
  1. 据市场研究机构PivotalResearch,门户网站曾经是影响最大用户群体的最有效途径,但这种途径出现衰落,不论站点的程序化广告购买的兴起给雅虎的展示广告业务带来了永久的挑战。

    The decline of the Internet portal as the most efficient way to reach the greatest number of users and the rise of programmatic ad buying , which is site-agnostic , have created permanent challenges for Yahoo 's display advertising business , according to Pivotal Research .

  2. 但需要为客户提供通过比Web本身更程序化的方法对购买门户进行的访问。

    But it needs to provide its customers access to the purchasing portal via more programmatic means than through the Web itself .