
liú míng
  • lumen;lm
流明 [liú míng]
  • [lumen] 光通量单位,等于一烛光的均匀点光源在单位立体角内发出的光通量

流明[liú míng]
  1. 测量结果表明,荧光粉远离芯片封装结构与传统封装方法相比,能够提高功率型白光LED的流明效率,并且能够降低色温。

    The measurement results showed that structure that the phosphor is isolated from the chip can improve the lumen efficiency of white LEDs , as well as reduce its color temperature .

  2. 流明是光能放射率的量度单位。

    A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy .

  3. 机身正面设有两个摄像头,背面还设有一个一千两百万像素摄像头;另外还集成了15流明亮度DLP投影机。

    It otherwise has dual front cameras , a12-megapixel camera on the back and a15 lumens DLP pico-projector .

  4. 每个相关色温的芯片输出的实际流明;电通量和功率不同于CCT。

    Real lumen output of chip for each correlated color temperature ( CCT ), flux and efficacy vary with ( CCT ) .

  5. 虽然近来LED流明效率在不断提高,仍有约70%的电功率转换为热能,结温和热阻已成为制约LED发展和应用的瓶颈。

    For LEDs , even with the increasing luminous efficiency , there is still more than 70 % of electrical power converted into heat , junction temperature and thermal resistance have become the main bottleneck for its further application .

  6. 全彩色投影仪的对比度为80:1,亮度大于1800流明(ANSI)。钓丝的斜度也比较明显。

    The projector displays the full-color pictures with a contrast ratio of 80:1 and a brightness greater than 1800 ANSI lumens .

  7. 流明效率是否存在极限,LED流明效率与哪些因素有关,流明效率及其相关因素现在和未来的水平如何,投影显示对LED光源灯的期待,这些是本文研讨的主要内容。

    The limit of luminous efficacy , the relative factors influencing LED luminous efficacy , current and future levels of LED luminous efficacy and its relative factors , and the expectation to LED light source for the projection application are the main content discussed in this paper .

  8. 以GaN基功率型发光二极管为核心的半导体照明光源,已经展示了广阔的应用前景,但其流明效率和公认的200lm/W的路线图目标相比还有较大的发展空间。

    Solid state lighting based on gallium nitrides high power light emitting diodes has brought forth a wide application prospect . But there is still a huge gap between the present performance of the solid state lighting source and the roadmap target ( 200 lm / W ) .

  9. 器件的启亮电压为3.2V。最高的流明效率和功率效率分别达到69cd/aand62lm/W,对应于12%的最大功率转换效率和17%的外量子效率。

    The device turn-on voltage is 3.2 V. The maximum luminance efficiency and maximum luminous power efficiency reach 69 cd / A and 62 lm / W , respectively , corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of 17 % .

  10. 在许多情况下,621流明太亮。

    In many situations , 621 lumens is too bright .

  11. 旧制光的亮度单位等于每平方英尺流明。

    A former luminance unit equal to one lumen per square foot .

  12. 结果表明,赤道电急流明显地受到磁层-电离层电动耦合的影响。

    The results indicate significant effect of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling on the equatorial electrojet .

  13. 许多动物进化出了流明系统已经功能性的眼睛。

    Many animals create their own lives with aluminous markings and have functioning eyes .

  14. 照明单位等于每平方米流明;(待查表)英尺烛光。

    A unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square meter ; 0.0929 foot candle .

  15. 对于实际的需求,每瓦需要多少流明?

    What are the delivered lumens per watt ( LPW ) to the actual required application ?

  16. 一种较老的单位是每平方米英尺的流明数,即英寸烛光,这种单位已经废除。

    An older unit , the lumen per square foot , or foot-candle , has become obsolete .

  17. 比较典型卤素光这是1400流明,你会看到这一点。

    Compare this with a typical halogen light which is1400 lumens , and you 'll see the point .

  18. 比如,保持正确的尺寸,形状,颜色,流明度方面的问题就明显非常重要。

    Maintaining the correct size , shape , colour and luminance levels of a graphic is obviously very important .

  19. 最重要的是,该变焦镜头和生态模式的灯,可大大减少流明输出相结合。

    AE4000.The most important is that the combination of the zoom lens and eco-mode lamp can curtail lumen output significantly .

  20. 勒克司:照度的单位。1流明的光通量分布在一平方米的面积上,其照度为1勒克司。参阅照度。

    Lux : The unit of illumination . One lux equals toone lumen of flux over an area of one square metre .

  21. 厘米克秒单位之中的照度等于反射或反射一流明每平方厘米的完全漫反射的亮度。

    A cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter .

  22. 光的量是由一支蜡蠋由一英呎的距离照在一平方英呎的地方做为计量单位:流明。

    The amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface one foot away is called a lumen ( lm ) .

  23. 流明:量度光通量的单位。1流明是由1烛光的点光源在1立体角内所发出的通量。

    Lumen : The unit for measuring luminous flux . One lumen is the flux emitted in one solid angle by a point light source of one candela .

  24. 投影显示技术是将显示器件产生的图像经过光学系统投射到屏幕上产生图像的显示方式,其优点在于屏幕大(可达40到数百英寸)、输出亮度高(最高可达上万流明)、图像分辨率高等。

    The advantages of projection display are large screen ( from 40 to several hundreds inches ), high brightness ( even more than ten thousands lumen ), high contrast and high resolution .

  25. 与常用的电磁式镇流器相比,荧光灯用高频电子镇流器具有相当大的优势:流明系数高、启动电压低、没有人耳可闻的噪声和人眼可见的频闪。

    Solid-state high-frequency electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps offer considerable advantages if compared with the electromagnetic ballasts commonly in use , such as some higher lumen output , lower starting voltage , no audible noise and flicker level .

  26. 如果您发现高灯泡模式过于你的房间,这是很有可能,如果你有良好的光线控制,低灯模式可以帮助减少流明光明输出到一个较合理的水平。

    If you find high lamp mode to be too bright for your room , which is quite likely if you have good light control , low lamp mode can help curtail lumen output to a more reasonable level .

  27. 尼特照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量光的量是由一支蜡蠋由一英呎的距离照在一平方英呎的地方做为计量单位:流明。

    A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter , measured perpendicular to the rays of the source . The amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface one foot away is called a lumen ( lm ) .