
shì chǎnɡ diào chá
  • market research;market survey;market investigation
  1. 市场调查表明93%的观众希望有一个播放热门影片的频道。

    Market research showed that 93 % of the viewing public wanted a hit film channel .

  2. 一家清一色由女性组成的市场调查公司成立了,其目的是调查女性对于重大新闻事件的看法。

    A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues .

  3. 一位市场调查人员造访了他的住处。

    A market researcher called at the house where he was living

  4. “你的市场调查有哪些内容?”“嗯,这个嘛,要视我们的目标年龄群体而定。”

    ' What does your market research consist of ? ' — ' Well , the thing is , it depends on our target age group . '

  5. 市场调查机构Childwise询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。市场调查机构Childwise采访了一千多名五岁以下儿童的家长。

    More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise .

  6. 市场调查显示,医生和护士几乎不用担心失业问题:即使发生经济危机,医疗工作者通常也能保住自己的工作。

    According to market research , doctors and nurses almost never face the unemployment issue : even when economic crises take place , medical workers usually are able to keep their jobs .

  7. “神秘购物”是市场调查公司和监管机构的外部调查工具,也可以由公司作为内部调查使用,以衡量服务质量、是否遵守规则,或作收集产品和服务的特定信息之用。

    Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies , watchdog organizations , or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service , or compliance1 with regulation , or to gather specific information about products and services .

  8. CreateExposure主要提供旨在迎合年轻消费者的市场调查、人力资源和设计服务。

    Create Exposure provides marketing research , PR , and design services catered to appeal to young consumers .

  9. IBM市场调查显示情景应用程序的用户将它们视为核心价值。

    IBM market research shows that users of SAs view them as of core importance .

  10. 英国CNC机床市场调查

    Survey of UK CNC Machine Tool Market

  11. 成都DT花园的市场调查和产品定位

    Marketing Research and Product Positioning of Chengdu DT Garden

  12. 3G时代湖南手机报发展对策研究&湖南手机报市场调查报告

    On Development Countermeasures of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper in the Third Generation Age : Survey Report of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper Market

  13. 鼠标主妇们更喜欢做这些工作:在线市场调查,在线销售书籍、DVD或CD。

    Mousewives prefer to do these jobs : Online market research ; Selling books , DVDs or CDs online and Mystery shopping .

  14. 本文从CM公司的实证分析出发,运用科学的市场调查方法,对CM公司的大客户的需求进行深入分析以后,系统的制定出一套适合CM公司为大客户提供针对性服务的措施。

    This thesis make up useful measures for CM company to keep VIP customers basing on empirical analysis . And the thesis is composed of five chapters .

  15. 另一家市场调查公司ccsinsight的本伍德称,与微软合作确实有益。

    Teaming up with Microsoft would indeed have benefits , says Ben wood of CCS insight , another market research firm .

  16. 据美国市场调查公司高德纳公司的预计,在2012年,将会有1.035亿台的平板设备被售出,而苹果公司的Ipad会占三分之二。

    Market research firm Gartner estimated that 103.5 million tablet devices will be sold in 2012 with Apple accounting for two-thirds .

  17. 然后通过市场调查和运用SWOT分析的方法,确定了上海合泰保险代理公司的目标市场。

    Then we investigate the market and analyze the SWOT of the company , it is also necessary process to select the target market .

  18. 摩根大通首席财务官玛丽安•雷克(MarianneLake)表示,这一法律费用针对许多事项,确实包含我们对外汇市场调查的最佳估计。

    Marianne Lake , chief financial officer , said the legal charge covered a number of matters and did include our best estimate for FX .

  19. 在区域旅游客源市场调查的基础上,科学分析区域旅游客源市场开发中的SWOT因素,制定适宜的开发战略,可以变劣势为优势,化威胁为机遇,实现客源市场持续开发。

    On basis of regional tourist market data , it is important to analyze SWOT factors and to formulate appropriate tourist exploitation countermeasures for sustainable tourism development .

  20. 受诺基亚网络(NokiaNetworks)委托,HPIResearchGroup针对移动信息传递业务进行了一项全球市场调查。本报告总结了该项调查的一些重要发现和结论。

    This report provides a review of the key learnings from the global research HPI Research Group has conducted on behalf of Nokia Networks focusing on mobile messaging services during the first half of 2001 .

  21. 纽约市场调查公司PaoPrinciple的一项调查显示,将近90%的受访中国富人过去一年内都购买了一个名贵手包。

    A survey by New York market research firm Pao Principle found that almost 90 % of ' well heeled ' Chinese surveyed had purchased a designer handbag in the past year .

  22. 今年5月,市场调查机构欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的报告显示,功能和运动饮料在2013年的销量涨幅为4%,比起前一年的9%有所减少。

    In May , Euromonitor International reported that sales of energy and sports drinks grew in 2013 by 4 % , considerably slower than the 9 % growth the year before .

  23. 市场调查公司弗雷斯特的markmulligan称,音乐爱好者如今期望各种设备都可播放自个的收藏曲目。

    Mark Mulligan of Forrester , a research firm , says music fans now expect to be able to play their collections of tunes on all sorts of devices .

  24. 实证研究证实了基于T-S的GMDH模型提高了非参数GMDH对于市场调查数据的描述能力。

    The real diagnosis research has confirmed the GMDH model based on the T-S enhanced the market investigation data description ability with non-parameter GMDH .

  25. 文章利用2001年中国城市劳动力市场调查数据进行失业的Logistic回归分析,结果发现,相对于城市本地劳动力,农村外来劳动力的失业风险更低。

    This paper estimates logistic regression models for unemployment risks by using data from the China Urban Labor Survey in 2001 , and finds that the unemployment likelihood of migrant laborers is lower than that of local laborers .

  26. 笔者通过市场调查,分析了近年来EPR生产、技术、消费和价格情况,为EPR生产和消费企业提供参考。

    Through market research , analysis has been made on production , technology , comsumption and prices of EPR in recent years , this will give reference for production and comsumption .

  27. Mullins建议企业家进行市场调查,这样就会获得真实的数据来支撑其观点。

    Professor Mullins advises entrepreneurs to do market tests so they have real numbers to support their s.

  28. 本研究通过与专业技术人员的对话和详细的市场调查,对LED光源技术做了较为深入的了解,对当下市场上的LED客厅灯具做了详尽的分析。

    Through the research and professional and technical personnel of the dialogue and detailed market survey , the LED light source technology to do a more in-depth understanding of the LED , the living room lamps on the market at present is analyzed in detail .

  29. 根据追踪调查消费者行为的市场调查公司comscorenetworks的数据显示,不包括送货费用在内,去年通过互联网购物的费用约为820亿美元,比2004年增长24%。

    Excluding travel , some $ 82 billion was spent last year buying things over the Internet , 24 % more than in 2004 , according to comScore networks , which tracks consumer behaviour .

  30. 据Mintel市场调查公司预测,巧克力市场在经济衰退时期将持续升温。

    And market research firm Mintel predicts that the chocolate market will keep growing throughout the recession .