
shì chǎnɡ ɡōnɡ yìng
  • market supply
  1. 在建立市场供应&需求模型的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法对细分市场评估;

    On the basis of setting up " the market supply - demand model ", evaluated the segmental market using SWOT ;

  2. 黑龙江齐齐哈尔黑龙精细化工厂,生产能力300t/a。除自用以外,NHD的市场供应量为4000t/a左右,而需求量不超过2300t/a。

    Except for the use by themselves , market supply of NHD is 4000 t / a , while the demand is not exceed 2300 t / a yet .

  3. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  4. 买方主导的B2B电子市场供应链协作模型研究

    Study of supply chain coordination in buyer centric B2B electronic markets

  5. 他们也必须尽快筹集资金,为农行的IPO留出时间,以免出现市场供应过度的局面。

    They also have to raise money soon to allow some time before the ABC IPO so they don 't flood the market with supply .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)已将2008年铁矿石价格涨幅预期上调至50%,“以反映异常紧张的市场供应”。

    Morgan Stanley has raised its forecast to a 50 per cent rise in iron ore prices for 2008 " to reflect an exceptionally tight market . "

  7. 它将造成该ETF在美国国内(净进口国)买入铜,打乱市场供应。

    This would cause the ETF to buy copper within the U.S. – a net importer – disrupting the flow of supply .

  8. 即使没有KeystoneXL输油管道,加拿大即将上线的其他管道也会让市场供应增加多达35万桶油。

    Even without the Keystone XL pipeline , other Canadian pipelines coming online will bring as much as 350,000 more barrels onto the market .

  9. 尽管人们对于全球原油市场供应趋紧的担忧不断加剧,石油输出国组织(OPEC,欧佩克)昨日仍达成一致意见,决定于明年年初减产,此举再次显示了该组织在油价方面的影响力。

    The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries yesterday moved to reassert its power over oil prices by agreeing to cut production early next year in spite of rising concerns over tightening world crude markets .

  10. 他指出,IEA的库存报告(市场供应的关键指标)正在丧失重要性,因为它们未能包括一些全球最大规模的石油储备。

    He noted that the IEA 's storage reports – a key indicator to market supplies – were losing significance because they failed to include some of the world 's biggest hoards of oil .

  11. “中国向印度市场供应钢铁,将会影响到我们,”roongta表示。

    " The Chinese offering steel to Indian markets will have a bearing on us ," mr Roongta said .

  12. “天然气市场供应受供应的限制很大,”美国剑桥能源咨询公司(ihscera)驻北京的副总监周希舟表示,“大量需求被遏制。”

    " The gas market has been very supply constrained , " says Zhou Xizhou , associate director of IHS Cera , the consultancy , in Beijing . " There is a lot of pent-up demand . "

  13. 自今年年初以来,上海期铜曲线处于明显的“期货溢价”(contango)走势,三个月交割的期铜价格高于现货价,暗示市场供应充足。

    The Shanghai copper futures curve has been in a wide contango , with the copper for delivery in three months trading above spot metal , since the beginning of the year , indicating a well-supplied market .

  14. 春节市场供应充足。

    During the Spring Festival , the market supply of commodities is ample .

  15. 尽管劳动力市场供应紧张,但全球各国的工资增长颇为温和。

    Wage growth is moderate everywhere , in spite of tight labour markets .

  16. 他们将向市场供应新商品。

    They will supply the market with new commodities .

  17. 市场供应很紧张,他补充说。

    The market is very tight , he added .

  18. 请注明您的市场供应,并确定总销售额的百分之市场。

    Please specify markets that you supply to and identify total sales per market .

  19. 武汉市的房地产市场供应量和需求量也都呈上升趋势。

    Real estate market supply and demand in Wuhan is all on the rise .

  20. 领导企业根据市场供应能力和供应商销售状况来控制对链上企业的知识转移。

    Leaders will control the process of knowledge transfer according to the market conditions and supplier capacity .

  21. 这个大市场供应来自全国各地的活鱼、野味和名贵食品。

    The big market provides live fish , game and famous delicacies from all parts of China .

  22. 但他再次申明,目前石油市场供应依然充足。

    However , Mr Naimi reiterated that for the time being the oil market was well supplied .

  23. 钼市场供应依然紧张,并且钼价格超过了4月的高点;

    The supply side is still tight , and molybdenum price surges over the climax of April ;

  24. 根据当天的市场供应情况,学校保留更改所有权利,将不再另行通知!

    Angels Kindergarten reserves the rights to amend the menu items above if needed without prior notification .

  25. 这意味着向市场供应更多石油,再度形成压低价格的压力。

    That threatens to add more oil to the market , again putting downward pressure on prices .

  26. 现在,他们向国外市场供应的奶酪比其它任何规模的奶酪公司都多。

    They now supply more cheese to the foreign market than any other cheese company their size .

  27. 抗感冒药作为民众最基本的疾病用药,市场供应和需求量相当大。

    Cold medicine as people used the most basic medicine , the market supply and demand are considerable .

  28. 当前我国铝用阳极的生产、消费及石油焦市场供应形势

    Current production and consumption of anodes used for domestic aluminum industry and situation of petroleum coke market supply

  29. 该公司也面临着保障国内市场供应的政治压力,尽管这意味着经济损失。

    It is also under political pressure to keep domestic markets supplied , even if it means losing money .

  30. 不过,目前的石油市场供应依然紧张,如果需求出现回升,油价有可能迅速反弹。

    Still , oil supply remains constrained and , if demand returns , prices could head back up quickly .