
  • 网络rerouting;Reroute;RE-routing
  1. 一种重路由策略在低轨QoS卫星网络中的应用

    A Rerouting Strategy in Low Earth Orbit QoS Satellite Networks

  2. 基于MPLS的分布式快速重路由算法

    MPLS-based distributed fast rerouting algorithm

  3. 移动无线Internet中的一种逆重路由机制

    Reverse Rerouting Mechanism in Mobile Wireless Internet

  4. 基于无环替代重路由的无线Mesh网络自愈策略研究

    Self-healing Strategy of Mesh Network Based on Loop Free Alternative Rerouting

  5. MPLS流量工程快速重路由的研究与应用

    Fast Reroute Research and Application Based on Traffic Engineering with MPLS

  6. 而MPLS快速重路由技术能够提供毫秒级的故障恢复工作,是目前最优秀的故障恢复技术。

    And MPLS fast reroute technology can provide milliseconds fault recovery .

  7. MPLS快速重路由方案的仿真实验与分析

    Simulated Experiments and Analysis of a Fast-rerouting Method Based on MPLS

  8. 针对前驱攻击的主动路径重置,提出基于主动探测的重路由(ActiveDetectionbasedRerouting,ADR)算法,以确定系统中的主动合谋成员,提高匿名通信的安全性。

    To determine the collaborators in active reset predecessor attack , Active Detection based Rerouting algorithm , ADR , is proposed .

  9. 一种预先建立的MPLS快速重路由方案的设计

    Design of a MPLS Based Fast-Rerouting Approach with Pre-established Protection

  10. 很多新应用的出现,要求网络具有更加灵活、快速、可伸缩的组网能力,能够提供多层服务质量QoS(QualityOfService)支持、光重路由和快速恢复等功能。

    New emerging applications require the networks to support fast and flexible provisioning , multiple levels of Quality of Service ( QoS ), optical rerouting and fast restoration .

  11. 在分析现有MPLS快速重路由算法基础上提出了一种分布式的MPLS快速重路由算法,并给出了算法描述。

    A novel MPLS fast rerouting algorithm is presented and described in detail .

  12. 最后,仿真实验搭建了一个利用重路由方案对QoS进行优化的场景,验证了该优化方案的可行性。

    Finally , simulation experiment provides a rerouting scenario to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the optimization scheme .

  13. MPLS网络规划与快速重路由技术的应用

    MPLS Network Planning and Fast Reroute Technique Application

  14. 一种新型MPLS网络动态重路由算法

    A Dynamic Rerouting Algorithm for MPLS Network

  15. 运动预测、重路由和QoS协商等都是移动无线因特网中QoS保证策略的组成部分。

    Mobility prediction , rerouting and QoS negotiation together make up of the strategy that guarantees users ' QoS in mobile wireless Internet .

  16. NGI中一种QoS重路由机制

    QoS Rerouting Mechanism in NGI

  17. 提示:您可以利用DB2的自动客户端重路由特性来在发生站点故障或重新集成时自动地跨站点重新连接应用程序。

    Tip : You can leverage the DB2 automatic client-reroute feature to automatically reconnect the application across sites once a site failure or reintegration has occurred .

  18. 分析了传统MPLS快速重路由应对多故障环境的不足,提出一种支持MPLS域并发多故障时快速恢复的重路由策略。

    To adapt traditional MPLS fast reroute mechanism to deal with multiple element failures in MPLS networks while overcoming its weakness .

  19. 自动客户机重路由(Automaticclientreroute,ACR)使DB2客户机可以自动重新连接到原始的或备用的服务器上,从而减少客户机停机时间。

    Automatic client reroute ( ACR ) allows DB2 clients to automatically reconnect to the original or an alternate server which minimizes client downtime .

  20. MPLS故障恢复机制主要包括重路由、保护切换和快速重路由,当前研究主要对这三种机制进行定性描述。

    MPLS-based recovery mechanism briefly contains rerouting , protection switching and fast rerouting , but most recent researches focus on the qualitative aspect .

  21. 然而,已有的重路由机制存在着许多不足,具体表现在切换延迟和信令开销大、网络资源利用率低和重路由路径不能满足用户QoS等。

    However , existing rerouting mechanisms have many shortcomings , such as high handoff delay and signaling overhead , low resource utilization and bad QoS guarantee and so on .

  22. Crowds匿名系统是一种基于重路由的匿名通信系统,它的主要思想是通过基于组群和重路由的技术来实现匿名。

    Crowds is a rerouting-based anonymous communication system , whose main principle is to achieve anonymity by exploiting the technology of crowds and rerouting .

  23. 经仿真验证,很好的支持了QoS,在发生故障时,最高优先级的LSP可进行快速重路由,并且对故障链路上的数据进行了恢复。

    The results illustrate that the scheme supports QoS well , and the data in the failed LSP would be rerouted in the backup LSP .

  24. 提出在低轨(LEO)服务质量(QoS)卫星网络中使用重路由策略容纳尽可能多的QoS业务。

    The rerouting strategy in the low earth orbit ( LEO ) quality of service ( QoS ) satellite networks was proposed to accommodate as much QoS traffic as possible .

  25. 对P2P网络中基于重路由匿名通信系统所存在的一种重要攻击方式&前驱攻击进行了研究与分析。

    And then we analyze and study security of protocol . ( 2 ) Studying and analyzing predecessor attack , one of well-known attacks in rerouting anonymous communication system based on P2P networks .

  26. 同时为了克服QoS路由选择问题的NP完全性,借助模糊理论,提出了一种基于模糊选路与路径评判的启发式QoS重路由机制。

    Because QoS based routing is a NP-complete problem , fuzzy theory is used to solve the hardness and a heuristic QoS rerouting mechanism based on fuzzy routing and routes judgement is proposed .

  27. 快速重路由技术是MPLS故障恢复机制的核心技术,本文以此为研究对象,提出了一种基于备份资源信息共享和带宽约束路由算法的优化方案,并进行了仿真实验实现和验证。

    This paper proposed a optimization Fast Reroute scheme based on optimized backup resources information sharing mechanism and bandwidth-constrained routing by studying of FRR , the core technology of MPLS-based Fault Recovery .

  28. 为了保证MPLS网络的可靠性,MPLS快速重路由技术借助MPLS流量工程的能力,为主标签交换路径(LSP)提供快速保护倒换能力。

    In order to ensure the reliability of MPLS network , MPLS Fast Reroute ( FRR ) based on traffic engineering with the ability to provide fast protection and switching LSP capacity .

  29. 在DB2UDBV8.2中,DB2引入了两个新特性&灾难恢复(HADR)和自动客户机重路由功能,它们为客户提供了更多实现高可用性的选项。

    In DB2 UDB V8.2 , DB2 introduced two new features that further provide customers with options for implementing high availability , disaster recovery ( HADR ) and automatic client rerouting capabilities .

  30. 论文具体的研究内容与研究工作包括以下三个方面:(1)MPLS故障恢复机制中快速重路由技术的研究,主要为经典快速重路由方案的研究分析。

    The main research contents and works of this paper include the following two aspects : ( 1 ) Research on Fast Reroute of MPLS-based Fault Recovery , focus on the classical Fast Reroute schemes .