
chónɡ xīn dìnɡ wèi
  • Repositioning;relocation
  1. WPARManager将分析超过策略中指定的阈值的情况,决定是否需要执行自动的重新定位。

    Any violation of the thresholds specified in the policy will be analyzed to determine if automatic relocation is necessary .

  2. 换句话说,可以声明对于某些WPAR不应该执行自动的重新定位。

    In other words , you can declare individual WPARs to be ineligible for automatic relocation .

  3. 出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information

  4. 要想提升销量和声誉,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位。

    Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation .

  5. 如果你认为闷爆已严重影响你的身心健康,你可能有必要问问自己要如何重新定位自己的职业道路,选择一份更有利于你健康的工作。

    If you think boreout is seriously affecting your health ( either physical or mental ) , it may be valuable to ask yourself how you might be able to repoint your career path toward something healthier for you .

  6. 对WTO秘书处地位和作用的重新定位

    On Re-orienting the Status and the Role of the WTO Secretariat

  7. CU通常用一个可重新定位的对象文件表示可执行文件的文本和数据。

    A CU typically represents the text and data contributed to an executable by a single relocatable object file .

  8. 使用Windows服务器的话,你可以使用IIS重新定位到某个301页面。

    When using a Windows server , you can redirect to a301 page using IIS .

  9. 加入WTO以后,中国在制度选择和政策安排上面临着一系列转型和重新定位的问题。

    After acceding to WTO , China is faced with a series of transforming mould and repositioning problems on system selection and the policy arrangement .

  10. 路透社(Reuters)的报道主管们正考虑将它重新定位为低档的小型车。

    Reuters reports executives are weighing repositioning it as a line of premium small cars .

  11. 仍然可以手工地重新定位使用这种设置的WPAR。

    WPARs using this setting can still be relocated manually .

  12. WPAR级的策略排除:在WPAR级禁用自动的重新定位功能。

    WPAR-level policy exclusion : Disables automatic relocation capabilities at the WPAR level .

  13. 这些应用程序不能被托管在基于NFS的WPAR上,也不能被重新定位。

    These applications cannot be hosted on NFS-based WPARs and can not be relocated .

  14. 解作以下的句子吗:军火运输的终止给予的喘息的时间(spell)应该给所有战斗员一个重新定位他们自己位置的机会。

    The breathing spell provided by the moratorium on arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions .

  15. 可以使用此信息决定什么时候把WPAR手工地重新定位到利用率低的系统。

    This information can be used to determine when to relocate a WPAR manually to a system with lower utilization .

  16. 在自动重新定位期间,只有相同重新定位域中的系统可以作为重新定位WPAR的目的地。

    During automatic relocation , only systems within the same relocation domain are considered as possible destinations for the WPAR being relocated .

  17. 首先采用能量最大法对水平分量检波器重新定位,获得P-SV波和SH波剖面;

    Firstly , the horizontal component geophone was relocated by using the maximum energy method to obtain the P-SV and P-SH wave sections .

  18. 或者对无毒基因进行重新定位,获得新的BAC克隆子并进行基因预测,进行进一步研究。

    Or the avirulence gene should be re-positioned , a new BAC clone be obtained , and be predicted gene . Further study is necessary .

  19. 结果:在平卧位和侧卧位时,FOB检查时有71.3%和45.0%的导管位置需要重新定位。

    Results : After blind intubation and patient positioning , DLT was found to be displaced in 71.3 % and 45.0 % by Bronchoscopy .

  20. 这是AIXV6.1中另一个重要的新特性,它允许客户机在不停止应用程序或WPAR的情况下重新定位整个工作负载分区。

    This is another important new feature of AIX V6.1 , which allows clients to relocate entire workload partitions without shutting down the application or WPAR .

  21. 在他接掌IOC之际,商业赞助商将目光转向体育运动,寻求新营销机遇,并将奥运会重新定位为推广世界最知名消费品的营销媒介。

    He took control as commercial sponsorship turned to sport for new marketing opportunities and re-oriented the games into a marketing vehicle for the world 's best-known consumer products .

  22. 我们将Myspace重新定位成一家社交娱乐型网站,并且引入了全新的技术平台、产品和内容。

    We repositioned MySpace ( NWS ) as a social entertainment destination and introduced an entirely new technology platform , new products and refreshed content .

  23. 利用E.R.Engdahl教授和E.A.Bergman地震定位程序对唐山地区ISC1976年7月27日至1998年4月14日记录的地震(M>4.0)作了重新定位,并与ISC的定位结果进行比较。

    Engdahl and E. A. Bergman , the earthquake sequences of Tangshan region from July 26 , 1976 to April 14 , 1998 are relocated .

  24. JSF2资源是可重新定位的,这意味着您可以在页面中指定希望放置资源的位置。

    JSF2 resources are relocatable , meaning you can specify the location in the page where you want them placed .

  25. 经济衰退促使味好美五香粉公司(McCormickSpices)打破了内部传统观念&从一家调味品制造企业升级并重新定位为健康经济膳食专家。

    The recession led McCormick spices to challenge its internal orthodoxy that it was a spice manufacturer and position itself instead as an enabler of healthy and affordable meals .

  26. 主要包括采购管理的重新定位,采购流程的优化,基于EBS的供应商管理,以及基于EBS系统的采购管理信息系统的构建。

    Mainly include re-positioning of the procurement management , optimization of the procurement process , strengthening of the supplier relationship management and the construction of procurement management information system based on EBS system .

  27. LVMH已经开始对其品牌进行重新定位以应对这些变化,包括扩大带有不易察觉标识的路易威登产品的范围,并给予诸如赛琳(Céline)和芬迪(Fendi)等增长更快的子品牌更多的重视。

    LVMH is already moving to reposition its brand in response to these shifts , including an expansion of LV product ranges with subtler logos , as well as a greater emphasis on its faster-growing sub-brands such as C é line and Fendi .

  28. 数年来,KUHLE已成功地重新定位、设计和包装了以满足如今消费者的需求。

    For several years , KUHLE has located successfully , designs and packs has met now consumer 's need .

  29. 2003年国际内部审计师协会(IIA)对内部审计标准进行了修订,新的定义以风险为基础,对内部审计的对象、目标、职能等进行了重新定位,推动风险导向内部审计的进一步发展。

    IIA revised the internal audit standards in 2003 , the new risk-based definition re-position the objects , objectives , functions of the internal audit , which promoting the further development of risk-oriented internal audit .

  30. 另外,据藏南地区的SKS波分裂时间延迟很小的特点,推测藏南地幔中可能不存在各向异性,也就是没有足够的热源使各向异性矿物的品格重新定位。

    From the tiny time delay in SKS splitting in the area , it is inferred that the partial mel-ting may not exist in the mantle due to the lack of enough heating for the reorientation of anisotropic minerals .