
kǎn dé lā
  • candela ;new candle
坎德拉 [kǎn dé lā]
  • [candela] 发光强度的国际制单位,定义为在标准大气压和铂凝固温度(约1773C)下垂直于黑体的60万分之一平方米的表面上的发光强度

  1. 本文介绍了低温辐射计原理、技术发展现状以及与照明工程中常用量值发光强度(SI基本单位坎德拉)、照度、亮度、光源色等主要量的关系。

    This paper presents the principle of Cryogenic radiometer , current status of development in cryogenic radiometer technique , its relation with the most commonly used quantities in illuminating engineering , such as luminous intensity ( candela , SI base unit ), illuminance , luminance and color of source .

  2. GB/T5114-1985阿熙提与坎德拉每平方米的相互换算表

    Apostilb and Candela per square metre conversion tables

  3. 复现坎德拉的测试方法研究

    Research on measuring method for candela reappearance

  4. 烛光用坎德拉表示的光强度单位坎德拉是辉度的量度单位。

    Luminous intensity expressed in candelas . A candle is a measure of the brilliance of a light .

  5. 白宫平和而及时地拒绝了要求解雇坎德拉的提议,他是在奥巴马的极力推荐下被任命的。

    The White House has steadfastly refused to rule out firing Caldera , whom Obama appointed with a glowing recommendation .

  6. 介绍一种利用低温辐射计算复现坎德拉的新方法,并把它与电校准绝对辐射计法进行了比较。

    A new method , which reappears candela with cryogenic radiometer and makes comparison with the method of electric calibrated absolute radiometer , is introduced .

  7. 该方法用低温辐射计测出滤光辐射计的绝对光谱响应,从而使坎德拉的复现成为可能。

    The new method is that the absolute spectral response of filter radiometer is measured with cryogenic radiometer , so that makes it possible to reappear candela .

  8. 坎德拉是辉度的量度单位。一个发光体的辉度,当然因方向不同而异。

    A candle is a measure of the brilliance of a light . The brilliance of a luminous object may , of course , be different in different directions .