
chónɡ xīn qǐ dònɡ
  • restart;reboot;restart up
  1. 全体船员努力尝试重新启动发动机,但结果徒劳无功。

    The crew fought a losing battle to try to restart the engines .

  2. 重新启动计算机在安全模式或VGA模式。

    Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode .

  3. 我们重新启动马达,沿河而下。

    Restarting the engine , we motored downriver .

  4. 可能只是一个小故障,重新启动主机就能解决了。

    It could just be a random glitch that can be solved by restarting the machine .

  5. 重新启动门户服务器并再次尝试XMLAccess命令。

    Restart portal server and try the XML Access command again .

  6. 重新启动WebSphereProcessServer集群,并重新测试业务流程浏览器。

    Restart the WebSphere Process Server cluster and re-test the business process explorer .

  7. 重新启动应用程序服务器,现在您已经为测试Web服务做好准备了。

    Restart the application server , and now you are ready to test the Web service .

  8. 如果您无法连接到其中任何一个,那么停止您的Web服务器,并重新启动它。

    If you cannot get to either of them , stop your Web server and restart it .

  9. 您可能需要关闭所有打开的应用程序的窗口后重新启动Windows。

    You may need to restart Windows after closing all open applications .

  10. 安装程序不能写至windows重新启动文件。

    Setup cannot write to the windows restart file .

  11. 可能需要插入Windows安装光盘并重新启动计算机。

    You might need to insert the Windows installation CD and restart the computer .

  12. Web服务器在重新启动时引用这个目录,并识别出新部署的Web服务。

    The Web server , when restarted , will refer to this directory and recognize the newly deployed Web service .

  13. 为了使别名生效,可能需要重新启动WebSphereApplicationServer或部署管理器。

    You might need to restart WebSphere Application Server or the deployment manager for the alias to take effect .

  14. 此外,当在Properties任务中对资源进行了修改后,必须重新启动Linux。

    In addition , after making the resource change on the Properties task , Linux must be rebooted .

  15. 修改队列守护进程配置文件/etc/qconfig之后,使用SystemResourceController命令停止并重新启动队列守护进程

    After modifying the queue daemon configuration file / etc / qconfig , stop and restart the queue daemon using the System Resource Controller commands

  16. 在下次重新启动之前,对windows文件保护设置所作的改动不会生效。

    The changes to windows file protection settings do not take effect until the next restart .

  17. 现在我们可以重新启动Linux系统了。

    You can now restart your Linux system .

  18. 这在生产应用程序中可能比较困难,因为要依赖手动步骤重新启动来部署Web服务。

    This can be difficult in a production application where restarting it relies upon a manual step to deploy the web service .

  19. 在重新启动HTTP服务器时,DominoWebAccess将显示新的背景。

    When you restart the HTTP server , Domino Web Access will display your new background .

  20. 为了更新选项卡图标,可能需要重新启动LotusNotes。

    You might need to restart Lotus Notes for the tab icon to update .

  21. 这些补丁要求重新启动Unix操作系统。

    These patches require a reboot of the Unix operating system .

  22. 重新启动WebSphereApplicationServer服务区域将导致所有正在进行的事务回滚,从而会给数据库造成额外的负载。

    Restarting the WebSphere Application Server servant region causes all in-flight transactions to be rolled back , resulting in extra load on the database .

  23. 在完成这些更改之后,重新启动IDS(onmode-ky&oninit)。

    After these changes , restart IDS ( onmode-ky & oninit ) .

  24. 此时,您需要重新启动Eclipse,激活新插件。

    At this time , you need to restart Eclipse to activate the new plug-ins .

  25. 在部署之后,需要重新启动Web服务器,让其他应用程序可以消费刚才部署的服务。

    After each deployment , the Web service needs to be restarted so that the new deployed service will be available for consumption from other applications .

  26. 在本文中,您将修改ManagementCenterXML文件并需要重新启动ManagementCenter来查看这些更改。

    Throughout this article , you will make changes to the Management Center XML files and you will need to restart the Management Center to see these changes .

  27. 当Linux重新启动后,由于扩展了存储器,驱动器将变的更大。

    When the Linux partition is re-booted , the drive will be larger , due to the extended storage .

  28. 编辑此文件后,需要重新启动WebSpherePortal以使其生效。

    After editing this file , a restart of WebSphere Portal is required to make the settings effective .

  29. Windows在正常使用的情况下很少需要重新启动,不过由于这些缓慢的升级在作祟,你可能每天都要遭受重启电脑的煎熬。

    Windows , properly done , rarely needs rebooting , but because of slothful updates , they can be a daily curse .

  30. 重新启动或终止一个AMI实例

    Reboot or terminate an instance of an AMI