
  • 网络Standard Model
  1. 基本粒子物理的主要任务是在短距离标度下寻找物理规律,在过去的几十年中,标准模型理论是描述基本粒子及其之间相互作用的一个成功的理论。

    The main objective of the elementary particle physics is to find the physical laws at short scale . On the past several decades , the standard model ( SM ) which describes the elementary particles and their interactions , has gain enormous success .

  2. 国内外对格和信念这两个因素进行过大量研究,并提出了一些理论解释,其中最有影响力的是标准心理模型理论及其变型。

    A lot of researches have been on this two factors at home and abroad . Researchers have put forward some theories to explain , some of most influential theories are standard mental model theory and the variant .

  3. 对真实经济周期理论进行综述和评析,介绍了标准RBC模型的理论框架、实证检验、特点以及RBC研究的深化和发展。

    RBC model as the theory structure , the experimental test and new directions was summarized and reviewed in this paper .

  4. 理论的标准模型是物理理论向现象的预言的实现。

    The standard model is the realization of the theory ?

  5. 心理模型理论不能完全解释本研究得出的一些结果,但是相比于标准的心理模型理论和选择性加工模型,实验更支持元认知不确定性模型。

    The Mental Model theory cannot explain some results in this study , but compared with the standard Mental Model theory and Selectivity Processing Model experiment , more results support Meta-cognitive Uncertainty Model .

  6. 许多超出标准模型的新物理理论预言了非普适规范玻色子Z′的存在,这种新粒子可在高能对撞机实验中产生可观测的物理迹象。

    Many new physics theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of the non-universal gauge boson Z ′, which can produce characteristic signatures at the present or future collider experiments .