
  • Market Positioning;market position;Marketing Positioning;niche
  1. 在结合人人乐自身SWOT分析后,按STP的科学程序,进行准确的目标市场定位。

    Then it confined the situation of SWOT , according to the process of STP , makes an accurate target market positioning .

  2. 文章采用SWOT理论、波特理论、方格图理论等理论对展览价值链、农展馆经营现状、市场定位进行分析研究。

    Using SWOT theory , Poter theory and diagram theory , the article analyses the exhibition 's value chains , the status of the center and market positioning .

  3. 面临加入WTO当前珠宝厂商的正确市场定位

    When Join WTO Correct Orientation in Markets of Jewelry Manufacture

  4. 加入WTO后我国中小商业银行市场定位战略的选择

    The Choice of the Market-locating Strategy of china 's Medium-and-Small Commercial Banks After Entering WTO

  5. 指出了MSR的市场定位并给出了组网和业务解决方案。

    Points out the market-ing and provides solutions of MSR .

  6. 再次,根据STP进行市场定位,确定营销组合战术策略。

    Once again , it concludes the market positioning and the marketing mix tactics in terms of the STP analysis .

  7. 欧洲管理培训中心是EMC的一个分支部门,专门帮助各类公司在欧洲找到准确的市场定位,其中包括市场战略部署,市场营销及供应链管理等。

    European Management Coaching , a division of EMC , helps companies to build significant market positions in Europe through partnerships covering company strategy , sales , marketing , and distribution .

  8. 在此基础上本文结合房地产行业的特征,阐述了CRM系统在房地产企业中的市场定位、施工建设、销售管理和物业管理等全过程中的应用。

    On the basis of characteristics of the real estate , it discusses CRM application of market position , construction , sale management , estate management in real estate and the evaluation of effect .

  9. 然后重点探讨了房地产开发经营中的客户关系管理(第3章),强调CRM在房地产开发经营中的市场定位、施工建设、销售、物业管理等全过程中的应用;

    Then , in the third chapter , it analyses the application of the market orientation , the construction , the sales and the property management in the course of the real estate development and operation .

  10. 2)地产开发项目市场定位的逻辑框架为4P(产品定位)与4C(市场定位)的对接;

    2 ) The real estate development project market localization logical frame is 4P ( product localization ) and 4C ( market localization ) docking ;

  11. 但企业规模偏小,AA级产品和驰名品牌少,市场定位针对性不强及进入战略、方式选择不当等问题。制约着企业向国际市场的进一步开拓和社会经济效益的提高。

    But small scales of most enterprises , the short of AA class products and famous brands , inaccurate market-orientation and improper strategy and way of accessing market preventing enterprises from expanding the international market .

  12. 第三部分实务分析,主要围绕TF独立学院的背景与现状分析、环境分析、目标市场定位、内部营销策略、外部营销策略展开。

    The third part develops mainly on the basis of the analysis of background and the current situation , environmental analysis , target market positioning , internal marketing strategies and external marketing strategies .

  13. 每一位预期的Addison-Wesley的作者必须提交一个申请表,表中描述了市场定位、此书相对于其他书的有用性以及他们预想的促销书籍的手段。

    Every prospective AW author must submit a proposal form that asks them to describe the target market , how useful the book will be to others , and how they envision promoting it .

  14. Phonak新的Audeo助听器有15种颜色,看上去更像是时尚的耳机而非老式的助听器,它的市场定位是“个人交流助手”。

    Phonak 's new Audeo device comes in15 fashionable colors , looks more like a sleek ear phone than an old-fashioned hearing aid and is being marketed as a'personal communication assistant .

  15. 内容包括市场定位、竞争策略、营销组合。

    Contents include market positioning , competitive strategy , marketing mix .

  16. 第三方物流企业的发展需要合理的市场定位。

    The development of Third Party Logistics requires rational market orientation .

  17. 我们的市场定位是专业的紧固件系统服务商。

    U.S.market position of the fastening systems are professional service providers .

  18. 山旺国家地质公园地质旅游资源研究及市场定位

    Geological Tourism Resources Studies and Market Positioning of Shanwang National Geopark

  19. 高校学报的质量管理与市场定位

    Quality Administration and Market Location of Journal of College and University

  20. 我国大型百货商场的市场定位与发展策略

    The market position and developing strategy of large-sized department stores

  21. 并对2000CR系列柴油机的市场定位作了分析。

    Moreover , the market orientation of2000CR series are analyzed .

  22. 中国融资方式选择与证券市场定位

    China 's Choice of Financing Patterns and Positioning of the Securities Market

  23. 第三,引导饭店明确市场定位,开展良性竞争;

    Third , leading the clear orientation and than developing appropriate competition ;

  24. 高新技术企业市场定位问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of High-new Technical Enterprise Marketing Positioning in China

  25. 我们的市场定位是为那些穿大尺码的女士生产服装。

    Our market niche is women who ware larger sizes .

  26. 合适的市场定位战略的制定与市场细分以及目标市场选择密不可分。

    An appropriate positioning strategy is closely related to segmenting and targeting .

  27. 上海瑞金-哈佛心脏中心市场定位和营销策略

    Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies for Shanghai Ruijin-Harvard Heart Center

  28. 上海锦江国际酒店集团的市场定位问题浅析

    The Research of Marketing Orientation for Jinjiang International Hotels Group

  29. 特色玩具包装的设计及市场定位

    Positioning for packaging design and market of featured toys

  30. 市场定位:云南中小企业生存和发展之道

    Market Position : Ways to Exist and to Develop for Yunnan Small-Medium Enterprises