
chénɡ xù shè jì
  • programming
  1. 从《VISUALBASIC》浅析计算机程序设计课程教学

    Discussing the Teaching of Computer Programming Course from Visual Basic

  2. 《汇编语言程序设计》课的CAI系统

    Computer-Aided Instruction System for " Assembly Language Programming " Course

  3. 机器人可按程序设计模仿人的各种动作。

    The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements .

  4. 如果class需要重新程序设计,新的interfaces创建。

    If the class needs to be reprogrammed , new interfaces are created .

  5. VISUALBASIC程序设计实验教学改革

    Reform on Experimental Teaching of " Programming of Visual Basic "

  6. VISUALBASIC程序设计语言用于管板计算

    Application of Visual Basic Programming Language in Calculation of Tubesheet

  7. 弹性地基板分析的样条无单元法及其C程序设计

    The spline element-free method for elastic foundation plates and C program design

  8. 采用系统程序设计语言C设计交换软件的技术

    The Designing Technology of Exchanging Software Using Programming Language C in TP-86D

  9. 《C语言程序设计》课程实验教学改革

    Teaching Reform on C Programming Language Design Experimental Teaching

  10. 线性电阻电路节点分析法的C语言程序设计

    A Node Analysis Method Program Design with C Language for the Linear Resistor Circuit

  11. Net框架下进行多线程程序设计的方法进行了探讨,并介绍了在多线程编程情况下线程安全的概念和方法。

    Net framework , and introduces thread safety and synchronization in multithreaded programming .

  12. 六角头螺栓的系列化CAD绘图程序设计

    The Programming of Seriation CAD Drafting on Turret Bolt

  13. PLC逻辑控制程序设计的方法与技巧

    Methods and Techniques about How to Design The PLC Logical Control Program

  14. 可视化面向对象JAVA程序设计支持工具的研究

    Research on Visual Object-Oriented Java programming support tools

  15. PC与便携式仪表的串行通讯及数据处理程序设计

    Design of serial port communication and data processing between PC and portable meter

  16. 利用PLC的通讯功能提高程序设计效率

    Using PLC Communication Function to Raise Program Design Efficiency

  17. PLC与微机的实时通信程序设计

    The Program Design for PLC and Microcomputer Real-Time Communication

  18. IBMPc数字示波器扩充插卡及其驱动程序设计

    An Expanded IBM PC Digital Oscillometer Card and the Programming for its Driving

  19. LED显示程序设计技巧

    Techniques for Designing LED Displaying Programs

  20. 随机逻辑控制系统的PC程序设计

    PC Programing on Random Logic Control System

  21. Generic程序设计是实现软件重用的重要方法之一。

    Generic programming is a successful approach for reuse of software .

  22. 电厂输煤采样系统的PLC监控程序设计与应用

    Design and Application of the PLC Monitor Program in the Sampling Control System of Coal Conveyer

  23. 传统程序设计语言的面向对象设计与WindowsNT

    Object-oriented design of traditional programming language and windows NT

  24. USB外设过滤驱动程序设计

    The Design of Filter Driver for USB Peripheral Devices

  25. 以该方法对拉深件CAD系统进行了结构化分析、结构化设计和结构化程序设计。

    According to the method , CAD system for tube drawing is analyzed , designed and programmed structurally .

  26. 高级语言与AutoCAD间接口程序设计

    The Programming of Interface between AutoCAD and Advanced Computer Languages

  27. 利用VISUALBASIC,基于Windows2000平台,采用面向对象的程序设计方法,开发出具有智能设计功能的电化学电源应用程序。

    Based on Visual Basic and Windows 2000 , object-oriented programming method was used to develop the application program of intelligent-design of electrochemistry rectifying power .

  28. 公平消息传递并行程序设计的Petri网方法

    Fair Message-passing Parallel Program Design with Petri Net

  29. PPC上的MODEM通讯程序设计Modem通讯多线程方案

    MODEM Communication Program On PPC Design of the multithreads communication

  30. 关于二维FFT程序设计的若干问题

    Some Problems in the Program Composition of Two-dimensional FFT