
  • 网络failure;Market Failure;marketfailure
  1. 而RD活动的溢出效应和风险导致市场失灵,这是政府介入RD活动的原因所在。

    The reason of the governmental involvement in R D activities is the market failure caused by the R D spill over effects and risks .

  2. 公益型NGO作为不特定人群的代言人,有效地弥补了市场失灵和政府失灵,促进了社会的公平。

    As the mouthpiece of the unspecific crowd , the public service based NGO effectively makes up the market failure and public failure and promotes social equity .

  3. 对于我国在利用FDI领域暴露出的问题,笔者将其区分为源于市场失灵的问题和源于政府失灵的问题,并提出相应的政府规制措施和法律规制措施。

    At the same time , the author makes a difference between the questions originating from market and the questions originating from government failure to the problems we are facing . Correspondingly , governmental measures and legal measures are provided .

  4. 系统性风险与我国农作物保险市场失灵&基于M-V偏好模型分析

    System Risk and the Failure of China 's Crop Insurance Market & An Analysis Based on M-V Preference Model

  5. 然而市场失灵使MVA在实践中应用显得困难重重,而人力资本的缺失又使EVA没能最终触及到价值创造的最终驱动要素。

    However the market malfunctions cause MVA to apply in the practice with difficulties , and the lack of human capital enables EVA finally can not touch the finally essential driving factor of enterprise value creation .

  6. 市场失灵、政府失效及对策

    Market Failure , Government Failure and the Way to Handling Them

  7. 从美国的经济衰退看市场失灵

    Understanding out of Order in Market from Economic Depression of America

  8. 本文的主要创新之处如下:1.系统分析私人巨灾市场失灵的原因。

    Systematic analysis of the reasons of private catastrophe market failure .

  9. 对我国职业足球市场失灵的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Market Failure in Chinese Professional Football Market

  10. 责任保险:市场失灵、立法强制与道德风险管理

    Liabilities Insurance : Market Malfunction , Legislation Obligation and Moral Hazard Management

  11. 市场失灵、技术生命周期与技术创新政策

    Market Failure , Technology Life-cycles and Technology & Innovation Policy

  12. 析市场失灵及其经济对策

    Analysis of market out of work and its economic countermeasures

  13. 政府失效是相对于市场失灵的一个经济学概念。

    Government failures is an economic concept in response to market failures .

  14. 市场失灵的中国经济法思考

    Reflections on Market Failure from the Perspective of Economic Law in China

  15. 农村土地流转市场失灵的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Failure of Rural Land Conversion Market

  16. 我国高等教育市场失灵的表现、原因及其对策

    Manifestation and Cause of Market Failure in Chinese Higher Education and Countermeasures

  17. 风险投资市场失灵的对策思考

    The Way to Deal with the Malfunction of the Venture Capital Market

  18. 我国巨灾保险市场失灵的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Market Failure of Catastrophe Insurance in China

  19. 这是隐含的市场失灵的一个极好例子。

    This is an excellent example of implicit market failure .

  20. 市场失灵的例子当然有很多。

    There are , of course , numerous examples of market failures .

  21. 产业集群市场失灵中的政府职能定位

    Government Function Location in the " Market Failure " of Industry Cluster

  22. 农民工市场失灵及其矫正

    The Malfunction and Correction to the Peasant Worker Market

  23. 我们还认识到,政府失灵比市场失灵的代价更大。

    We also know that government failure is more costly than market failure .

  24. 公共企业:政府弥补市场失灵的一项政策工具

    Public Enterprises : the government 's policy tool to remedy the market failure

  25. 构建和谐社会与市场失灵的矫正

    Constructing a Harmonious Society and Rectification of Market Failure

  26. 比如外部性和市场失灵的案例。

    Examples are externalities and cases of market failure .

  27. 绿色营销的正外部性市场失灵及其治理

    The Market Failure of External Benefit in Green Marketing

  28. 养老保险的市场失灵与政府失灵及其矫正路径

    The Retirement Insurance Market and the Government Out of Control and the Corrections

  29. 新经济市场失灵与纳斯达克效应&美国新经济周期的制度经济学分析

    New economy : market failure and Nasdaq effect

  30. 新制度经济学视角下的市场失灵问题

    Probe into the Problem of Market Malfunction in the View of New System Economics