
cāo zuò xì tǒng
  • operating system;monitor system;executive system
操作系统[cāo zuò xì tǒng]
  1. 兹阿尔斯基表示,对于苹果公司来说,一种相对简单的补救方式就是,未来推出的iPhone版本做些改变,手机在接受苹果依照联邦调查局的意愿改动的操作系统前,用户要输入密码来确认。

    One relatively simple fix , Mr. Zdziarski said , would be for Apple to modify future versions of the iPhone to require a user to enter a passcode before the phone will accept the sort of modified operating system that the F.B.I. wants Apple to create .

  2. 苹果公司官员在8月9日的发布会上表示,该系统将在今年秋天与iOS15操作系统一起发布,如果用户将手机里的照片同步到苹果公司的存储服务器,系统将检查对这些文件进行检查。

    In the briefing on Monday , Apple officials said the company 's system , which will roll out this fall with the release of its iOS 15 operating system , will check existing files on a user 's device if users have those photos synched to the company 's storage servers .

  3. 操作系统可能会因为木马病毒的攻击而中止。

    Operating systems can be brought to a halt by a Trojan Horse .

  4. 操作系统实验四设备管理用Spooling技术实现设备的虚拟与共享

    Experimental equipment management system with Spooling technology and sharing of virtual equipment .

  5. 操作系统不支持选择的排序序列

    Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system .

  6. 判断一个操作系统是否成功的通用尺度包括成本、普及度、性能和安全性。

    Common yardsticks for measuring success are cost , choice , performance , and security .

  7. 鸿蒙是一个开源操作系统,可用于多个设备和场景。

    HarmonyOS , or Hongmeng in Chinese , is an open-source operating system designed for various devices and scenarios .

  8. 2019年8月,鸿蒙操作系统发布,主要用于可穿戴设备和平板等物联网设备。

    It first launched on Internet-of-Things ( IoT ) devices , including wearables and tablets , in August 2019 .

  9. 字符串,对机器的操作系统,硬件,和内核属性进行隐意编码

    A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine 's operating system , hardware , and kernel attributes .

  10. 鸿蒙操作系统有什么特点?鸿蒙系统是新一代智能终端操作系统,为不同设备的智能化、互联与协同提供统一的语言。鸿蒙更便捷、更流畅、更安全。

    As a next-generation operating system for smart devices , HarmonyOS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate , providing users with a more convenient , smooth , and secure experience .

  11. 在操作系统命令行,到达feedback目录。

    From your operating system command line , go to the feedback directory .

  12. PC/104下嵌入式Linux操作系统的优化方案

    Optimal scheme of embedded Linux operating system for PC / 104

  13. 第二章介绍了Windows操作系统中的网络通信结构。

    The second chapter discusses the network communication structure of the Windows operating system .

  14. Linux操作系统实时性分析及改进策略

    Linux Operating System Real - time Analysis and Improvement Strategy

  15. 面向Aspect的操作系统研究

    Research on Aspect Oriented Operating Systems

  16. 通过对Linux核心的修改,和GlobalOperation模块的增添,为用户提供了一个透明的具有进程迁移功能的分布式操作系统接口。

    Offer the system users a transparent distributed-OS interface by modifying Linux kernel and adding a Global Operation module ;

  17. 在Linux操作系统中串口编程。

    Programing for serial port in Linux operating system .

  18. 操作系统:Linux或者Windows服务器

    Operating system : Linux or Windows server

  19. Linux操作系统性能评价方法

    Performance Evaluation of Versions of Linux Operating System

  20. 嵌入式Linux为操作系统,实现了Linux开发环境的建立。

    Adopts Linux as its embedded Operating System and sets up the development environment ;

  21. POCKETPC是PDA中最常用的操作系统。

    Pocket PC is the most popular operating system in PDA .

  22. 设置操作系统OS(n),其中n是被供应的。

    Set the operating system OS ( n ) with which n is to be provisioned .

  23. 它使用一个专属操作系统服务层,以及一个JavaME应用服务层。

    It uses a proprietary operating system services layer , with a Java ME application services layer .

  24. 嵌入式实时操作系统Nucleus中线程控制部件的实现方法

    The Implementation Method of Thread Control Component in the Embedded Real-time Operating System Nucleus

  25. 操作系统采用嵌入式Linux。

    The operation system used embedded Linux .

  26. Linux是一个多任务的操作系统。

    Linux is a multi-tasking operating system .

  27. Linux操作系统有着它独有的优势。

    Linux Operating System has particular advantage .

  28. Linux操作系统启动过程的分析

    Startup Process Analysis of Linux Operating System

  29. 为了开始测试,需要仿真终端用户环境,比如多个Web浏览器、操作系统和网络连接性。

    To start testing , simulate the end user environment , such as multiple Web browsers , operating systems , and network connectivities .

  30. 嵌入式CPU软硬件协同开发中的操作系统设计

    Embedded Linux system design for hardware / software co-development