
shì chǎnɡ tǐ xì
  • market system
  1. 在美国,明年将逐步采用一套名为监管全国市场体系(RegulationNationalMarketSystem)的新规则体系,要求经纪商表明:自己已走访过多家交易所、找到了最佳价格。

    In the US , a new system of rules known as Regulation National Market System , to be phased in next year , requires brokers to show they have shopped across exchanges and found the best price .

  2. 毕竟,英国银行家协会最初为libor建立这个奇特的价格报告体系的一个原因是,与交易股票相比,利用公开市场体系确定贷款利率的难度更大。

    After all , one reason the BBA developed its peculiar price reporting system for LIBOR in the first place was that it was harder to use an open market system to set lending rates than trade equities .

  3. 我国于1月31日发布《建设高标准市场体系行动方案》,为指导今后5年我国推进高标准市场体系建设明确了行动指南。

    China on Jan 31 unveiled an action plan to guide the building of a high-standard market system in the next five years .

  4. 方案从市场体系基础制度、要素资源高效配置、市场环境和质量、高水平市场开放、现代化市场监管机制五个方面,提出51条具体举措。

    The plan proposes more than 51 specific measures covering five aspects , including the basic institutions of the market , efficient allocation of production factors in the market , market environment and quality , high-level opening-up and the oversight of the modern market system .

  5. 完善中部经济协调发展的金融市场体系;

    Perfecting the financial market system that midland economy develops in harmony ;

  6. 我国花卉产业市场体系建设探讨

    Probe into the Construction of Market System of Our Country 's Floriculture

  7. 一个开放的全球市场体系正在形成。

    An open global market system is coming to being .

  8. 地质市场体系建设的思考

    Some thoughts on building up a geological market system

  9. 都市农业的市场体系发育比较完善;

    The third was that the market system for urban agriculture was perfect .

  10. 龙头企业数量少,规模小。7、市场体系不健全。

    Leading enterprises is in small number and scale.7.Market system is not perfect .

  11. 培育市场体系,提高市场化程度;

    Cultivating market system and improving marketization degree ;

  12. 加强市场体系建设促进市场主体发展

    Strengthen Market System Construction to Promote Municipal Development

  13. 建立我国粮食市场体系研究

    Study on Establishing Grain Market System in China

  14. 关于社会主义市场体系的几个理论问题

    Several Theoretical Questions Concerning the Socialist Market System

  15. 强化药品监督管理建立和完善统一开放竞争有序的医药市场体系

    Strengthening Drug Administration and Consummating Medical Market System

  16. 其次,完善金副市场体系。

    Secondly , Improving the financial market system .

  17. 公司治理问题对于完善一国的市场体系具有十分重要的意义。

    Corporate governance is very significant for perfecting the market system of a country .

  18. 五是市场体系不健全;

    Fifth is the no sanity market system .

  19. 建立我国多层次资本市场体系的若干关键问题

    Some Key Problems about The Establishment of Out Country 's Multi-level Capital Market System

  20. 我国野生动物资源产权交易市场体系研究

    The Research on the Market System of Wildlife Resource Property Rights Trade in China

  21. 加快农村市场体系建设;

    Quickening the construction of rural market system ;

  22. 黑龙江省农村技术市场体系建设与发展研究

    Research the Country Technique Market System on Constructing and Developing in Hei Long Jiang Province

  23. 开放经济市场体系中宏观产出最大化的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Macro output Maximization Problem in the Open National Economy System

  24. 多层次资本市场体系是资本市场完善的标志,它的生成是市场发展的客观必然。

    The generation of multi-level capital market system is an objective necessity of market development .

  25. 浅议矿业权交易市场体系

    Preliminary Investigation into Market System Mining Right

  26. 印度市场体系初探

    An initial study of Indian market system

  27. 自2002年起,电煤政府指导价放开,由于电煤市场体系下健全。

    Since 2002 , government lifted the control over the guiding price of power coal .

  28. 大院旅游的三级目标市场体系。

    The three level target market system .

  29. 在我国企业集团中,已经建立了较为完整的内部资本市场体系。

    In the companies of china , a relatively mature internal capital market is established .

  30. 培育和发展市场体系;

    Cultivating and developing market system ;