
  • 网络market research report
  1. 第四章结合前面理论分析和市场调查报告分析,希望对中国的企业提供一些建设性的建议及新形势下企业发展的总体目标和发展方向。

    Chapter IV combined with the previous theoretical analysis and market research report analyzes the hope that Chinese enterprises to provide some constructive suggestions , and the new situation of the overall goals and direction of enterprise development .

  2. 名牌服装的市场竞争策略和目标&关于ABC的市场调查报告

    Competitive strategies and market goal for famous brand clothing & a Market Research Report about ABC

  3. 3G时代湖南手机报发展对策研究&湖南手机报市场调查报告

    On Development Countermeasures of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper in the Third Generation Age : Survey Report of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper Market

  4. 重庆商用集中空调市场调查报告

    The investigation report about the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing

  5. 四川省财产保险市场调查报告

    A Research Report on the Property and Casualty Insurance Market in Sichuan Province

  6. 山东农用小型挖掘机市场调查报告

    Report of the agricultural excavator in Shandong province

  7. 北京建筑涂料市场调查报告

    Investigation On Beijing Market Of Construction Coatings

  8. 通常我们会先看市场调查报告,然后再谈订货事宜。

    In most cases , we don 't discuss the order before looking at the market report .

  9. 据最新一份市场调查报告,在2008年的时候,网页广告方面的开支将全面超越广播广告预算。

    According to a recent market survey report , in2008 when comprehensive website advertising beyond radio advertising expenditure budget .

  10. 第三章详细分析了苹果手机产品的营销现状以及针对改现状进行的市场调查报告。

    Chapter III detailed analysis of the Apple phone product marketing status quo and change the status quo of the market survey report .

  11. 新世纪旅游的热点:远洋海岛旅游&上海、海口、三亚市场调查报告

    The Tourist Hot Spot of the New Century : The Off-shore Island Tours ─ A Probe into Markets of Shanghai , Haikou and Sanya

  12. 根据网购市场调查报告显示,我国网购人数的规模已形成一个巨大的用户群和方兴未艾的增长态势。

    According to the online shopping market survey report shows , the number of online shopping in China has formed a huge user base and be just unfolding growth .

  13. 再次,结合审美心理特征对重庆美术品消费市场调查报告进行分析,得出大众文化消费与个人审美心理需求是互动的关系。

    Again , combined with aesthetic psychological characteristics of chongqing art consumption market survey report for analysis , that mass culture consumption and personal aesthetic psychological demand is interactive relationship .

  14. 然而,中国东方资产管理公司研发中心在09年发布的不良资产市场调查报告中认为,商业银行不良贷款规模将增加。

    However , according to the survey on NPLs market in 2009 by the research centre of China Orient Asset Management Corporation , the scale of such loan is still on the rise . With the data released by China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) .

  15. 美国市场罗非鱼调查报告

    Investigation Report on Tilapia in American Market

  16. C/C材料市场调查分析报告

    C / C Composite Market Research

  17. 其次,简要介绍了重庆的地域特点以及对重庆美术品消费市场的调查报告,并结合报告结果逐项解析了具有地域性的大众审美心理需求。

    Secondly , this paper briefly introduces the characteristics and chongqing in chongqing art consumption market survey report , combining analytical report the results with regional item by item mass aesthetic psychological needs .

  18. 受诺基亚网络(NokiaNetworks)委托,HPIResearchGroup针对移动信息传递业务进行了一项全球市场调查。本报告总结了该项调查的一些重要发现和结论。

    This report provides a review of the key learnings from the global research HPI Research Group has conducted on behalf of Nokia Networks focusing on mobile messaging services during the first half of 2001 .

  19. 日本自动识别技术产品市场规模调查结果报告

    The Market Amount Survey Report about Japan Automatic Identification Products

  20. 准备好一份深入市场调查的分析报告

    Prepare an In Depth Analysis of the Market

  21. 模具劳动力市场人才供求状况调查报告

    Mold Talent Supply and Demand Situation in the Labor Market Survey

  22. 地方法人金融机构参与银行间市场业务效应的调查报告

    Report on the outcome of local corporate financial institutions ' participation in interbank market businesses

  23. 曼先生:当然,我们请的是专业的市场调查公司。这是我们的市场调查报告。

    Mr. Mann : Sure . A professional marketing survey agency was invited to do it . Here is the survey report .

  24. 和谐农村文化建设的书报刊市场开发策略研究&湖北农村书报刊市场调查报告

    The Strategy of Publication Market Exploitation in Harmonious Rural Cultural Construction

  25. 一个值得去大力开发的旅游市场&关于浙江省农村旅游市场情况的调查报告

    A Tourism Market Deserving to be Developed & An Investigation Report on Rural Tourism Market in Zhejiang Province

  26. 中国市场研究报告(ChinaMarketResearchReports)发布的中国西地那非市场2009-2018年调查报告估计,中国有5千多万男性患性功能障碍。

    The Investigation Report on China Sildenafil Market , 2009-2018 put out by China Market Research Reports estimates that more than 50 million men in China suffer from sexual dysfunction .

  27. 中国市场研究报告(ChinaMarketResearchReports)发布的“中国西地那非市场2009-2018年调查报告”估计,中国有5千多万男性患性功能障碍。

    The " Investigation Report on China Sildenafil Market , 2009-2018 " put out by China Market Research Reports estimates that more than 50 million men in China suffer from sexual dysfunction .