
  • 网络procedural safeguards;procedural guarantee;due process;procedural protection
  1. 论中国反倾销公共利益的程序保障

    On procedural safeguards for the public Interest investigation regarding dumping in China

  2. 自白任意性的程序保障机制研究&从比较法的视角考察

    On Procedural Safeguards Mechanism of Voluntary Confession : From the Perspective of Comparative Law

  3. 民事诉讼程序保障理论发展与释明权

    Development of Procedure Protection Theory in Civil Procedure and Interpretation Right

  4. 论民事诉讼中的质证及其程序保障

    On the Evidence Impeachment and Its Procedural Elements in Civil Actions

  5. 社区矫正的程序保障制度比较研究

    A Research on Insurance System for Community-based Corrections by Comparison

  6. 民事诉讼当事人主体地位的程序保障

    Procedural Guarantee for the Parties ' Initiative in Civil Action

  7. 在减刑假释制度之中,减刑假释程序保障减刑假释功能的实现。

    The procedure safeguards the functions of commutation and parole .

  8. 当事人取证的程序保障研究

    On the Procedural Guarantees of the Parties ' Right to Obtain Evidence

  9. 论文第三部分关于商业秘密的司法程序保障。

    Part ⅲ expounds on the judicial procedural safeguard of trade secret .

  10. 论当事人取证权利的程序保障

    On the Procedural Guarantees of the Parties ' Certificate Right

  11. 论民事证人出庭的程序保障机制

    Procedure Security Mechanism of Appearing in Court in Terms of the Civil Witness

  12. 第六章,民事诉讼上的程序保障。

    Chapter VI , Procedural guarantee in civil litigation .

  13. 当事人收集证据权利的程序保障研究

    A Study of the Procedural Safeguard of Parties ' Rights for Collecting Evidence

  14. 我国劳动争议处理机制之程序保障的应然价值取向

    The Value Standards of Procedural Protection in the System of Labor Dispute Solution

  15. 论书证收集的程序保障

    A Study of Documentary Evidence Collection on Procedural Safeguard

  16. 第七章,既判力的主观范围与程序保障。论述既判力的归属、扩张与程序保障的关联,并论述关于反射效力、参加效力与第三人程序保障的冲突与调和。

    Chapter VII , The subjective scope of res judicata and procedural guarantee .

  17. 我国公民宪法权利的程序保障

    Procedural Safeguard of the Constitutional Rights of Chinese Citizens

  18. 申请再审事由审查阶段的程序保障&以新《民事诉讼法》为基础的分析

    The Procedure Safeguards of Reason Examination Stage of the Applying for a Retrial

  19. 高度的程序保障&正义的程序规则;

    The highly protective procedure-the justicial procedural regulations ;

  20. 论程序保障之下的既判力

    The Force of Res Judicata with Procedural Guaranteeing

  21. 论沉默权的程序保障规则

    The Rules of Procedure Protection about Silence Right

  22. 第五章为虚假陈述民事责任的程序保障机制。

    The seventh is " Procedural safeguards system on civil liability of misrepresentation " .

  23. 司法公正程序保障论

    Comments on Indemnity of Judicial Justice Procedures

  24. 民事诉讼发回重审制度在实践中发挥着程序保障、权益保护以及监督制约的功能。

    Civil new trial system plays in practice procedural safeguards , rights protection and supervisory functions .

  25. 正当程序保障的利益

    A. interests protected by due process

  26. 第五部分:我国当事人取证权利程序保障的建构。

    The fifth part : The construction of procedural guarantees of the parties ' certificate right .

  27. 人事诉讼判决效力的扩张与第三人程序保障

    Extension of the Effect of the Judgment in Domestic Proceedings and Procedural Protection of the Third Party

  28. 第五部分:我国专家辅助人制度的程序保障和立法完善。

    Chapter ⅴ: Guarantee in the aspect of procedure and the perfection of legislation for the system .

  29. 仲裁司法监督制度是为确保仲裁正常发展而设置的最后一道程序保障。

    The judicial supervising system of arbitration is the last procedure to guarantee the normal development of arbitration .

  30. 慎用死刑的程序保障&对我国现行死刑复核制度的检讨及完善建言

    On the Procedure for Judicial Review of Death Sentences The Procedural Guarantee in Precautious Application of Capital Punishment