
liú xiàn xíng
  • streamline;fairness;hydraulic form
流线型 [liú xiàn xíng]
  • [streamlined] 前圆后尖,像开始滴落的水那样的形状。具有这种形状的物体,在流体中运动时所受阻力最小

  • 也许水里的动植物没有不带着些流线型的特点的

流线型[liú xiàn xíng]
  1. 列车流线型外形三维参数化CAD系统

    3-D parametric CAD system of locomotive with streamline surface

  2. 首先,利用CAD技术设计了具有流线型头形的列车模型A、模型B以及钝头型模型C。

    Firstly , model A and B which with streamline head shape together with model C with blunt head are designed by CAD technology .

  3. 这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。

    The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package .

  4. 索菲娅舒舒服服地坐到了自己流线型的座位上。

    Sophia settled into her comfortably contoured seat .

  5. 该机器的精妙之处在于其构架呈流线型。

    The secret of the machine lies in the aerodynamic shape of the frame .

  6. 探测器安装在流线型圆柱形容器内。

    The detector is housed in a streamlined cylindrical container .

  7. 这种新型泳衣穿起来就像紧身胸衣,可使穿着者身形光滑,更具流线型。

    As tight as a corset , the new speed suits make the wearer sleeker and more streamlined .

  8. 流线型挤压模曲面的构造及其CAD/CAM

    Surface construction and CAD / CAM of streamlined extrusion die

  9. 叶轮式人工心脏血泵流线型叶片的CAD与CAM

    The cad / cam of streamlined blades of impeller blood pump in artifical heart

  10. 基于角色的记录类型让用户经历更流线型的CM过程。

    Role-based record types enable users to follow a more streamlined CM process .

  11. 通过调整张力参数以准确拟合带有直线段的型材截面。据此开发了流线型挤压模的CAD/CAM系统。

    CAD / CAM system of the streamlined extrusion die is developed based on this die surface model .

  12. 这种v形鼻状保护装置有助于形成流线型的流体,从而保护叠层阀瓣密封的上游周边。

    The V-shaped nose guard helps to streamline the flow and protects the upstream circumference of the laminated disc-seal .

  13. 计算中应用Bézier曲线对翼型形状进行参数化,避免了非流线型的不合理形状产生;

    The shapes of airfoil are parameterized by B é zier spline to avoid the generation of non aerodynamic airfoil .

  14. 为了创建一个流线型的SOA集合进程,服务不得不模仿关键的功能,得到统一定义,并且已经可以使用。

    To establish a streamlined SOA assembly process , services have to mimic key business functions , be uniformly defined , and be readily available .

  15. 但是IBM长远目标是继续探索,帮助IT组织将他们的过程实现流线型,创建敏捷的工作环境,并增加可计量的业务价值。

    But IBM 's long-term goal is to continue exploring ways to help IT organizations streamline their processes , create agile work environments , and add quantifiable business value .

  16. iPhone7的流线型设计与最近两年的设计几乎没有什么区别——除了新的亮黑色镜面外观。

    The streamlined design of the iPhone 7 made few departures from the last two years " models apart from a new shiny black finish .

  17. 在CAE系统中,可以实现流线型流道的参数化造型和有限元模拟,并根据数值模拟结果对共挤出流道结构进行优化设计。

    In the CAD / CAE compositive system , the designers can get parameterized structure of die structure , and optimize the flow path according to the numerical simulation results .

  18. 基于NURBS曲面构造流线型凹模型腔,用大变形刚塑性有限元数值模拟软件对圆柱直齿轮挤压过程进行了模拟。

    This paper constructs a streamline die cavity based on NURBS and simulates the extrusion process of spur gear in an application , in which large deformation rigid-plastic FEM is adopted .

  19. 共同创始人洪沙伦(SharonHung)和克里斯四郎•格林(ChrisYoshiroGreen)从日本进口制作精美的产品,宣传日本以其流线型的美学和缺乏装饰而闻名的设计。

    Co-founders Sharon Hung and Chris Yoshiro Green import exquisitely crafted products from Japan , propagating the streamlined aesthetic and lack of embellishment for which Japanese design is famous .

  20. 结果高脂组冠脉ECs排列不规则、大量脱落、斑块形成,反搏组ECs呈流线型排列、脱落程度显著减轻;

    Results The ECs of hypercholesteremia pigs showed irregular arrangement with obvious desquamation of coronary ECs and formation of atherosclerotic plaque , and these lesions were milder in EECP-treated pigs .

  21. 自重型非关节式流线型机车带流线型外壳的重型摩托车(1000cc)

    Non articulated streamline train of light weight Heavy motorcycle with fairing ( 1000cc )

  22. 运行时速达到300km,这辆流线型的电车把中国最重要的两个城市的交通时间缩短了将近一半,降至4小时48分钟。

    Running at speeds of over 300km an hour , the sleek electric train cuts the travel time between China 's two most important cities by nearly half , to four hours and 48 minutes .

  23. 谷歌去年以32亿美元的价格收购了流线型智能恒温器制造商NestLabs公司,这不仅对这家专注于家居用品的公司来说是一笔巨大的资金,对谷歌来说也是有史以来第二昂贵的收购项目。

    Last year , Nest Labs , maker of the sleekly styled smart thermostat , was purchased by Google for $ 3.2 billion . This was not just a staggering amount of money for a company that specializes in household objects ; it was Google 's second most expensive acquisition ever .

  24. 键盘同时还有供暗处工作使用的背景灯,同时具有防溅功能,并舍弃了一些极少使用的键,如系统请求键(SysRq),以此创造更为流线型的外观。

    The keyboard also has a backlight for working in the dark , is spill resistant and jettisoned some rarely used keys like SysRq for a more streamlined look .

  25. PaperBoat使用时尚的流线型一次性按压式软袋包装,从印度北部的aampaana和jaljeera(茴香水),到印度东南沿海地区流行的kokum(野山竹汁),共有10种口味可供选择。

    Sold in sleek , single-serving flexible packaging - squashy bottles - Paper Boat drinks are available in 10 varieties - from the aam paana and jal jeera ( cumin water ) of north India , to the kokum , or wild mangosteen juice , popular in the southwestern coastal region .

  26. 上周四,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司提供了这款迷人的意大利产双座汽车的几辆样车,供外界在密歇根州切尔西的汽车试验场进行试驾。除了例行公事的吹毛求疵之外,汽车业记者们纷纷被4C的性能,尤其是它流线型的低车身外观所折服。

    On Thursday , several copies of the sexy Italian two-seater were available for test laps at FCA 's proving grounds in Chelsea , Mich. Aside from routine nitpicking , automotive journalists registered respect , if not awe , at the 4C 's performance and especially its low-slung , curvy exterior .

  27. Dorsey并没有明确表示精简后的公司的明确目标是什么,但是他提到,公司的行政组正在研究twitter,Vine和Periscope的“流线型路线图”,这将会使得他们专注于具有重大影响的体验。

    Dorsey did not say exactly what the leaner company 's new priorities will be , but he mentioned that the firm 's executive team is working on a " streamlined roadmap " for Twitter , Vine and Periscope that will focus on " the experiences which will have the greatest impact . "

  28. 提出了一种基于自由曲面的流线型结构特征造型方法,并将其应用于200kmh电动车组先锋号的流线型结构设计之中。

    A feature modeling method for generating streamlined structure covered with freeform surface is proposed , and successfully applied to the streamlined structure design of 200 ? km ? h electrical train , Pioneer .

  29. 流线型列车头部设计制造一体化方法

    Integrative method of design and manufacture on streamlined head of train

  30. 非流线型航行体超空泡减阻的实验分析和数值模拟

    Experimental analysis and numerical simulated research of the supercavitating body drag