
  • 网络program loop;program cycle
  1. 华中数控系统用户宏程序循环语句的嵌套

    The nesting of macro program loop statements of huazhong CNC system users

  2. 每执行一次主程序循环都将从加速计传感器中读取新的值。

    Each pass of the main program loop reads new values from the accelerometer sensors .

  3. 该程序循环调用驱动程序获取按键信息,并将按键信息通过UDP协议发给其他程序。

    The program calls the driver loop for key information .

  4. CME(CacheMissEquation)作为描述一个精确描述程序循环中数组引用的Cache冲突情况的数学模型及其相关的理论为较精确地分析循环的Cache命中率奠定了理论基础。

    CME ( Cache Miss Equation ), as a math framework precisely describing the cache conflict of array reference data access in a loop , together with its theory , has made a foundation for us to precisely analyze the cache hit rate of loop .

  5. 主程序循环清除看门狗和输出继电器控制数据命令系统的循环,用以防止继电器误动作。

    The main program module is a circulation of clearing watchdog and outputing the controlling data of relays .

  6. 要在模式间进行切换,需要对主程序循环的每次循环执行额外的检查。

    To switch between modes , an additional check is required in each pass of the main program loop .

  7. 创建与每个州名的电子邮件地址绑定的散列,将在主程序循环中检查该散列。

    Create a hash keyed on e-mail address for each state name , to be checked in the main program loop .

  8. 在主程序循环中,代码无需忽略标题行和输入的前两行。

    In the main program loop , there is no need for the code that ignores the header lines and the first two lines of input .

  9. 如此程序循环三次,待最后一次80%的稀便消失1周后停止给药,饲以普通软饲料待处理。

    Thus this procedure circles three times , then stopping feeding one week after the last 80 percent of watery stool disappear waiting for treatment feeding with ordinary feedstuff .

  10. 因此,当系统管理程序轮询循环探测到那个LPAR时,它问“您需要多少CPU?”

    So , when the hypervisor polling cycle probed the LPAR , it asked ," How much CPU did you need ?"

  11. DJS-8机FORTRAN编译程序的循环优化

    FORTRAN Loop Optimization on the DJS-8 Computer

  12. PADDING是一种提高程序中循环Cache命中率的有效方法,其有效性的关键在于选取合适的PADDING大小以尽可能地消除循环中数组引用之间的Cache冲突。

    PADDING is a kind of efficient method to improve the cache hit rate of loops in the program . The key of its efficiency is to select proper PADDING value to reduce the cache conflict between array references to the utmost .

  13. 本文介绍了在FORTRANANSIX3.9-1978(也作为国际标准ISO1539-1980)基础之上扩充了向量成份的语言系统中编译程序的循环优化。

    This paper introduces loop optimization in a compiler for the vector extension of a language based on FORTRAN , ANSI X3.9 1978 ( ISO 1539 1980 ) . Also studied is the approach to the computation of the head , increment , and length of vectors .

  14. 二维数组程序的循环断言确定

    Determination of Loop Assertions for Programs with Arrays of Two Dimensions

  15. 在拉模式下,应用程序控制循环。

    In the pull mode , the application controls the loop .

  16. 定义启动所需数量的事件处理程序的循环。

    Define a loop that starts the required number of event handlers .

  17. 面向多媒体应用程序的循环特征研究

    Research on Program Loop Characteristics of Multimedia Applications

  18. 这使得传统的对于顺序程序的循环调试方法对于并发程序的调试不再有效。

    This makes the conventional cycle debugging approach for sequential programs no longer effective for the concurrent program .

  19. 本文讨论了循环缓冲区的一些常见实现,并对多线程程序中循环缓冲区的启用机制提出了一些观点。

    This article discusses common implementations for ring buffer and proposes some ideas for enabling a ring buffer mechanism in multi-threaded programs .

  20. 仪器按程序自动循环上述动作直到完成所设的试验次数。

    Instruments based on the above-mentioned procedures for automatic cycle of action until the completion of the test established by the number of times .

  21. 通过程序中循环次数控制设计方案个数和评价指标个数,经过计算机计算最后得到正确、直观的综合评价结果。

    And the correct and intuitionistic comprehensive evaluation result by counting the circulation frequency , which controlled the number of design project and the number of evaluation index , in program is worked out .

  22. 该策略分析程序中循环指令,控制划分粒度将所有函数切割成块,然后使用背包算法和优先级算法组合的分配算法,选择合适块放入片上存储器,达到优化程序性能的目的。

    The scheme analyzes the loop instructions in the whole application , splits all the functions into blocks under partition granularity control , and allocates some blocks in on-chip memory with the combined algorithm consisting of knapsack and priority algorithms to improve performance .

  23. 应用程序的消息循环是Windows程序运行的核心,该方法利用钩子函数截取消息,添加新的窗口函数来改变应用程序对消息的处理策略。

    The process strategy applied to messages by Windows hook and disposal of the messages can be changed through adding Windows functions .

  24. CFD程序自相关循环的并行化方法研究

    Parallelization of Self-Dependent Loops in CFD Programs

  25. PROLOG程序中无限循环的检测及处理

    Detecting and treating infinite loops in Prolog programs

  26. MPPFortran程序中串行循环的优化

    Optimizing Sequential Loops in MPP Fortran Programs

  27. 软件系统实现了运动控制卡控制、伺服电机运动模式、NC程序译码、循环插补、NURBS曲线拟合与插补仿真等功能。

    The control of motion controlling cards , the pattern of servo-motor motion , NC decoding , circular interpolation , NURBS curve fitting and simulation are ensured in the software system .

  28. 当你完成了你已经创建了一个简单的应用程序,在循环中扮演一个MP3音频文件教程应用程序启动时。

    When you 've finished the tutorial you 'll have created a simple app that plays an MP3 audio file in a loop when the app starts .

  29. 本文分析了实际地质建模的案例,发现Triangle在插入约束线时,会因为插入了几乎重合的点而导致Triangle程序出现死循环,进而崩溃。

    The actual geographic case is analyzed in this paper . It is found that in the process of inserting constrained edge into Delaunay triangulation because the almost coincidence point is inserted which has caused the dead circulation and collapse of the Triangle program .

  30. OpenDivx是一种基于MPEG-4思想开发的视频压缩软件。为了解决嵌入式条件下视频数据的实时压缩问题,本文对OpenDivx视频编码程序进行了循环级并行性和指令级并行性的分析。

    Open Divx is a video compression software based on MPEG-4.In this paper , in order to resolve the problem of real-time video data compression , we analyze the LLP ( Loop-Level Parallelism ) and ILP ( Instruction-Level Parallelism ) of the Open Divx video compression program .