
yìng jiàn
  • hardware;hard piece
硬件 [yìng jiàn]
  • [hard piece;hardware] 通常是指计算机系统中有形的装置和设备的总称

硬件[yìng jiàn]
  1. 他的专业是电脑硬件。

    His major is the hardware of a computer .

  2. 一直以来关注硬件的企业现在不得不转而考虑生态系统,为消费者提供解决日常生活问题的实用方法。

    Companies that have long focused on hardware now have to think of ecosystems instead to give consumers practical solutions to their everyday problems .

  3. 武汉P4实验室的硬件设施、管理水平、人员队伍和工作方式,和目前世界上运行的其他P4实验室是一样的。

    The infrastructure at the institute 's P4 biosafety laboratory are the same as other P4 labs in operation .

  4. Bloatware这个词是比照着software(软件)和hardware(硬件)等词加上表示“膨胀”的动词bloat的比喻用法结合而成的。

    Both terms are a pejorative can occur in various ways . The term bloatware was coined by analogy with software , hardware etc and figurative use of the verb bloat which literally with liquid or gas ' . ( Source : macmillandictionary . com )

  5. 硬件故障,请让你的硬件提供商提供技术支持。

    Hardware Malfunction , call your hardware vend or for support .

  6. 但不同的是存储硬件所存放的数据是一些电磁信号,或者是一些激光蚀刻光点。

    Except that it stores data as electromagnetic signals or laser-etched spots .

  7. 介绍系统硬件组成及网络传输协议的软件设计

    Hardware components and software design of network transport protocols are separately introduced .

  8. 存储硬件的作用与办公室文档系统的作用相同,

    Storage hardware serves the same basic functions as do office filing systems .

  9. 并通过硬件设计实现母线保护功能。

    Hardware designing and collectiveness of busbar protection .

  10. 重新收集关于这台计算机的硬件信息

    Recollects hardware information on this computer .

  11. 计算机硬件,指的是计算机中可以看得见、摸得着的部分。

    Computer harddware refers to the parts of a computer that you can see and touch .

  12. 计算机的物理部件处理器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备是它的硬件。

    The physical components of a computer-the processor , memory , input devices , and output devices-are its hardware .

  13. 字符串,对机器的操作系统,硬件,和内核属性进行隐意编码

    A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine 's operating system , hardware , and kernel attributes .

  14. 输出硬件的用途,在于为用户提供观察计算机输出信息的手段。

    The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with teh means to view information produced by the computer system .

  15. 处理硬件的用途在检索、解释为计算机提供的各种软件指令,并为这些指令的执行提供指导。

    The purpose of processing hardware is to retrieve , interpret and direct the execution of software instructions provided to the computer .

  16. 现在我们来讨论有关硬件装置的基本知识,正是计算机硬件,把数据转换成了标准计算机系统的信息。

    Now we 'll discuss the basics about the hardware devices that convert data into information in a typical computer based system .

  17. 无论是在硬件商店负责收银的迪安,还是在小型独立超市里工作的艾丽,只要有需求,他们就会随时帮你加满水。

    From Dean behind the till in the hardware store – to Elly in the independent supermarket . Water on tap whenever you want it .

  18. 存储硬件的用途是为计算机指令和数据提供一定格式的存储方法,这种格式的存储方法比较持久或不易丢失

    The purpose of storage hardware is to provide a means of storing computer instructions and data in a form that is relatively permanent , or nonvolatile

  19. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  20. Web服务硬件缺省检测程序

    Web services hardware default detector

  21. NET技术的嵌入式故障诊断仪的工作原理及软、硬件结构设计,并给出了例子分析。

    NET , software and hardware structural design and the examples analysis are introduced .

  22. 磁流变阀;DSP;控制系统;硬件电路;

    Magnetorheological valve ; DSP ; Control system ; Hardware circuit ;

  23. Java监视器的硬件支持及其操作算法

    Java monitor 's hardware support and operating algorithm

  24. 因此,采用ARM为硬件平台开发数控系统是一个不错的选择。

    Therefore , the choice about using ARM for CNC hardware platform is a good idea .

  25. 基于FPGA的可重构硬件实现技术研究

    Implementation Research of Reconfigurable Hardware Based-on FPGA

  26. RSA加解密运算的FPGA硬件实现研究

    Research on the FPGA Implementation of the RSA Encryption / Decryption Algorithms

  27. 基于PCI总线控制的高速激光打标硬件开发

    Based on the PCI Bus to Control High-speed Laser Marking Hardware Development

  28. 这个是PCB雕刻机的硬件原理图和PCB。

    This is the PCB carving machine hardware schematic diagram and PCB .

  29. 采用网格或WEBService的形式,使得用户可以同其他用户分享他们的三维渲染硬件资源。

    One can search to discover the hardware resources that make use of to rendering mission form the distributed rendering Web Service , share their hardware resources .

  30. 针对改进后心电信号压缩算法的实现,本文设计了基于FPGA的心电信号采集及压缩处理系统的硬件电路。

    The hardware circuit includes analog acquisition and real-time compression processing of ECG signals based on FPGA .