
yìnɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • hard advertisement
  1. 而对于硬广告,企业的认同度不高。

    As for hardware advertising , corporate recognition is not high .

  2. 因此,企业对于硬广告的效果往往心存疑虑。

    Therefore , enterprises , the effect of the ads are often hard doubt .

  3. 最后,在资金允许的情况之下可以投放硬广告。

    Finally , good advertisement can put in under the condition that allows in capital .

  4. 网络跟电视相比较,硬广告有很多优势。

    The network is compared with TV appearance , good advertisement has a lot of advantages .

  5. 但是我们的客户做着做着就会变成了硬广告跟策划相结合。

    But our client is being done doing can become good advertisement to follow concoctive photograph couple .

  6. 一定会从电视上挪很多硬广告到网络上来。

    Regular meeting from the move on TV a lot of good advertisement come up to the network .

  7. 随着医疗广告管理的逐步规范化,硬广告越来越难适应医疗市场的发展。

    Dominant-advertisement had difficulty in accommodating to the development of medical market with the standard management of medical advertisement .

  8. 相比插播在片头的硬广告,置入式传播运用隐蔽性的广告形式,在影片使用的道具中融入相关的产品,可以规避掉人们对广告的抵触心理。

    Compared with the general advertising , interval communication takes the hidden form , put related products into props which was used in films , could avoid the audiences resistance .

  9. 商品的推介已由传统的硬推销发展为广告叙事;在世俗化的现代社会,它又演变成各种成功人士、明星叙事,其精神光芒早已无存。

    The promotion of commodities has changed from the traditional hard promotion to advertisement narration . In the mundane world of modern time , advertisement narration has evolved into various successful figures but at the same time it has lost all its brilliance .