  13. 它为假冒产品的猖厥提供了广阔的市场空间。

    It provided vast market space for the rampancy of sham product .

  14. 传统媒体应该充分利用互联网的传播优势,拓展新的市场空间。

    Old media should pioneer new market space in virtue of Internet .

  15. 由于其高质量、低成本的优势,从而使其具有极为广阔的市场空间。

    Its high-quality and low-cost advantage make it an extremely broad market space .

  16. 中巴都是人口大国,市场空间十分广阔。

    Both China and Pakistan have a big population and great market potential .

  17. 旅游客源市场空间结构对比研究

    A Comparison Research on Spatial Structures of Tourist Market

  18. 起重机作为一种重要的工具,拥有广阔的市场空间,因而竞争也十分激烈。

    Crane , one of the important tool has wide space of market .

  19. 国际直接投资与国际贸易的发展,从根本上有赖于一国的技术创新;另一方面,国际直接投资与国际贸易又为技术创新提供了市场空间,带来了市场需要和技术发展的信息。

    The development of FDI and foreign trade is dependent on technological innovations .

  20. 中国劳动力市场空间分异研究

    Study on regional disparity of labor market in China

  21. 农村小额信贷市场空间分析

    On the Market Space of Rural Small Loans

  22. 当前,要搞活农村经济,必须拓宽农产品市场空间。

    To enliven rural economy , market space for agricultural products must be expanded .

  23. 艺术电影如何寻找市场空间?

    How the art film to find market ?

  24. 我国商业健康保险的发展具有巨大的市场空间。

    A spacious room is reserved for the development of Chinese commercial health insurances .

  25. 本专利产品有很强的实用性和普遍的使用性市场空间显而易见!

    This patented product contain very strong function the widespread usage market spaces obviously !

  26. 加强营销网络建设,不断拓展市场空间。

    6 , strengthening the marketing network , and continuously expand the market space .

  27. 网络企业市场空间广阔,然而竞争也十分激烈。

    Though the market space of the internet is enormous , it is very competitive .

  28. 我国饭店业已步入竞争激烈的微利时代,面对日趋饱和的市场空间和雷同的饭店产品,如何留住有价值的忠诚宾客成为新形势下饭店企业营销战略的关注重点。

    The hotel industry in China today has entered into a period of intense competition .

  29. 对于国际银行业而言,一方面其面临着更广阔的市场空间,另一方面也面临全球范围内的激烈竞争。

    The global banking sector is facing broader market as well as even more fierce competition .

  30. 首先,产能进一步释放,市场空间不断扩大。

    First of all , the production capacity further releases , market space continues to expand .