
  • 网络Hard scale;Ganoid scale
  1. 长着大头和硬鳞的大型深色石斑鱼。

    Large dark grouper with a thick head and rough scales .

  2. 记甘肃明水侏罗纪两类新的硬鳞鱼

    New Jurassic ganoid fishes from northwestern Gansu , China

  3. 鲟鱼和长嘴鱼都是硬鳞鱼。

    Fishskin disease Sturgeons and gars are ganoid .

  4. 类似鲨鱼之类的板状硬鳞。

    As the hard flattened scales of e.g.sharks .

  5. 美洲沿海热带水域中长有大眼睛和硬鳞的红色鱼。

    Red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales .

  6. 北美洲原始的食肉性鱼,体表有硬鳞,长嘴,牙齿呈针状。

    Primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth .

  7. 陆龟的背甲高而呈圆盖形;后肢粗大,形如象腿;前肢覆以硬鳞。第一对腿上有大钳子的大型可食用海生甲壳动物。

    " Tortoises have a high , domed shell , heavy elephant-like hind legs , and hard-scaled forelegs . " large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs .

  8. 箱鲀,又称硬鳞鱼或角鱼,为人熟悉的除了它别具特色的方形身体外,还有它呈六边形生长,覆盖几乎整个身体的鱼骨,帮助它抵御捕食者。

    Boxfish , also known as trunkfish or cowfish , are known for their distinctive boxy profiles and for the bonelike , six-sided plates that cover much of their bodies and protect them from predators .