
  1. 本文论述了采用程序控制法,完成镀液主元离子浓度最优控制的设计思想、设计步骤和实现方法,并给出了具体设计实例和程序框图。

    Discussed in this paper are the design idea , its design procedure and practical method for the achievement of optimal control of the density of the main ion in plating liquid .

  2. 对行政权进行程序控制是行政法的一大发展潮流,合法、合理的行政行为遵循的程序应当是正当的行政程序,即符合正义性原则、具备正当性的行政程序。

    To control the administrative power by the administrative procedure is a significant tendency of the development of the administrative law . Legal , reasonable administrative behavior should abide by the proper administrative procedures , which are just and justifiable .

  3. 各单元的自动控制程序采用顺序控制设计法,程序简单易懂,提高了程序的设计效率。

    Each unit automatic control program uses Sequential Control Design , the program is simple to understand and improve the efficiency of the design of the program .