
  • 网络replacement cost approach;Replacement Cost;replacement costing;replacement cost method
  1. 对房屋建筑物采用重置成本法评估的思考

    Food for Thought Replacement Cost Approach for Plants Buildings Valuation

  2. 重置成本法中各种贬值的确定;

    Ascertain of every depreciation by replacement cost ;

  3. 最后,以改进的重置成本法为理论基础,运用面向对象的高级程序语言VISUALBASIC6.0设计开发了一套旧机动车鉴定估价信息系统。

    Finally , according to the improved Production Costs Method , designs an appraisal and assessment system of the used motor vehicles by Visual Basic 6.0 .

  4. 基于重置成本法的分别比估计在机器设备评估中的应用

    Application of Separate Ratio Estimator to Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment

  5. 改进的重置成本法评估旧机动车价值IT的价值

    Improvement for used motor vehicle value assessment with production costs method

  6. 对探矿权评估方法中重置成本法的思考

    Study for reproduce cost method that belongs to evaluation method of prospecting right

  7. 确定指标权重;②重置成本法;

    Confirm the weigh of the index ; ( 2 ) the reset cost method ;

  8. 创新点之三:改进了对科研设计单位无形资产评估的重置成本法。

    The third new point : The replacement cost of invisible assets evaluation has been improved .

  9. 定量分析包括:重置成本法、杠杆分析法、概率分析法。

    Quantitative analysis methods include recount cost methods and lever analysis methods and possibility analysis methods .

  10. 重置成本法;

    The reset cost method ;

  11. 重置成本法折旧。

    Depreciation by replacement method .

  12. 最后利用重置成本法确定了固定资产的价值。

    The value of the fixed assets is figured out by dint of the replacement cost method .

  13. 在改进后的重置成本法中,将车辆购置附加税计入重置成本全价;

    In the improved theory , considers the vehicle purchase tax as the part of production costs ;

  14. 然后,通过具体的实例说明了改进后的重置成本法的有效性。

    Then , a real application shows that the improvement Production Costs Method is very useful and effective .

  15. 综合分析法实质上是一种重置成本法。

    The approach of synthetic analysis , an approach of replacement cost in essence , is an important method in evaluating automobiles .

  16. 传统的房地产估价方法无论是重置成本法、现行市价法,还是收益现值法尚存在一定缺陷。

    Traditional real estate evaluation approaches , including cost approach , sales comparison approach and income capitalization approach , all have disadvantages .

  17. 人力资源成本可通过历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等计量方法进行计量。

    Cost of human resources can be measured by methods of historical cost , replacement cost , opportunity cost , and so on .

  18. 传统的无形资产评估方法一般均为财务会计法,主要有市场价值法、现金流量法和重置成本法3种。

    The traditional method of evaluating intangible capital is Financial Accounting , including Market Value method , Cash Flow method and Replacement Cost method .

  19. 对专利权这种无形资产的评估,最常用的方法是收益现值法和重置成本法

    In evaluating patent - the unseen assets - the most common methods are the income 's present value method and the replacement cost method

  20. 重置成本法中第Ⅰ类经济性贬值的扣除问题&兼议规模经济效益指数的应用

    Deduction Question of the First Type Economic Depreciation in Depreciation Replacement Cost Method & Thoughts on the application of index on the scale economic benefits

  21. 归纳总结了适用于桉树林木资产评估的三种方法:重置成本法、收获现值法、市场价倒算法。

    The article introduces three assets evaluation methods on Eucalyptus forest : replacement cost method , present earning value method and market-based forest value method .

  22. 同时,必须采取措施规范资产评估市场、强化评估师的风险意识,在不断完善重置成本法的基础上,为市场比较法和收益现值法的运用创造条件。

    At the same time , some measures should be taken to regulate appraisal market and strengthen CPV 's risk awareness , and perfect appraisal method .

  23. 目前的资产估值方法主要有重置成本法、并购价值法、内在价值法和相对价值法。

    Current Asset valuation methods mainly have replacement cost valuation method , the value of mergers and acquisitions , intrinsic value method and relative value method .

  24. 同时还介绍了企业无形资产评估中常用的三种方法,分别为收益现值法、现行市价法以及重置成本法。

    Meanwhile , the article introduces three methods of intangible asset estimation , which are present earning value method , current market price method and cost of replacement .

  25. 建议基本用一种方法&合理利润加重置成本法进行矿业权资产价值评估。

    Both of the prospecting rights and the mining rights can be evaluated by the basic method & the sum of the reasonable profit and the reset cost .

  26. 在对资产评估理论认真分析的基础上,选取重置成本法作为二手车鉴定评估的理论依据,并对以往运用的重置成本法的不完善之处作了改进;

    On the basis of asset evaluation theory , chooses as theoretical basement of used motor vehicles ' appraisal and assessment , the paper improves previous Production Costs Method .

  27. 军事装备人力资本绝对价值的计量,主要采用历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等投入计量方法和未来收益或工资报酬折现法、随机报酬法等产出计量方法。

    The former includes historical cost method , replacement cost method and opportunity cost method . The latter includes future earnings or wages discount method and random reward method .

  28. 再次应用重置成本法评估训练有素集合劳动力的价值,使人们认识到人力资本类无形资产所创造的价值以及如何评估。

    Last this thesis value set workforce training very often applying the method of resetting cost to make people realize intangible assets value of manpower capital and how to evaluate .

  29. 通过文献阅读分析发现目前在商标价值评估的实务中,主要有重置成本法、收益现值法和现行市价法三种常用评估方法,我国采用较多的是收益现值法。

    By reading widely literatures and documents , the author analyze that the evaluation methods mainly include present value of earning , replacement cost method and relative market value method .

  30. 在房地产市场上,对于同一标的物,现行市场法评估价格将远远高于重置成本法评估的价格。

    In current real estate market , the price obtained by employing Market Comparison approach is much higher than the one estimated from Cost appraisal approach for the same appraisal object .