
chénɡ xù shè jì yǔ yán
  • Programming language;programming/program language
  1. VISUALBASIC程序设计语言用于管板计算

    Application of Visual Basic Programming Language in Calculation of Tubesheet

  2. 网络型VISUALBASIC程序设计语言课件的设计与实现

    Network Type Visual Basic Programming Language Courseware Design and Realizing

  3. 在系统的实现部分,本论文研究采用C程序设计语言,在ASP.Net环境下使用ADO。

    In this paper , C # programming language , ADO .

  4. 采用系统程序设计语言C设计交换软件的技术

    The Designing Technology of Exchanging Software Using Programming Language C in TP-86D

  5. 分析了现有的面向Agent程序设计语言,指出了各自的优缺点。

    The state of art of the agent-oriented programming language existing is analyzed .

  6. netFramework而设计的程序设计语言。细胞骨架生物力学进展

    Net framework . Advances in cytoskeletal biomechanics of cell

  7. 讨论计算机程序设计语言的Domain理论中的拓扑方法。

    Introduces topological methods in domain theory of denotational semantics of computer programming languages .

  8. 分布式程序设计语言DC及其在松散耦合分布式环境中的实现

    Implementation of DC in a loosely - coupled distributed environment

  9. PC世界(西班牙)程序设计语言年度产品

    PC World ( Spain ) product of the year for programming language

  10. 采用Java作为程序设计语言,支持平台无关的分布并行计算。

    It uses Java as programming language , supporting platform independent distributed parallel computing .

  11. 利用MATLAB程序设计语言,编写了立体声和环绕声声像分析软件。

    This paper introduces a MATLAB software for stereophonic and surround sound image analysis .

  12. 用C、Visualc++和Java三种程序设计语言设计制作菜单

    The Design and Manufacture of Menu in Three Procedure Design Languages ofC 、 Visual C + + and Java

  13. 传统程序设计语言的面向对象设计与WindowsNT

    Object-oriented design of traditional programming language and windows NT

  14. 逻辑程序设计语言G(?)del的说明性语义

    The Declarative Semantics of Logic Programming Language G (?) del

  15. 而缴费子系统是用面向对象的程序设计语言C++编写的,完全运行于LINUX操作系统之下的。

    The fee-charging subsystem is programmed by C + + , which runs under LINUX operating system .

  16. 学习LOGO程序设计语言与发展认知能力的关系

    On the Relationship Between LOGO Programming Learning and Cognitive Ability Development

  17. 在Matlab编译环境下,使用Matlab程序设计语言开发编写了有限域构造法的设计软件。

    Under Matlab compile environment , the design software of finite field construction is achieved by Matlab program languages .

  18. 叙述了利用VISUALBASIC6.0面向对象的高级程序设计语言进行脑血管疾病的计算机诊断系统的软件设计。

    The paper describes the programmer of Computer Diagnostic System for Cerebral-vascular Disease . It is designed with VISUAL BASIC 6.0 that characterizes OOP .

  19. J2EE是一个标准的体系结构,它特别面向使用Java程序设计语言进行基于Web的企业应用的开发与部署。

    J2EE is a standard architecture specifically oriented to the development and deployment of enterprise Web-oriented applications using the Java programming language .

  20. 基于fisheyeviews算法解决可视化程序设计语言问题的研究

    Research on problems in visual programming languages based on fisheye views algorithm

  21. 由于Java程序设计语言完全面向对象的特性,现有的依赖性方法已不能完全满足其分析要求。

    Nowadays , dependence analysis methods on hand cannot accommodate the analysing requirement of Java programming language for its completely OO-Orient characteristic .

  22. 最后该软件是用Visualc++6.0程序设计语言实现了的冷库的离线监测和故障诊断专家系统。

    At last this software realize the Refrigeratory Expert System of offline monitoring and fault diagnosis by Visual C + + 6.0 program computer language .

  23. Perl语言是实用性很强的一门程序设计语言。

    Perl is a programming language which is practical and easy-to-use .

  24. 最后,在算法的实现上,采用了java程序设计语言与Mysql数据库。

    Finally , the java programming language and Mysql database are used to simulate our proposed algorithm .

  25. Fortran语言可能是用得最广的高级程序设计语言。

    Fortran is perhaps the most widely used high level programming language .

  26. 用Java程序设计语言开发了智能代理软件,建立了一个由搜索代理、数据库代理、代理路由器和专家系统组成的制造资源集成系统。

    The manufacturing resource integration system mainly programmed with Java is composed of search agent , database agent , router agent and expert system .

  27. 再次,应用VC程序设计语言,开发了电器电磁机构动态仿真的应用软件。

    Thirdly , with the use of VC + + language , this paper programs the emulation application software .

  28. BMP文件结构剖析及其在程序设计语言中的应用

    The Analysis of BMP File Structure and Its Application in Programming Environment

  29. 以上述配合比优化模型为基础,采用面向对象的程序设计语言Visualc++6.0,开发出配合比优化设计专家系统。

    Base on the optimize model established above , and using programming language Visual C + + 6.0 , the concrete mix-proportion optimization system has been developed .

  30. 本文提出以合成逻辑(Combinatorylogic)作为程序设计语言语义学的数学基础。

    Combinatory logic is proposed to be a mathematical foundation of the semantics of programming languages .