
  1. 女性还渐渐成为房屋、汽车、证券基金等的重要消费者。

    Women are also gradually become important consumers of housing , automobile , securities and funds .

  2. 土壤动物作为生态系统中物质循环中的重要消费者及部分的分解者,在生态系统中起着十分重要的作用。

    As the major consumers and special decomposers in the circulation of materials , they make a vital role in the ecosystem .

  3. 消费和制造业投资目前为止还算比较可以,但是建设投资(进口原料的重要消费者)却已显著下降。

    Consumer spending and manufacturing investment have so far held up reasonably well , but construction-a big user of imported raw materials-has collapsed .

  4. 的确,《中国投资参考》的调查显示,农民工收入上涨速度超过了其他任何重要消费者群体——他们的月收入在2012年累计上涨12%,达到2995元。

    Indeed , such incomes are rising faster than those of any other significant consumer cohort - climbing 12 per cent to Rmb2995 a month in 2012 , the China Confidential survey shows .

  5. 戴尔表示,去年中国煤炭需求减速对全球碳排放的喜人放缓作出了贡献。在中国,钢铁和水泥行业是煤炭的重要消费者。

    Mr Dale said the slowdown in demand for coal in China last year , much of it consumed in iron , steel and cement industries , had contributed to a welcome slowdown in world carbon emissions .

  6. 在内德之前,已经有了很多重要的消费者维权运动。

    There had been many significant consumer crusades before Nader .

  7. 面对市场竞争日益加剧不断成长的市场,企业如何了解消费者,确定谁是企业产品最重要的消费者是非常必要的。

    Faced with growing competition in market , how to know consumers , to determine who the most important consumer of products is essential .

  8. 在我国证券市场的投资者中,个人投资者的数量占到了90%以上,他们是证券市场的主要参与者,也是证券产品重要的消费者。

    Individual investors accounted for more than 90 % number of the securities market in our stock market . They are mainly participants and also an important consumer products of securities .

  9. 由于环境污染的影响,人们开始注意到水质的重要,消费者的水消费观念正发生着根本的变化。

    Because the impact of environmental pollution , people began to note that the quality of an important , the water consumption of consumers are taking place in the concept of fundamental change .

  10. 随着世界经济由实物经济向服务经济的转变,服务产业在社会经济中变得越来越重要,消费者对服务业中的服务要求越来越高。

    Today , international position is the change from practicality economy to service economy , customer retention become more important . Customers are the real source of corporation profit , not products or brand .

  11. 家长是学校教育最重要的消费者,了解家长的满意度,视家长为顾客,尽最大努力为家长提供满意的服务,能更好地加强家园合作,共同促进幼儿的健康发展。

    As the most important consumers of school education , the Satisfaction of the parents needed to be understood . Each kindergarten should treated parents as their customers and tries their best to provide satisfactory services for parents . So , better cooperation between kindergarten and parents will be Strengthen .

  12. 以市场为取向的经济改革带来了中国的消费革命,这场革命的重要标志是消费者自主地位的确立。

    Meanwhile , a consumption revolution is caused by the market economy .

  13. 消费者对商品价格感知的一个重要基础就是消费者的参考价格。

    One important basis of consumers ' price perception is consumers ' reference price .

  14. 这一点在2014年将会更加重要,因为消费者现在不太关注线上购物与线下购物之间的差别。

    That will be more critical in 2014 as consumers pay less attention to the difference between buying something online and buying it off .

  15. 为了搞清哪一方有理,大家必须首先认识到,这两大阵营关注点并不一致:在悲观派看来,重要的是消费者;

    To decide who is right , one must first recognize that the two camps aren 't focusing on the same things : For the pessimists , it 's the consumer who counts ;

  16. 具体表现为:慈善活动的重要程度、消费者的介入度、慈善活动的时机和时间跨度、以及慈善活动的宣传对消费者响应有比较显著的正向影响。

    The following is the specific performance : the importance of philanthropy , degree of consumer involvement , timing of philanthropy and length of time and publicity of philanthropy have got more significant positive effect to consumer response .

  17. 如消费类的高科技品牌带给消费者的社会性收益的角色已经淡化,消费者知识存在明显的高科技黑箱,企业知识在消费者品牌认知中有重要作用,消费者对高科技品牌个性的认知并不清晰等。

    For example , the " social benefit " that the high-tech brands bring to the consumers has been desalinated , the high-tech " black box " exists obviously , company plays an important role in consumers ' brain , consumers ' cogitation about brand personality is not obvious .

  18. 提供者需要依次发布他们想要支持的服务;即在功能方面,更重要的是在消费者所需的QoS方面。

    The provider , in turn , needs to publish the services they are willing to support ; both in terms of functionality and most importantly in terms of the QoS that consumers will require .

  19. 刍议金融监管的重要目标&金融消费者权利保护

    On important target of financial supervision & Protection of consumers ' rights

  20. 所有这些属性都重要,但对消费者和提供者来讲表现是不同的。

    All attributes are important but they appear differently to consumers and to providers .

  21. 现在网络广告已经成为消费者了解产品信息的重要渠道,网络消费者的购买冲动与网络广告之间可能存在紧密联系。

    Now internet ad has become an important way for consumers to know the information .

  22. 此外,产品的小型化也很重要,以适应消费者对纤薄产品不断增长的需求。

    In addition , miniaturization is also important to meet growing consumer demand for thin products .

  23. 消费者信息搜寻是消费者行为研究中的重要方面,是消费者购买决策的基础。

    Consumer information search is an important aspect in consumer behavior and the basis for consumer purchasing decisions .

  24. 作为电纸书产业重要一环的消费者,其内心需要和行为方式都影射着电纸书的未来走向。

    Consumer is an important part of E-book industry . The inner needs and behavior of consumers indicate the future of E-book .

  25. 市场型经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。

    An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers .

  26. 就业和薪资前景的不确定性,也可能导致作为美国经济最重要驱动力的消费者需求陷入停滞。

    The uncertainty surrounding job and salary prospects is likely also to stall consumer demand , the biggest driver of the US economy .

  27. 信息搜寻是消费者决策和产品购买的重要环节,也是消费者行为学研究的重要内容之一。

    Information seeking plays an essential role in consumers ' decision-making and product-purchasing , which is also one of the important contents of consumer behavior research .

  28. 基本的纵向差异化下的双寡头竞争模型有两个很重要的假设:消费者信息完全与偏好稳定。

    The fundamental model of duopoly competition in vertical differentiated market has two very important assumptions : consumers ' information is complete and their preferences are stable .

  29. 广告的真实性是企业市场策略的重要内容,也是消费者维护自身权益的关键。

    The advertising authenticity is an important content of the business market strategies , and it is also a soul for the customers to protect their own self-equity .

  30. 消费者情感体验是影响消费者行为的重要因素,对消费者情感体验的研究是制定情感体验营销策略的基础。

    Consumer affect experience is an important factor that influences consumer behavior , and the psychology analysis of consumer affect experience is a foundation of affect experience marketing .