
  • 网络Standard Candle
  1. Ia超新星作为测量遥远星系距离(从而测定宇宙膨胀速率)的标准烛光,已经成为具有重要意义的天体。

    Supernovae of Type la ( SNe la ) are becoming more significant objects , which can be used as a standard candle to measure distances to remote galaxies-and hence to determine the expansion rate of the universe .

  2. 其结果表明活动星系核的Gev伽玛辐射可以被用作宇宙标准烛光。

    Our results show that the Gev Gamma-ray emissions of AGNs can be used as cosmological standard candles indeed .

  3. 蓝Ia超新星是迄今天文学家已知的校准得最好的标准烛光,峰值光度弥散仅为0.11mag。

    Blue supernovae of type Ia ( SNe Ia ) are the best calibrated standard candles , the dispersion of the intrinsic peak luminosity approaches to 0 11 mag.

  4. 这种方法的具体做法是找到被称为“标准烛光”的天体,这一类天体的固定亮度是已知的。

    That method involves searching for celestial objects , called " standard candles ", whose intrinsic brightness is known .

  5. 这两种图景之间的差异可能会与超新星被当成“标准烛光”(也就是亮度已知的天体)来测量遥远宇宙距离的方式有关。

    The difference between these two scenarios may have implications for how these supernovae can be used as " standard candles " objects of a known brightness to track vast cosmic distances .